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Change of life and preg. test?

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So, I'm 47 and have had regular visits from my aunt since I was 11. She's now 12 days late. 3 tests say there is nothing there but many symptoms say otherwise. Could this be the change of life instead? Would my aunt just stop so suddenly and give me "little one" symptoms?


I see the dr. Thurs. Have any of you heard of this before? It's just not the change symptoms I've heard about.


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Well, I am 32 and I have not done my research on "the change of life", so I can't help you there. But, with my last dd, my "aunt" was late so I took a pregnancy test and it was negative.


I waited 3-4 days and took another test, negative.

I waited 3-4 more days and took another test, negative.

I waited 5 more days and took another test, negative.


Went to the doctor a week later and guess what? My baby girl is 19 months old now!!! I ask the doctor, "Why in the world did I get all those negative pregnancy tests?". She tells me, "I don't know." :glare: She goes on to say maybe I had a delayed ovulation this cycle. The world may never know! :D


Anyway, we are thankful for our sweet baby girl!

Hope things work out well for you!


** Maybe this will give you a bump and someone else will have some better help.

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IrresistibleGrace -


Thank you for responding. Maybe this is what is happening to me too. A friend irl said that she always shows negative until about 10 weeks into it. It's weird.


Congratulations on your beautiful little girl. And, thanks for your help.


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"Little One" symptoms? Such as nausea, bloating, back pain, moodiness? I had that when younger than 47, and kept taking preg. tests. All negative. Aunt showed up late with a very dramatic entrance: pain, cramps, clotting, heavy flow. I was always hoping for one more little one too but was always having Aunt show up late with same symptoms.

You are funny to call it your aunt.:lol:I liked all of my aunts.:tongue_smilie:

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More symptoms like unusual fatigue, lower ab. tightness, bOOk point tenderness, lightheadedness and one symptom which will remain unsaid. I also had a sudden weight jump, which always happens when I test positive.


But, your point is well taken though. At my age, it very well be just late or even absent. So, some or all of these symptoms could be age related and not the other? Interesting to know. Annoying but interesting.


I appreciate your help!


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Hey Denise- I'm younger than you so not going through this myself but I know that my mom complained of very similar symptoms when she was in peri-menopause, the 5 or more years leading up to menopause. I guess it could be all the hormones jumping up and down causing the symptoms.


We're actually ttc and it's very common for me to get some of my personal classic pregnancy symptoms- nausea, super tender breasts, some fatigue.. right before my period which is caused by the fluctuation of hormones, then sadly, AF shows up... so this would be similar- yes?

Edited by HomeschoolingMy4
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Yes, that is very similar to what I'm experiencing. I think it is more likely to be hormone fluctuations than pregnancy. It seems so late in life, though I know it can happen even in your 50's.


Honestly, I don't know how I will feel if I am pregnant. I also don't know how I'll feel if I'm not. I'm just sort of in a bit of a daze wondering what is going on. I'll find out for certain on Thursday.


Thank you all for helping me with this. It's nice to have support.


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I had sudden menopause a few months back (brought on by chemotherapy), and some of the changes were somewhat similar to pregnancy. I did not have the specific ones you mentioned, but when I realized AF was late I instantly "felt" pregnant. I happened to have a test under the bathroom sink (we had 5 kids in the previous 8 years) and it was negative. Then the full weight of realizing it was menopause hit me like a ton of bricks. It was not something I was planning to face at 33 - hot flashes, fatigue, irritability, skin changes, other (very personal!) changes. As a bonus, my mom and step-mom are going through "the change" at 51 & 53. We had a nice bonding experience together! :lol: :lol:


HOWEVER -- pregnancy IS a possibility at 47! :D It's definitely good that you are having everything checked out. Be sure to mention ALL of your symptoms and changes to your doctor, it could be something else entirely. I will be thinking of you, please keep me updated.

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