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Okay California girls where are you? (and boys too)

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  • 2 months later...
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I haven't looked through all the pages yet but we are now in San Jose. Just getting settled and starting to figure out where things are and looking for fun things to get the kids involved in. First step: figure out where the parks are - actually that would be second, we found the libraries and are enjoying those!


Hope you found the Santa Clara library on Homestead...it's better than all of the San Jose ones put together, and you can get a library card there even if you are not a Santa Clara resident.

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Hope you found the Santa Clara library on Homestead...it's better than all of the San Jose ones put together, and you can get a library card there even if you are not a Santa Clara resident.


Off to check that out right now! I had no idea I could use the Santa Clara library - I can't use the Milpitas library as it's a Santa Clara County library so I never checked further.

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Anyone close to Northern California going to attend the HSC conference in Sacramento in August?


here's the link




I think I might try and go, it would be a nice way to kick off the school year. I wish I could take the girls but $100 each, that's pretty pricey.




That's so expensive! I'm only two hours from Sac and would love to go, but paying $100 for a one day pass seems excessive to me. :001_huh:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mumwords

I'm in the Redlands area and have three kids, ages 4, 7, and 9. We would enjoy getting to know some other homeschoolers nearby.

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My oldest is a daughter, about to turn 5. She is currently enrolled to start in the public school in fall for kindergarten - I'm so afraid to "pull the trigger" and officially be a HSer. No one I know homeschools!! I really want to keep her home, for a variety of reasons, but I don't know, I just don't know...


My husband is no help whatsoever - he just says "do what you think is best." He has, however, agreed to take me to the convention this month in Long Beach so I can learn more.


Of course, I already know the outcome. How can you look at all the great curriculum resources out there and NOT want to share that with your kids?


We've been looking for a park day type homeschooling meetup and I haven't found anything really. Several co-ops but nothing casual.

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My oldest is a daughter, about to turn 5. She is currently enrolled to start in the public school in fall for kindergarten - I'm so afraid to "pull the trigger" and officially be a HSer. No one I know homeschools!! I really want to keep her home, for a variety of reasons, but I don't know, I just don't know...


My husband is no help whatsoever - he just says "do what you think is best." He has, however, oy to take me to the convention this month in Long Beach so I can learn more.


Of course, I already know the outcome. How can you look at all the great curriculum resources out there and NOT want to share that with your kids?


We've been looking for a park day type homeschooling meetup and I haven't found anything really. Several co-ops but nothing casual.


Where are you located?

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I'm not sure how active this group is, because you have to join the group to see any activity, but it's worth a try maybe. I found a couple wonderful groups through meetup.com for our area.




Group Description:


This is a group for homeschooling families with kids between the ages of 3-8. The group is not intended to be academic; it's so that kids can socialize, make new friends and learn just by being together, and so that parents can get a little support from other homeschooling families. But it's mostly for having fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest mom2k&c

We are getting ready to list our home in northern Colorado. We hope to be moved to Bakersfield by the time school starts up in the fall. I grew up in Bakersfield and will be going back home after being away for 13 years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just realized I never posted here, I'm in Riverside county, close to the OC border kwim?

Anyone know of any groups in the area? We tried one, but it was not very welcoming online or in person, and mainly older kids (12+) it seemed at the one event we went to.

Anyone in the area can PM me!

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  • 6 months later...

We are moving to Corona, CA (far east LA area, next to Orange County) next week.  Any WTM or classical minded folks in the area?



13 ds

11 dd

7 ds

5 dd

Hi! I'm in Corona. (Kind of new here, 1 year)! I haven't found many classical schoolers here. Some in OC maybe. Many here are either virtual or more "schooly" (does that make sense? by that I mean, they kind of use the same curriculum as PSs) or unschoolers.

I didn't have a car for the 1st 9 months here, so haven't had a chance to explore much, but there are some neat filed trip opportunities around. (I made a word doc of local attractions, including LA area, for DH and I to look over and plan with, let me know if you want a copy, or anyone in the OC/IE/LA area).

I'm not a fan of driving to OC on weekdays due to traffic though LOL!!! I'm working on trying to find things local.

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Yes! I would love to see a word Doc of local opportunities in the Corona area.


Do you consider yourself a private school then?


I've always just followed the WTM and taught most things myself. but I was intrigued by the "options" in CA. Moving from MI, and recently TX, I have yet to declare how our school will work this year. I was trying to find out what sort of classical options there might be, as I noticed what you mentioned about the many " traditional schooling" classes offered.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes! I would love to see a word Doc of local opportunities in the Corona area.


Do you consider yourself a private school then?


I've always just followed the WTM and taught most things myself. but I was intrigued by the "options" in CA. Moving from MI, and recently TX, I have yet to declare how our school will work this year. I was trying to find out what sort of classical options there might be, as I noticed what you mentioned about the many " traditional schooling" classes offered.

Sorry, I JUST saw this LOL!

I will try to post up the doc I made, others in So Cal might want it. It covers from LA area to Riverside county. Not EVERYTHING is on there, I left off some of the obvious ones and was going for low cost/unique. (OK, can't load, too big, so PM me your email anyone who wants it)


I do file a PSA (Private school affidavit). I have a teacher ID and school name. (I did this b/c in at least one city near where I lived and shopped often , there is a truancy law and I heard of some homeschoolers that were stopped and asked about why their obviously school age children were out during local district school hours. She showed a school staff ID and stated "private school, different schedule" and everyone went on with their day. Here in CA there is nothing techinally on the book called "homeschooling", some uninformed officials might make a fuss iykwim.)


I have had friends who were not happy with the PS try some of the virtual options and all of them dropped as it was a lot of "busy work" and they felt like they weren't getting enough help to make it worth it. Some returned to filing like me and a few opted to go back to PS.


I have not tried a charter (the ones where they give you materials and you teach, they are public not private). I've been tempted just because of the $ of HSing 4, but the requirements (testing, papers, meetings, etc) just don't work for us right now and anyways they wouldn't help with the expense of the youngest 2 till they were 6 (they don't meet the cut off to start KG when they will be 5). And to get them ready for that testing/papers etc, I would have to do more "school at home" type work.

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We're in the Sacramento area (25 minutes north).


Hot Lava Mama - we did a tour of the Folsom Dam last year - EXCELLENT!!


OK, Sacto area folks, where are you all meeting for park dates? I'm not finding any Classical homeschoolers in my area. I want to talk curriculum!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey California Girls...A friend just moved from Maryland to California, public school kind of people, and she is really disappointed in the public school system in their new community. I think she is outside of San Jose, but I might be wrong. Anyway, she knows I home school and I didn't respond to her yet about this but she is asking on facebook about home schooling her two kids, 12 and 9. She is a well-educated lady.

When looking at the law of any state it can sometimes look very intimidating! Can any of you nice ladies there tell me how you comply with home school law in California? I want to give her something to read, or a connection. BTW, I'm in TX.

Anyone? Thanks!

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Hey California Girls...A friend just moved from Maryland to California, public school kind of people, and she is really disappointed in the public school system in their new community. I think she is outside of San Jose, but I might be wrong. Anyway, she knows I home school and I didn't respond to her yet about this but she is asking on facebook about home schooling her two kids, 12 and 9. She is a well-educated lady.

When looking at the law of any state it can sometimes look very intimidating! Can any of you nice ladies there tell me how you comply with home school law in California? I want to give her something to read, or a connection. BTW, I'm in TX.

Anyone? Thanks!


Hi there. Homeschool law is very generous in California. Does she want to go out completely on her own or homeschool via a charter? We started with a charter and it was very simple and fast to make the switch. I can give more details if she's interested in that. If she wants to go out on her own, California just requires a letter once a year stating that you are homeschooling. I think they do it in October. No testing is required. Since that period has already passed, I think that she can just withdraw from the school and state that she is homeschooling and carry on until next October. 

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