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Is SOTW 3 suitable for a 1st and 2nd grader?


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I will have a 6 and 7 year old, both not reading well yet. Their older two sisters are doing Explorers - 1815 with VP self-paced online next year.


However, i want to keep them on the same history time period. I was thinking about purchasing SOTW 3 to do with them next year since it covers about the same time period in history.


My question is more about the activity pages. Would they be able to use the activity pages for the SOTW 3? I have not seen any of these activity pages so I am clueless and I have no way to get my hands on them to check them out since we live in China.


Thanks for your help! :001_smile:

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I have always just folded my boys into history, so I've had younger kids doing SOTW 3 & 4. We've never done the hands on projects in the activity guide, but we've always done the coloring pages SOTW 1-3 (and we'll do them for 4 next year since they're now available). For me, it's been easiest and most enjoyable to just keep them in the same time period.

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We've done 3 with my son (2nd this year). We're not finished yet and my dd 5 listened in. I think it's fine! There are SO many good books to supplement with it from the AG and look at Guest Hollow's site to beef up some of the American History sections, if that's your thing! We've done great and I am doing 4 with them when we finish. We are a history loving family though!

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Thanks you guys! That is all encouraging to me. I do really want to keep them all together in the same time period because we like having family discussions. We are definitely a history loving family too!


I am excited to hear that they have coloring sheets for SOTW 3 and that others have had their younger children go through it too. Those coloring sheets are a great plus. My kids love coloring and drawing what they learn in history.

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