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Which is healthier for a diabetic?

Which is healthier for diabetic?  

  1. 1. Which is healthier for diabetic?

    • diet Coke
    • strawberries

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If the diabetic is not insulin dependent then the diet coke would be a better choice for not raising BG.


For a type 1 diabetic, strawberries would be the wiser choice, as they are nutritionally better than a diet coke and you would simply treat for the carb intake with insulin.

Edited by Gooblink
grammar typo
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Without any other info on this person's diet or nutrition, which would be healthier for a diabetic to choose: a can of diet Coke or a pint of fresh organic strawberries?

For my DH, who is Type 1 diabetic, it wouldn't really make a difference. He would have to give insulin for the strawberries, but I would still say they are healthier because they have more nutrients overall.


I know a Type 1 diabetic who can't drink Diet Drinks because they spike his bg more than a regular coke would. Crazy, but true. He just sticks mostly to water. My DH can drink diet drinks with no problems whatsoever.


I have no idea for a Type 2 diabetic who is trying control just through food. I would still say strawberries are healthier for them, but they may not be better for bg levels. So, it really depends on what type of healthier is meant.

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The items you've excluded are essential to making a choice, IMO. A pint of strawberries is a lot, though; I'd consider a half pint to be a generous serving. Also, every diabetic processes foods differently, but in general I'd say that regardless of whether a person is insulin dependent or not, organic strawberries have the advantage over sodas of any type. Strawberries have vitamins, minerals, fiber, and aesthetic appeal. My son (insulin dependent) can eat a moderate serving of berries without seeing a b.g. spike and he considers a serving of a half pint or less to be satisfying. One of the big downsides to diet soda in my experience is that the satisfaction they give is over as soon as the container is drained.


Disclaimer: I don't buy or consume anything containing artificial sweeteners and limit natural sweeteners for everyone in the household. We don't eat a typical diet which causes some friction with several family members--especially those with Type 2 who crave sweets and have different concepts about appropriate serving sizes. ;)

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Okay, I guess I should have made a distinction about type of diabetes. Let's say it's a person with Type 2, who eats a fairly unhealthy diet and has been put on Metformin.


Also, the diet Coke is caffeinated, so doesn't really help in the hydration department.


They are saying now that even caffeinated beverages count towards your daily liquid intake. I don't buy it, but I'm not the "expert", am I? :tongue_smilie:

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Well I know you want us to say the strawberries (at least that is how it feels...LOL), but I'm telling you for some people it would mess with their blood sugar. You can still get hydrated even with caffeine. How can it be that all that water isn't going somewhere? Where is it going?


Strawberries would be WAY better than a regular soda. How's that? ;)


Well, all I know is that on the sheet of diet recommendations that the nutritionist gave my dh, fresh fruits and vegetables were highly recommended and diet Coke was not anywhere on the sheet.

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artificial sweeteners can cause blood sugar spikes. My daddy, who controlled his with diet, developed aspartame poisoning. After that we considered sweeteners to be really bad things. So I wouldn't recommend diet coke over strawberries. But honestly, if he's trying to control his diabetes with diet, I would go for veggies and less sweet fruits daily and save sweeter fruits for treats.

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Well, all I know is that on the sheet of diet recommendations that the nutritionist gave my dh, fresh fruits and vegetables were highly recommended and diet Coke was not anywhere on the sheet.


And I'm guessing you offered these yummy organic strawberries to him and he turned you down and drank a Diet Coke instead. And because forum rules prevent us from husband bashing you were careful in how you worded it. Okay, I'll say it for you - you were right and he was daft. :lol:


But a whole pint at once might be a lot of fructose. I agree that half of that might be a better portion and after a regular meal so the sugar is absorbed over time instead of all at once.

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They are saying now that even caffeinated beverages count towards your daily liquid intake. I don't buy it, but I'm not the "expert", am I? :tongue_smilie:

Honestly if caffeinated beverages don't count, I'd have died of dehydration years ago.

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And I'm guessing you offered these yummy organic strawberries to him and he turned you down and drank a Diet Coke instead. And because forum rules prevent us from husband bashing you were careful in how you worded it. Okay' date=' I'll say it for you - you were right and he was daft. :lol:


But a whole pint at once might be a lot of fructose. I agree that half of that might be a better portion and after a regular meal so the sugar is absorbed over time instead of all at once.[/quote']



:lol: It's actually a friend of dh who chose the diet Coke over the strawberries. Dh doesn't drink pop of any kind. But, dh takes diabetes advice from this guy (who is extremely overweight), over the advice from his nutritionist.

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For this type 2 diabetic it would be the strawberries. I am one of the blessed ones who can eat fruit all day long! I do try to pair it with some protein.

I actually loose more weight when I have a serving of fruit with every meal and one for a snack.


Boy, I wish I was! I have Type 2 diabetes and grapes, strawberries, and carrots are the absolute worst for me. I can get a 75 point spike off of a (small) serving of strawberries, so I avoid them unless I can pair them with fat and protein.


So - yep - I voted for the diet coke. I keep my bg under control thru diet and drugs but not insulin yet. I eat plenty of fresh veggies and some fruits (apples aren't too bad, bananas are fine for me), but I choose to enjoy the occasional Diet Coke as a treat.


Oh...and I drink lots of coffee and haven't died of dehydration yet....

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I have gestational diabetes and I didn't vote because my choice would be "neither". I think artificial sweeteners are very unhealthful so I wouldn't drink the diet Coke but a pint of strawberries is a lot and would most likely cause my blood sugars to spike. A few strawberries would probably be okay.


Susan in TX

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And FWIW my mother was on a diabetic diet given to her by a dietician. This was years ago so maybe things have changed, but even with following the diet strictly she was NEVER able to control her blood sugar. The diet contained way too many carbs. Yeah sure, it was low in sugar, but it still was carby. Carbs can reek as much havoc. When she tried a lower carb diet she controlled her sugar to the point she didn't need drugs anymore.


I really don't know that the dieticians quite have it figured out.


My dad followed a diet along the lines of sugar busters and did well with it. Dh is type 1, so he's different, but the dietitian put him on a carb counting diet. He could have anything he wanted so long as he didn't go over his carb allowance for each meal/snack. He does well with it when he's willing to do it.

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And FWIW my mother was on a diabetic diet given to her by a dietician. This was years ago so maybe things have changed, but even with following the diet strictly she was NEVER able to control her blood sugar. The diet contained way too many carbs. Yeah sure, it was low in sugar, but it still was carby. Carbs can reek as much havoc. When she tried a lower carb diet she controlled her sugar to the point she didn't need drugs anymore.


I really don't know that the dieticians quite have it figured out.


I'm pretty happy with what my dh's nutritionist has on the list. She encourages small portions of whole grain carbs, lean proteins, fresh fruits and veggies.


My husband is extremely picky, and if left to his own devices would eat nothing but cold cuts on processed rye bread and an occasional steak or 5 with some lamb chops thrown in. For snack, he could polish off a box of Ritz Crackers.


I wouldn't really serve my dh a whole pint of strawberries at once, but I'm trying to get him to realize that if he improved his diet over all, he wouldn't need to be on medication for diabetes. For my own health, and the health of the kids, I've done away with processed foods, and have been making mostly plant-based meals. Dh is not happy with this. He brought me home this comic-


And for all you smarty pants who haven't died of dehydration from caffeinated drinks, yet- You do get liquids in your foods, so you wouldn't die! :tongue_smilie::D

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My son's nutritionist was always careful to say that she was giving general guidelines because people do process foods very differently as the range of responses indicates. Her advice was to do a lot of post-meal testing just after ds was diagnosed, and after any major changes to his treatment, to find out what foods work and which ones cause problems. Even if the friend offering advice is exceptionally fit and has his b.g. well-controlled, what works for him might do the opposite for your dh.


My father has type 2, and for him the biggest challenge was learning portion control and making his favorite ice cream an occasional treat instead of a dietary staple.


ETA: I downloaded a free Kindle book yesterday called The Forever Young Diet or something close to that. I think there's a diet plan in there, but the first chapters are about developing a healthier lifestyle. It seems to have some good reviews from men and women who say their husbands like the book. I just started reading it this morning, so it's too early for me to offer a review. BTW, the authors do recommend keeping unprocessed, lean meats in the diet. They also present some interesting stats on vegetarian diets.

Edited by Martha in NM
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:lol: It's actually a friend of dh who chose the diet Coke over the strawberries. Dh doesn't drink pop of any kind. But, dh takes diabetes advice from this guy (who is extremely overweight), over the advice from his nutritionist.


This is worse than I thought. :svengo: It's the daft leading the daft. :lol:


Is his nutritionist a woman? He might do better listening to a male nutritionist. I don't know what it is, but "most" men seem to listen better to other men.

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Diet coke is not healthy in any way! And while strawberries have a vitamin content, a serving is 4-6 berries, not a pint.


For the record, I have never stopped at 4-6 berries when I wasn't diabetic. :lol:


As for dealing with diabetic husbands. It seems there are many people who would rather be on pills than change their diet and there isn't much you can do about it. :(




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I'm a type 2 diabetic. I would say the strawberries are better. Berries tend not to spike blood sugar like other fruits. I can eat strawberries, but not much else. They are nutritionally sound.


IMO diet sodas aren't "healthy" at all, in any way, for anyone. The caffiene (and maybe other things in there) mess up my blood sugar more than most other foods. Alas, they are my vice. I'm enjoying one right now.

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I would say that the strawberries are healthier for human beings. Period. Though in the case of a diabetic, I would strongly advise limiting to a cup and eating them with some full-fat, unsweetened cream, sour cream, creme fraiche, or ricotta cheese.


Artificial sweeteners and caffeine both affect blood sugar and insulin levels. So just because diet coke doesn't have calories, that doesn't mean it's a freebie. You still pay a price.


A cup of coffee (unsweetened), a serving of rice, a zero-calorie sweetened beverage, and a candy bar all affect me exactly the same way: a rush followed by a shaking, sweating, brain-fog CRASH. I'm not diabetic, but I do have a family history, and I have to be very careful about what I eat.

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