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Simply Drawing


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Has anyone used this at all ? I've been looking at this and was wondering if this is worth the money ?

Its geared for K-4th grade and I think would be a great program to use with 3 of my daughters this year .

I want to find something that will at least teach my 8 and 10 year old how to draw. They love to draw and I would love to refine that . It would be nice to mix my Kindergartner with them too .


Would love a review . If not this program , can anyone else recommend something I can use with a 10,8 , and 5yr old together ?

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I would get an old copy (or the new one-- might be even better, the old one certainly inexpensive) of Drawing on the Right side of the brain.


It is an excellent way to draw--then just get some really big pads of newsprint and a few pencils and draw. The key is having a lot of cheap paper available all the time, and then just set aside some time every week to do the exercises (or every day). They are really effective at teaching you to draw, even though I don't really believe in all the popularized right/left brain stuff, this book is a good text for learning to draw...


You will have to adapt it a bit for the youngers, but I could see using many of the exercises (perhaps broken into smaller chunks) for even very young children.

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