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Could you post what your plans are for 3rd grade?


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Ds will be Gr. 3 in the fall. His latest line is "School is Cruel"--it doesn't matter what we're using, he'd rather play. We're planning:


Singapore Math 3 with CWP, workbook and text. Plus MUS (we have the latter already, and the SM texts already)


SOTW 1 (we start history late)


Easy Grammar (because we already own it and have too much other stuff to buy to buy new grammar.) plus Grammar Songs.




Latin Primer


HWT Cursive


Explode the Code


Copywork for Little Boys

Phonics Pathways as needed plus trade books, etc for reading (which he hates)


I'm probably missing something here as I often do in these types of lists.

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I'm interested to see what everyone has planned (and what I've forgotten:001_rolleyes: )


Thanks so much :D


This is what we did this year:

Saxon 3 math

R&S 3 grammar

WT 1

HWT cursive

ETC-for practice


spelling wisdom-dictation

Prima Latina

SL history-1

Galloping the Globe geography

Apologia Astronomy

Themes to remember music

Guitar lessons

Lots of reading

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I forgot..next year I'm changing it up. Here's our tentative for dd8 (3rd)-

R&S 3 math


Simply spelling

Poetry-Harp and Laurel Wreath (memory and dictation)

HWT cursive

ETC-she likes them

SL history

Apologia science-not sure which one yet

Lively Latin


BF geography through Literature

Thinking on maybe adding in WT or WWE


I'll have to tweak our curriculum a bit so that I don't over lap too much, but I love so many different things I'm taking a little from many!

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Bible: Explorer's Bible Study, Genesis (Discovery level)

Math: Horizons 3

Phonics/Spelling: Finish Explode the Code books 7 & 8, then move on to Simply Spelling

LA: Primary Language Lessons then maybe Writing Tales 1

Poetry Memorization: The Harp and Laurel Wreath, poems selected from The Early Years section

French: Ăƒâ€°coutez, Parlez French Oral Program



History: Tapestry of Grace Year 3 Redesign

Life Science: Human Body, Cells, Viruses/Bacteria and Botany (our own) & Nature Study



Art: Drawing with Children

Music Appreciation: Themes to Remember

Private Piano lessons: 3rd year

Logic: Building Critical Thinking Skills Level 1


Read Alouds to accomplish outside of curricula:

- The Seven Sisters on a Round Ball that Float on Air by Jane Andrews (Geography)

- scientist biographies within history's framework

- one composer biography per quarter (Vivaldi, Beethoven, Bach and Haydn)

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Saxon 3 / Singapore 2A/B

Lively Latin I (2nd half) / Song School Latin (just for fun)


Calvert Spelling 3

CW Aesop A

Copywork/Cursive Handwriting Practice

Logic Countdown

Logic Safari

Great Books Academy - Socratic Discussions 3

Apologia Zoology 1 & 2 (maybe)



History/Geography/Literature/Memory Work/Art/Music/Natural History


(I am pulling together our own curriculum for these subjects. It is more of a CM/waldorf plan. I don't really pull it together "from scratch." I combine parts of different programs into something that works for us.)


Themes for the Year:


Norse Myths/History

Colonial America

State History


Human Body

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Classical Writing Aesop A

Growing with Grammar 3

All About Spelling 2 & 3

HWOT Cursive

Elson Reader 3 & Early Reading Comprehension books

RightStart D

RS4K Chemistry Pre-level 1 w/Super Science Concoctions and

Fizz, Bubble, Flash

SOTW 3 w/History of US and American Stories

Map Skills

Secundus Latin

Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book 2

Primarily Logic

Spanish will be a mix of things I have here

Music will be Classical Kid CDs and the library

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Here is what we will be doing:


Bible - Kay Arthur studies


Math - finishing up MUS Gamma and starting Delta


Latin - Latina Christiana II (She did LCI this year with her brother and did great, so we'll continue on with LCII, but I am fully prepared to slow her down in Latin because she is still very young - 8 in August.)


Language Arts - FLL3, Writing with Ease, Spelling Power


History - SOTW3 with activity guide


Science - Noeo Chemistry - we'll she if she can keep up with it so I can keep her and her brother together, but again, I'll back off if it is too much for her


Arts - Handle on the Arts


Various literature selections for both independent reading and read alouds.

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Saxon Math 3

BJU Science 3

Tapestry of Grace Year 3 Redesigned

Galloping the Globe geography

Shurley Grammar 3

Explode the Code

Wordly Wise Vocabulary

Spelling Power Level C

Abeka handwriting

Piano year 2

Explorers Bible Study

AWANA Bible Club



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Bible: Sonlight Core 2

History/Geo Sonlight

L Arts

Grammar FLL 3/ Evan Moor Daily Lang. Review

Handwriting finish HWT Printing book 2 + cursive success

Phonics/Voc ETC 6-8 MCP Plaid C, Beyond the Code

Spelling - Sequential Spelling 1

Readers Intermed. 2 Sonlight

Science Sonlight 2 + student choice thematic studies

Math Math U See Gamma/Delta

Music piano - level 1 (after primer)

Meet the Composers

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I'm really looking forward to next year.


For LA:


handwriting for a reason




Poetry memorization


Possibly (just possibly) CW Aesop, otherwise we'll continue with narration, dictation and copywork. I have an older child who will start Diogenes in Sept so I know there's no point in rushing CW.


Reading good books and discussing using TTC techniques


All About Spelling 3




Taking a year off TOG (we're Canadian) to do the years 1600 to 1850 on our own. I'm working out the book list. It will be literarture rich with lots of hands-on activities. Right now I have grand plans to integrate music, art, and geography as well.



Probably astronomy using Exploring Creation with Astronomy and Signs and Seasons. We'll do a unit on structures using Arty Facts: Structures. It teaches science through art projects.



Singapore 3B/4A with Math Express (math fact strategies and speed development) and i-Excel (problem solving).



Continue with weekly Italian lessons.

French with Easy French Junior and supplements.



Suzuki violin



Taekwon-do, homeschool gym class, swimming (not all at the same time)

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My rising 3rd grader will be 8 when we start; he is my third dc, and has been the child that has taught me the most so far....mainly how to say "no" and mean it the first time. :)


I've been so focused on planning for my rising 7th grader, that I haven't put my 3rd grader's work all on a list to see what I've got planned. So, here goes:


English--FLL 3, Writing with Ease, ETC 5/6 (I consider this spelling for now)


Math--Finish Singapore 2, begin Singapore 3


Reading--Finish Phonics Pathways, finish Grade 2 Pathway Readers if he doesn't finish this summer, historical fiction to go with SOTW 4?


Science--My World Science (Red)


Art--hoping to do Atelier over the summer


Music--we may or may not continue with music co-op; if we do, he wants to play trombone, and he will be in choir and music theory


History--SOTW 4 w/ older siblings


Foreign Language--Learnables French...we'll see how this goes. His other option is LfC, which personally I think he'll like better, but he wanted to try the French first.


P.E.--Home school tennis, home school P.E.


Cub Scouts


I think I've got it all...and if I don't, I think I've got enough! ;)

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My ds will be in 3rd next year:


Math: MUS Delta & CWP 3

English: CLE

Latin: Minimus

Writing: Happy Scribe and narrations from history (maybe add WT 1 in January)

Logic: Building Thinking Skills 1

Literature: Middle Ages (SOTW AG) & FIAR Vol 1 go-alongs

Science: Science Through Children's Literature & CLP Nature Reader 2

History: SOTW 2 & AG


I have ordered CLE reading but might not start that until January. We'll be doing some Nature Walks, Artist & Composer Appreciation, Mind Benders, and the Phonics of Drawing as a family. He'll be going to FIAR co-op w/ his little brother and Chess Club w/ his big sisters.


I feel this particular child needs *more* academics because, while his older sisters spend their free time reading or creating elaborate paper people worlds, he only wants to play computer games. Thanks for starting this thread, let's see what else I can add to his day... :sneaky2:

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My son is one who, if in the public schools, I would have held back a year for maturity so keep that in mind when he's on half-way assignments for the year.


Singapore 2B-3B, he just leaped in math and is flying so he may make it further if it keeps up. I admit I didn't even start him until he knew most of his add/sub facts well though so I'm not surprised.


ABeka Language 2 to at least half of 3


Spelling Workout 2 to at least half of 3


Rod and Staff 3rd to 4th grade Bible Readers. 2nd has been too easy so we may skip a bit.


Handwriting Without Tears Cursive


Story of the World - finish 1 early then get through 2


He's obsessed with science so I unschool that. It's covered. Trust me.


Violin - about an 45 min. to an hour, with off and on piano and mandolin. It's his thing so the time isn't hard on his age.


Cub Scouts


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This is fun! This is the first full year of HS'ing we have planned for (we just started in Jan.) and I will have a 1st and a 3rd grader.


As some of you can imagine, I'm still tweaking the plan a bit. So far this is our plan for our 3rd grader.


1. Phonics - ETC, once he's finished with ETC, we will use Megawords

2. Grammar - FLL 3 / Montessori style grammar boxes and sentence anal.

3. Cursive - he already writes in cursive, but I have him practice for neatness, we will continue to use Cursive Connections as needed

4. Writing - WWE, Words I use When I Write journal

5. Spelling - Sequential Spelling

6. Reading Comp - SRA Reading Lab 1C

7. Memorization/recitation - IEW Developing Linguistics Through Poetry?? (may drop this)

8. Lively Latin

9. Rosetta Stone German (we'll see how this goes, it may fall by the wayside)

10. Math - Singapore 3 w/ CWP / Montessori math lessons and materials and Math Facts in a Flash CD-ROM

11. History - SOTW w. Knowledge quest maps and timelines

**Geography, Literature, Science and the Arts will generally tie in with history. I'm still trying to figure out how to do this effectively. I'm most likely going to use a "spine" for Science and add in experiments and books. I'm also looking at Noeo science.

12. Violin lessons

13. YMCA Swimming and local kids fitness class at my gym

14. Homeschool hiking club (I run this), Nature studies using The Usborne First Book of Nature and The Usborne Young Naturalist

15. Unit studies on Austria (we are moving to Austria in June 2009) - 1 per month (Geography, history, culture, art, music, language, etc)

16. Artistic Pursuits is on my maybe list, but if we can find an art class locally, we'll skip this

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It seems like my plans change every day, but here is today's tentative plan:


Reading: BJU Reading 4, readers for history, other books TBD

English/Spelling/Penmanship: CLE English 3

Writing: not sure yet, maybe a mix, then start IEW or WT

Math: Horizons - finish 3, start 4

Science - BJU 3 plus some concentrated studies??

Spanish - Elementary Spanish through United Streaming

History - Biblioplan w. either SOTW or MOH or parts of both

Bible - Vos Story Bible, Keys for Kids, Big Truths catechism

Logic - Building Thinking Skills

Music - Themes to Remember, Piano Lessons, Music Ace

Art - Artistic Pursuits Book 1

PE - Fall and Spring soccer

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Here's our plan for 3rd Grade:


Math: Saxon Math 3

Grammar: Flashkids LA 3

Spelling: Spelling Workout Level C

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise 3000, Primary Analogies 3

Writing: Writing Tales 1

Handwriting: Handwriting Without Tears Cursive

Literature: a mixture of things, not all used at the same time-Core Skills Reading Comprehension 3, Story Elements Grade 3-4, Read and Understand Poetry Grades 2-3, read various literature selections with guides

Science: MPH 3a/3b

History: Story of the World Vol 1

Geography: Trail Guide to World Geography

Art/Music: Handle on the Arts

Latin: Lively Latin

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We have it all in place and ready to go and we will start gearing toward third grade work next week.


Language Arts:


Spell to Write and Read/WISE Guide to Spelling (1 list per week with charts and worksheets that I made based upon the enrichments.)


Ruth Heller Grammar Picture books (with charts and worksheets that I made.)


Old Testament Stories


Narrative composition using the Old Testament stories as a jumping off point.


McCall-Harby & McCall-Crabbs A Test Lessons in Reading (1 time per week.)


I am looking at having her do a book report each week using forms I found at the Donna Young site but we will see.


Math: Singapore Math 3b/4a


History: Story of the World 2 and 3


Latin: Minimus followed by Latin Prep 1


Science: My Pals are Here 4a/b


Music: Piano Lessons


Art: She does a lot of this on her own.


Other: Friday Enrichment (co-operative games, show & tell, projects, etc.), Friday playgroup, swimming in the summer, possibly basketball.


We have a great year planned and are looking forward to having lots of fun while learning.:001_smile:

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Math - Rod & Staff 3 (switched from Horizons after Christmas)

Grammar - Easy Grammar 3

Spelling and Handwriting - dictation sentences

Writing - copywork, free-writes, a few written narrations and weekly letter

Reading - 45 min daily, books selected from AO, SL, and 1000 Great Books List

History - CHOW with SOTW 1 and Vos Children's Bible

Science - mostly saved for summer; we're starting Zoology 2 next month



Bible - AWANA

PE - karate and swimming

Music - piano lessons

Art - weekly 1 hour class

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Math - Singapore 4a & b plus IP and CWP

Grammar - GWG 4

Spelling and Handwriting - SS and copy work from SL 3

Writing - Writing Tales and SL 3 LA (old version)

Reading - SL 3 Readers plus free time titles (1hr a day)

History - SL 3

Science - A mix of SL 3 and the Elements

Critical Thinking Skills

Latin- LL 1 2nd half

Spanish - RS and The Real Spanish

PE - swimming, yoga, and soccer

Music - Flute? Not sure yet if we can swing this. Plus music Ap (music of the time period we are studying for history.

Art - Mixed media class, and Art Ap (again, for the time period we are studying.

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Here are ours:


R&S Grammar 3

Writing Tales 1

IEW's poetry memorization

Art - we got a great plan from Harmony Art - a board member!)

Lively Latin

R&S Math 5

History - still undecided - maybe Sonlight 3 but pared down some or do 2 weeks for every 1 scheduled and maybe include Time Traveler activities???????

BJU Reading 3 ( at a slower pace but he needs to practice)

Copywork - including cursive work

Explorer's Bible study


I think that's it. This is for my youngest who is definitely a self-starter. He'll get up early in the morning and get started on his own! If only my high schooler would do that!




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I'm trying to battle my inner planner, with regards to the content areas, and just let the kids read and do some notebooking about what they're learning. It's hard not to even assign broad themes or goals. I had planned an astronomy unit (and started a semi-co-op type thing), but the kids really want to study chemistry instead. We'll also be reading a lot on the middle ages theme, doing enough US studies to keep our school district happy (probably through Wee Sing America) and doing geography with the Geography Coloring Book and Audio Memory. Oh, and he's definitely doing a lapbook keyed to D'Aulaire's norse myths.


Language Arts

Lively Latin/Minimus combo

CW Aesop A

discussion of titles a la Deconstructing Penguins

memory work from Plaid Dad's new book and/or our own poetry selections



Singapore Math 3

Challenging Word Problems 2

Intensive Practice 3

LivingMath.net C1Q2 (or is it C2Q1?)



Drawing With Children plans from Harmony Fine Arts

Pianimals Phonics 4 Piano



Angel Bear Yoga



I probably forgot something, and I will probably change this before third grade starts.

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Here's our plan for this fall:


MATH: RightStart Level D


LATIN: Lively Latin


LANGUAGE ARTS: Writing Tales, Sequential Spelling, Elson readers, McGuffey readers, and dictation, copywork, reading, and narration of good literature.


HISTORY: SOTW with our co-op (finishing up vol 1 and starting vol 2)


SCIENCE: Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding (this is being shipped from amazon right now. if it proves to be not challenging enough, we'll supplement, probably with Singapore)


ART: Continue with Hooked on Drawing, and add in an art history program???


MUSIC: Don't know. I need to read over this thread for ideas!

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Here's what we're planning for next year:


Bible: Veritas Press Gospels (with big sister)

History: Veritas Press Explorers-1815 (also with big sister)

English: Rod and Staff 3

Math: Saxon 4

Spelling: Spelling Workout D

Handwriting: letter practice/copy work/dictation: starting small cursive

Science: undecided

Latin: Latina Christiana I

Literature: suggested reading from Veritas Press book list (offhand...Chronicles of Narnia, Misty of Chincoteague, Charlotte's Web)

Music: continued private piano and cello lessons, children's chorus

P.E.: organized games with co-op, rec league soccer and basketball

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Language Arts:

Reading:SL 3/ ABeCedarian

Spelling:?? (maybe Sequential, maybe R&S)

Literature:SL Read alouds

Grammar:R&S 3

Writing:WWE??? (maybe IEW)



Singapore 2B/3A (maybe 3B)




SOTW 1 / !st half of SOTW 2



(Fall) RS4K Chemistry I

(Spring) WTM Astronomy



Prima Latina



HWT Level 3 Cursive



YMCA homeschool program

Seasonal sports



Church Choir

Piano lessons (??)


When I look at this I'm a little taken back by the number of question marks I still have, but oh well!

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My third grader is young (sept birthday) and this is his first year homeschooling. He is advanced so much of the stuff is 4th grade level.


Language Arts

LLATL Orange


Literature from list I compiled -much related to history

Meaningful Compostion 4 to supplement LLATL

Self created roots based study


Spelling Bee with Co-OP


Latin starting in Spring

Rosetta Stone Spanish


Math and Sciences

Singapore 4A, 4B


My husband is designing the computer program to fit NC standards for grade 3 and 4 (spreadsheets, databases, multimedia presentations, email, searching, copyright law, etc)

Fall: Chemistry -using Super Science Concoctions

Spring: Physics -using gizmos and gadgets

1 day of nature studies each week

Small unit studies on plants/soil (part of nature studies in spring), astronomy (will be done with Galileo in history), skeleton to stay up to date with public school.


Science Fair with Co-Op

Most likely will choose a science related Co-Op course


Social Sciences

SOTW II w/ lots of living books

Trail Guide to World Geography (maybe)

Philosophy for Children website

Time for kids current events


Extras -Geocaching and Letterboxing

Kids Voting and tour of Capital

Young Marines


Fine Arts

I Can Do All Things art and Artist Studies

Guitar Lessons, Composer Studies but looking at Themes to Remember

Read one Shakespeare play



2 group sports -Football in fall and baseball in spring

Fencing class during week

Daily time at local creek with friends

Young Marines training



Awanas, Sunday School, daily devotions and prayer time

Family Service projects



Weekly Co-OP, playdates

Awanas, sports

Daily time with friends afterschool

Monthly kids night out

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This is my very first post on the curriculum board! :D


For 3rd grade next year we are planning to use:


My Father's World Exploring Countries and Cultures (science, social studies, music)

Rod and Staff math--finish up 3 and start 4

Rod and Staff english 3

All About Spelling


We are going to use Sonlight's lists for chapter book reading.


That's about it! I am very excited!!

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HWT - Cursive

Scaredy Cat Reading System with little sister

Explode the Code

Primary Language Lessons

*Copywork 5x week

*Narration 1-2x week

*Will evaluate readiness for Dictation as we go

*Reading aloud from various genres - history, science, math, poetry, literature, yada yada



MathQuest 3

Have MUS Foundations kicking around to flesh things out



Life: Plant Growth & Change - R.E.A.L. Science (also have Considering God's Creation to mix things up), still thinking about TOPS

Physical: Materials & Structures - K'Nex Education Bridges kit, Arty-Facts Art Activities

Earth: Stars & Planets - R.E.A.L. Science




Canada, My Country



Artistic Pursuits

Maybe one of Mark Kistler's books



Child's Story Bible by Vos




Outdoor activities - the kids spend their lives shooting hoops, playing catch, walking the dogs, etc.

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Well, we are doing 3rd grade this year but here's a quick look at our plan.

Lang.Arts : Rod and Staff, Simple CM Poetry Studies, Natural Speller

Math: Rod and Staff

Handwriting: A Reason for Handwritng

Bible: Explorer's Bible Study

Science: Apologia Astronomy

History: Our History, History by Blessed Heritage Resources

Art: Art With A Purpose

Music: a compromise of Ambleside and Simply CM composer studies

Reading: Pathway Readers, Ambleside, 1000 Great books literature

Spanish: Free introductory lessons

Typing: Typing Tutor

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I keep changing my mind, so we'll see if this is still the schedule in the fall.


Math - Abeka 4

English- GWG 4

HW - Reason for Writing, cursive

Spelling - Spelling Workout

Writing - Writing Tales 1 ( or CW Aesop- I have 2 boys that must do the same level, but different curriculum to cut down on comparisons)

Science- BJU 3

History - WP Children Around the World and Galloping the Globe

Latin - LFC A

Spanish - either with United Streaming or the 123teachme website

Music - private piano lessons

PE- swim team



After looking at it, I am exhausted and may need to revise!



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I just want to thank all of the moms/dads of soon-to-be 3rd graders for sharing their plans.


I love seeing all of the different plans. It proves that we as homeschoolers are able to tailor a creative and excellent education for our children based on their needs and their learning style.


Next year is going to be so much fun!

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Here's what I'm planning to use with my 3rd grade daughter this year:


Queens "Language Lessons for the Very Young Vol. 1"

Queens "Pictures in Cursive Primer"


Abeka Math 3

Story of the World Vol 3 (with big brother)

Noeo Physics II (with big brother)

Different books for Reading

Anne's Homeschool Place Bible Year 1


We will also be attending a co-op once a week. She will be taking world geography, cooking, Apologia's Swimming Creatures and Karate.

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Primary Text:

Saxon Homeschool Math 3 (Harcourt-Brace/Saxon)


Supplementary Word Problems:

Figure it Out: Thinking Like a Math Problem Solver Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Grade 3 (Sandra R. Cohen)


Language Arts



Italic Handwriting Series Book C (Getty Dubay)



Natural Speller (Kathryn L. Stout)



Easy Grammar Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Grade 3 (Easy Grammar Systems)

Daily Grams Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Grade 3 (Easy Grammar Systems)



Writing Strands Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Level 3 (Dave Marks, National Writing Institute)




Independent Reading:


Nature Reader 4 (Christian Liberty Press)

One chapter will be read aloud daily.


Student will read silently for at least 60 minutes daily.


Read Alouds:


Student will be read to daily in literature, poetry, science and history.


Literature to include:

Five Children and It (Edith Nesbit)

The Family Under the Bridge (Natalie Savage Carlson)

Five Little Peppers and How They Grew (Margaret Sidney)

Mary Poppins (P. L. Travers)

Red Sails to Capri (Ann Weil)

The Twenty-One Baloons (William Pene Du Bois)

The Rescuers (4-book series) (Margery Sharp)

Aesop for Children (Milo Winter)


Poetry to include:

Eric CarleĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Animals Animals

The Random House Book of Poetry for Children (Jack Prelutsky and Arnold Lobel)

Poetry Speaks to Children Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Book and CD (Elise Paschen)

Dancing Buttercups Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Poems for Little Children (Rod and Staff Publishers)

Lessons from the Clock Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Poems for Little Children (Rod and Staff Publishers)

Singing Trees (Rod and Staff Publishers)

God Made Them All (Rod and Staff Publishers)


** Science and historical fiction books will also be read aloud.




Vertebrates will be studied -- including reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds and mammals, with at least one member of each mammal order being studied. See attached Ă¢â‚¬Å“Science ScopeĂ¢â‚¬ for objectives and resource list.



Story of the World Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Volume 2 Ă¢â‚¬â€œ The Middle Ages (Peacehill Press)

Includes textbook, activity book and supplemental readings/projects.

We will finish this volume (chapters 15-42).


Story of the World Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Volume 3 Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Early Modern Times (1600-1850) (Peacehill Press)

Includes textbook, activity book and supplemental readings/projects.

We will begin this volume.



How to Teach Art to Children (Evan Moor) [Grades 1-6]


In addition, student will enjoy various arts and crafts projects during science and free-time.




Carnival of the Animals Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Classical Music for Kids (Saint-Saens, Commentary by Barrie Carson Turner)

Includes book and CD.


Music Maestro (Aristoplay)

Game and cassette.


Websites for instrument identification:




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