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What can I use to give a first, quick overview of parts of speech/parsing to ds8?


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I'd like to just familiarize him over the next month or so with what the parts of speech are (noun, verb, adj, adv, prep, conjunction, article, maybe subject/predicate, etc) and how to identify them in a basic sentence.


I don't see the need to spread it out for a long time; just want some familiarity. (He will do FLL3 in the fall but I need him ready before that to start IEW in co-op, and he'll need to at least know some of these things going into it.)


I thought of maybe a game where I give him sentences and have him ID the parts, but first how do I explain what the parts are?


Is there any book or anything that would teach this quickly?

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You could read Grammar Land to him. I used this with my 8yo this year. Someone also made these worksheets to go with the book, for the assignments at the end of every chapter.


We love this book here and you could download it at librivox.org (link in siggy) if you want him to listen to it on his own. I also bought the Kindle version for $1.99 so that I could read it to her as well.


I've also borrowed from the library almost all of the Brian Cleary books and they are quite wonderful.


If you just want him to understand the parts of speech, MCT is great but it's expensive just to get to know those definitions. You could also download for free from google documents Maxwell's Introductory Lessons. I just looked at it this weekend and I really like the way it teaches grammar.

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There's a whole series of books about parts of speech entitled things like:


A Lime, A Mime, A Pool of Slime a book about nouns

Hairy Scary Ordinary a book about adjectives

To Root To Toot To Parachute a book about verbs


There's a ton more and they are written by Brian P. Clearly


If you just want something gentle to get him use to the terms they'd work. :D

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Oh, THANK YOU!!!! I think he will LOVE Grammarland-and I'm so pleased it can come on Kindle and librivox. This will be perfect for him!!


I'm going to get started on it today.


And Word Fun and the Brian Cleary books will be great to read on the side as we cover each topic.


I did and loved MCT Town with older dd, and plan to do Island with this dc after FLL3. (I don't want to do it quite yet due to phrases and clauses, etc.)


THANK YOU so much, everyone! This is an answer to prayer!

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