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Portraits of American Girlhood questions


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Okay, so I'm new to this so bare with me if I screw this up...


We're fairly new to homeschooling and used the Prairie Primer for our first year for dd in 4th grade. Next year, I was planning on using the Portaits of American Girlhood unit study. Wondering what people did, if they used it as a stand alone or supplemented big time or just a little? Saw previous posts on this topic, but the last post was 2 years old. I am hoping there might be some more current opinions. Thanks!

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We have it and are using it to supplement my DD's American History studies. So far, we've only used the "Felicity" unit as we haven't gotten to the other time periods yet. We're about to study the CA Missions so I'm planning to use the "Josefina" unit with that (granted she lived in New Mexico but it's still Spanish-American culture IYKWIM).


For us, PoAG is strictly supplemental. It's way too light for the kind of academics I prefer in our HS. It's fun and engaging, but "gravy".

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