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Who is familiar with Kahn Academy? I have important questions...


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I have used Kahn Academy only a couple times to explain a concept but I'm interested in doing their software program (where they can work through and earn badges, etc.) I showed dd11, who does NOT love math, and she really liked it and wants to try it. :svengo: I am so excited that she is excited about it!


My question is-as they move forward into concepts they don't know, is it teaching the concept well enough in the video for a student that hasn't seen it before to learn it from that? Even one who isn't quick with math?


AND are the topics incremental with building on each other so that it isn't making huge leaps?


We of course use math curriculum, but if she gets really motivated to move forward with Kahn into topics we haven't covered yet, I want to see if it will actually *teach* the concepts incrementally and sufficiently so she doesn't get frustrated.


Because otherwise I'd rather just have her only do areas in Kahn that we have already covered.

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As long as you aren't treating it as her sole math curriculum, I'd let her explore and have fun with it. The videos are really well-done, and there are "hints" for the problems to walk her through them available too. And she can watch the videos as many times as she need so, and rewind them, pause them, etc, as you cannot do with a teacher.


My boys use Kahn for review, and also to explore new topics that they haven't touched on yet. My DS7 was delighted to earn the "persistence" badge the other day for finally getting a concept that he really struggled with at first! He was so pleased with himself to have learned it "on his own." :) Talk about getting excited about learning!


Math doesn't have to be hard, absent a learning disability-- oftentimes we adults make things seem harder than they really are thanks to our own fears and biases. Math won't break any bones!




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