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Construction work at 5am?

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The property around our house is being developed (which I am not thrilled about). One reason i live where I live is because it is QUIET! But all day now I hear the bulldozer driving back and forth between woods and field- bringing back felled trees. Gone are my days of quiet gardening, I am now kept company by diesel engines and fumes and chainsaws. :glare:

This morning, I woke up at my usual 5am and came downstairs, took the dog out and then heard a loud rumble as an engine started up. I looked outside and in the field is a flat bed semi, and then some machine they use to pick up the logs and load them. I wake up at 5 for quiet time, it is the time of day that I use to get my head together and prepare for the day ahead. This morning I am aggravated. I am hearing big machine noises and banging as they load the logs up. Thankfully, my children have not been woken up by this.

I called the police dept to see if there is some sort of ordinance about construction...and NO, just barking dogs and loud music. The lady said they are able to start this early.


Im thinking about talking with the developer later on and asking him to please not do things so early...and hoping he is a reasonable man.


I love my quiet mornings where I drink coffee and listen to the birds. Im sad that the 70 acres are being developed anyway, and this is really upsetting me. I have neighbors across the road and I am hoping that they are upset by this noise too. Maybe i should talk to them and see if it bothered them, and maybe together we can go and ask them not to start at 5am?

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I feel for you; if someone was starting machines at 5am I'd be seriously peeved.


I think I'd definitely say something to the developer/contractor, but consider that if you say that you get up at 5am anyway (for whatever reason) and your kids managed to sleep through it, the person you speak to will just say "well it's not disturbing anyone's sleep, is it?" and might be less willing to change their schedule.. IDK.. just a thought. Sometimes less information is better.


Anyway, IMO 5am is too early to be making a loud noise where there are houses nearby; it's got nothing to do with the law, it's just not courteous or thoughtful.

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Our neighborhood is new so they are constantly building around here. They've been known to start as early as six am in the summer to avoid the truly hot parts of the day later. I knew what we were in for, buying in a very new neighborhood so I feel bad for you as you didn't make that choice. It's been a challenge some days. Fortunately now our street is mostly done and we have some very nice new neighbors so we are on the upswing now.

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Construction crews often start early to avoid the heat of the day. I am sorry you have to deal with this. :grouphug:


Yes, this. I don't know where you are, but weather delays can also force them to start earlier. The rain has really put a damper on our business.


I've also had my dh come home close to heat stroke because he overdid it in the heat.


Most construction workers are paid by the hour or job. If they don't work, they don't get paid. Some don't get a weekly paycheck, some only receive a draw when a percentage of the job is done. Most of the construction workers I know I simply hardworking men with families to provide for.


I understand it is an inconvenience and out of courtesy my dh wouldn't start at 5am, but....This is how some people support their families. For many it is their only income. At the opposite end of that noise is a guy who probably doesn't want to be there at 5am either. But he may do that so his wife can stay home and homeschool.:D He may do it because he has a schedule and to get referrals for the NEXT job he has to keep that, weather be ****ed.


I'm sitting here this morning enjoying my coffee, using my internet, and thinking about how fortunate I am to be homeschooling. Most of this is because my dh has been willing to do whatever it takes to provide for us, including starting a odd hours so he can get a job completed as promised and get paid. :D


I really don't mean to sound argumentative, really I don't. But for most construction jobs if they don't work, they don't get paid. Wives like it when they get a full paycheck at the end of the week. :D

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I would personally call your city office, specifically code enforcement.

When we had construction next door, that is who we contacted and they were able to get many things resolved. (Illegal day workers not picked up at the end of the day, littering, loud noises beyond typical construction noise, nails left in street, etc.)

Our city has a code that construction work can only be done between 6:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Police don't enforce it in our community, but code enforcement does patrol high-construction areas to make sure it is being obeyed.

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I would personally call your city office, specifically code enforcement.

When we had construction next door, that is who we contacted and they were able to get many things resolved. (Illegal day workers not picked up at the end of the day, littering, loud noises beyond typical construction noise, nails left in street, etc.)

Our city has a code that construction work can only be done between 6:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Police don't enforce it in our community, but code enforcement does patrol high-construction areas to make sure it is being obeyed.


I would def. check codes. We had this happen in our old neighborhood - and it did wake my kids. Our codes stated that work couldn't start til 7. One polite chat with the crew (with copy of codes in hand) and the problem was resolved.

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They do usually start early to avoid the heat but, there are rules (ordinances?) they need to follow. Check into the codes in your area. When hubby was in construction, he couldn't start making noise until 7 (and in the snooty party of town 8). Now, he could be on the job earlier and they could do quiet jobs like electrical and plumbing, but hammering and heavy machinery had to wait....even when it was 110 outside.

HTH and I'm so sorry the land by you is being devleloped. I would be sad, too.

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Needs of the many...


I had a guy two houses down doing remodeling back in the fall when my insomnia was at its worst. I'd been asleep an hour when the crew started at 7:00.


I was told by the PD that, yes, there is a noise ordinance, but it does not apply to construction crews. If I didn't like the noise of construction I should move to the country.

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seriously here in the south roofers start about about 4:30 - 5 because of the intense heat


the year we built one of our homes there was a drought that summer and just terrible hot the roofers used flood light and did their work from 2am to 8am. It was on private acreage so it didn't disturb anyone.


I personally hate neighborhoods. I love my privacy.


But there probably is some type of noise ordinance for subdivisions and stuff.

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5 am is a little early on a regular basis, but if they were trying to beat rain, it's understandable occasionally. My DH works in construction too, and though he's no longer on a field crew very often (he's their designer), he is usually at the office by 6-6:30, and the field crews are starting then as well. In the winter, that gets them home before dark, and in the summer, it lets them get a lot done before the heat. (Man, I remember those days -- he was always so hot and sweaty and exhausted. And dirty. And banged up.) They would abide by any local noise ordinances, though, and they'd try to be respectful in a residential area, but sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do, especially if it was a long winter/wet spring. Delaying the job completion means delaying billing the client and therefore delaying paying the crew.


(Quite frankly, I'd be far less annoyed by construction vehicles just doing their jobs than I am by our neighbor who leaves at 4:30 for work and who insists upon blowing his horn every single time he leaves. Why??)

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I would def. check codes. We had this happen in our old neighborhood - and it did wake my kids. Our codes stated that work couldn't start til 7. One polite chat with the crew (with copy of codes in hand) and the problem was resolved.

:iagree: The local code says no work till 8am. I know this, because the contractors around here thought starting at 5am would be a good idea :glare: The state police begged to differ ;)

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Needs of the many...


I had a guy two houses down doing remodeling back in the fall when my insomnia was at its worst. I'd been asleep an hour when the crew started at 7:00.


I was told by the PD that, yes, there is a noise ordinance, but it does not apply to construction crews. If I didn't like the noise of construction I should move to the country.



I live in the country, on a farm. But this area has been undergoing massive development.

I live in Ohio, and right now it is 79 degrees, so it isn't like they are trying to beat the heat. Also, it is just a few guys, one guy drives back and forth on a bulldozer and brings back felled trees. I called the township and there are no ordinances preventing construction noise at any time.


I love my house, and my little farm, and I love the land that surrounds it too, which is part of why we moved here. We might have to relocate for dh's job in a few months, and maybe this aggravation will make it easier.


I decided that if the developer says they need to be doing things at 5, then I will start waking up at 4. Im working on a book and that is why I get up so early. I can get in a good hour of writing while my brain is still "soft". And then if I get into the habit of waking at 4, when they are done with this stage of destroying the gorgeous forest behind my house I will have an extra hour of writing time.

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