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Which Radio Flyer scooter for 4.5yo DS?

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I want to get DS4 a scooter, and I'm looking at the Radio Flyer EZ Rider and the Little Red scooters. Any experience with either? Another I should consider?






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Just thought I'd point out that a kid that's nearly 5 yo is old enough for a basic Razor, IMO. So I would consider that since it's more "big kid" and might last longer. And is a good product that wears reasonably well.


Oh really? Thanks! I bet he'd think that was way cooler too.

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Hmm, do you have any Razors in the neighborhood to try out, cuz I really think it is all based on ability, like much of life!


My DS5 got a Razor when he was 4 (had a 3 wheel scooter already), because older DS's had them and use them all of the time. DS5 tends to be pretty athletic and advanced, just cuz he is always trying to keep up with the big boys, so we figured why not get him a Razor. But he just can not get the hang of the Razor and the balance. He still prefers to use his 3 wheeled scooter, at least for now.

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Huh. That's funny. My can't ride a bike, somewhat uncoordinated kid got a Razor just after he turned 5 and while it's not his favorite thing and he doesn't look amazing on it, he did fine with it and still enjoys it (he's 6.5 now). So, yeah, maybe individually different.

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