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Trying to plan for dd's 8th grade year...

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Bob Jones English/Writing 8, Writing Strands, and Intro to Lit: Excellence In Literature- is all that together plus writing in Science and History to much writing?


Now, she does need help with writing, she is getting there but until about Jan or so I completely failed her in that. Did not pay it much thought. She is getting there and she could use practice but I don't want to over do it, KWIM?

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Well, since you're just asking opinions...


I have two. One would rather sit in acid than write. The other is a great writer. I wouldn't do that much. You've got two complete lit programs plus another writing program. Plus wanting more with science and history.


Maybe doing some from each of those. Something each week, but vary the source.


I'm finding myself wanting to schedule a lot to get "ready" for high school. It's daunting if I think too much.

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It looks like overkill to me. :001_smile: I don't really know the programmes you're considering, but I gather that IEW is quite complete and I think Writing Strands is too (?). I would do two at most. If you want a skill to get done you need to do it, not buy more curricula. Sometimes I should listen to my own advice. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Aquinas Academy
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Hmmm... should have posted how I was planning on implementing this.



The Writing Strands would only be scheduled when she is NOT in a writing unit in BJU... She would write in science or history alternating (1 week science, the next history) and I am not fully sure how many of the writing assignments in the Intro to Lit I would assign. I need to sit down with that and really look at it to know for sure... does that make a difference?? :001_huh:

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I don't know the programs well but I'd say it's about right. To give you an idea, my 7th grader next year will write in some subject every day and by the time they are in 10th grade (my oldest this year) writes in pretty much every subject, every day. That's the transition that occurs over those years so I think you are on the right track.



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Hmmm... should have posted how I was planning on implementing this.



The Writing Strands would only be scheduled when she is NOT in a writing unit in BJU... She would write in science or history alternating (1 week science, the next history) and I am not fully sure how many of the writing assignments in the Intro to Lit I would assign. I need to sit down with that and really look at it to know for sure... does that make a difference?? :001_huh:


2 complete lit programs? I am not using BJU Literature just the writing/grammar book. The lit is separate.


Didn't realize that about BJU. It does sound much better after your above explanation.

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My ds is a reluctant writer. What I've done for next year is try to separate the writing portions into three categories: mechanics, instruction, and assignments.


The mechanics (spelling, root work, sentence structure) will get worked on about 15-20 minutes per day. We also do Latin, which I consider our grammar and vocabulary programs.


The instruction will happen two times per week (that's the plan, subject to change). This will include books that teach about writing. The assignments may or may not be relevant to other subjects.


The assignments will come either from lit, history, or science. They will not be above his current level. For instance, my son is still working on mastering a good paragraph. We'll start instruction on essays in the second half of the year. Our lit program (LL LoTR) may ask for an essay before he is at that level. I'll modify the assignment to fit his needs.


I'm still working on the pacing of the "assignment" portion of this. My goal is consistency and momentum.


I'm not familiar with any of the programs you're using. What I've had to do is kind of dig into my books and see how they fit to where ds is at, modifying them if necessary.


I've broken down most of the writing books into four categories:







I try to make sure what I'm using covers some of that each year. The focus of each year will depend on where he is at.


Not sure if any of this is helpful. Since my ds has issue with every writing program I own, I opted to restructure how I use them. It's made me look at the scheduling much differently.

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Hmmm... should have posted how I was planning on implementing this.



The Writing Strands would only be scheduled when she is NOT in a writing unit in BJU... She would write in science or history alternating (1 week science, the next history) and I am not fully sure how many of the writing assignments in the Intro to Lit I would assign. I need to sit down with that and really look at it to know for sure... does that make a difference?? :001_huh:

I need to not post late at night. :tongue_smilie:I mistook your lit programme for a different writing curriculum. I now think your plan sounds very reasonable. :)

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I'm just curiouos...why WS and BJU English?



We did BJU english for a while and dd just loved it! We switched for this year because it looked like BJU English 6 and 7 were VERY similar and she asked to go back to it. Writing strands because we own it LOL. No big reason. I am thinking about switching to Meaningful Composition though. I really like the way the sequence goes.

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I have a dd who loves to write....but really needs writing instruction...iykwim....lol.

I backed her up to WWE 3 and writing strands 3. I am hoping to work through those quickly....and move into WWE 4 and writing strands 4&5 by fall.


I failed this one in writing instruction precisely because she loves to write...and I was afraid to kill that love.....I should have jumped in quicker.

Now, looking at 8th grade....sigh.....

I think your plan looks really doable.....and maybe we can support each other through this pre high school time....



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I have a dd who loves to write....but really needs writing instruction...iykwim....lol.

I backed her up to WWE 3 and writing strands 3. I am hoping to work through those quickly....and move into WWE 4 and writing strands 4&5 by fall.


I failed this one in writing instruction precisely because she loves to write...and I was afraid to kill that love.....I should have jumped in quicker.

Now, looking at 8th grade....sigh.....

I think your plan looks really doable.....and maybe we can support each other through this pre high school time....






Yes that is exactly my dd! I also backed her up to WS 3 and she is now about 1/3 or so the way through WS 4. Dd is VERY creative when writing stories-- but thats it. :001_huh: And like you I didn't want to kill her love, though it kinda killed itself along the way :crying: Well atleast I am not the only one in this situation! I feel so bad because this is MY fault. One of the downfalls of homeschooling. Yes we do need to support each other. High school is moving in QUICKLY :001_unsure: :blink: :ohmy: :scared:

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Yes that is exactly my dd! I also backed her up to WS 3 and she is now about 1/3 or so the way through WS 4. Dd is VERY creative when writing stories-- but thats it. :001_huh: And like you I didn't want to kill her love, though it kinda killed itself along the way :crying: Well atleast I am not the only one in this situation! I feel so bad because this is MY fault. One of the downfalls of homeschooling. Yes we do need to support each other. High school is moving in QUICKLY :001_unsure: :blink: :ohmy: :scared:


Don't beat yourself up, although I know it's hard not to. The beauty of homeschooling is you do not have to rush this year's writing path if she is struggling still. She can still be creative while you are teaching her the skills. I really like elegantlion's approach where she is going to break the writing up into different categories. A lot of writing will be done, but because you can make the portions smaller or use an assignment within another subject, it can be done in such a way to not feel overwhelming. I would use BJU for the mechanics (sentence/paragraph structure, dialog, etc). Then, use the other programs to allow her to be creative while showing her how to bring it all together. Or, you could take a history essay and require the use of so many adjectives, clauses, etc. to be used within that essay so she is covering the mechanics if you are worried about overload. Intro to Lit looks excellent, and I think it will help both her literary and writing skills. You can toggle assignments, as you mentioned, so she is getting writing instruction from a variety of sources.


Be graceful with yourself here. She still has plenty of time and many avenues to retrain and gain the skills. The fact that she is NOT in a classroom with those deadlines and distractions is very much in her (and your) favor.


Wishing you the best! Signed a former 8th grade LA teacher :001_smile:

Edited by jenL
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