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Please Pray! A child was ....

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I'm sitting here thinking about the parents. Their lives are destroyed. This will change the children she went to school with. I can't imagine these little children going to school and hearing their friend was murdered. The sick person who did this, has now affected many lives.



I am saddened, but unfortunately not shocked. This happens and it is horrible. I just wanted to say, that yes, it will change the children that she knew, but in ways that could be good. When I was in 5th grade one of my good friends was raped and murdered. It did change me. It was sad, and I still think about her often. I have also been very careful with who I trust and avoided situations because of it. I have also helped with help lines, victim advocacy and things like that. It made me understand how precious life is, and how it can be taken away so fast. The person who has done this has affected many lives, but I still believe that there is more good than evil in this world. This will tie people together and form many new bonds. Love and compassion will come out of this, because love is stronger!


I am sending prayers and warm wishes of comfort to your community.

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Here is an article:




Did anyone else find the bit about the police being called out there two weeks ago because the murdered girl and a friend of hers had been locked in this guy's apartment just odd??? I mean, what in the world??? This guy locks up two little girls in his apartment, they manage to escape, the police are called out and NOTHING happens??? Does anyone know more details, because I find that beyond bizarre.

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If it was someone in the same apartment building, it may well have been someone she was familiar enough with not to consider a stranger. Not knowing anything about the situation beyond what has been said in this thread, I would guess that he was able to isolate her because he wasn't a stranger.


The article I read mentioned that she *might* have had a run-in with him a few weeks ago that had her shaking and crying.


Given the implications of that if it is true, I hope it's wrong.


ETA: Sorry, Diane...I didn't read all the replies before I posted.

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:crying::crying: This is horrendous and makes me so sick. That poor girl. I am glad the article said there was evidence she fought til the end and I am glad that sicko is behind bars so fast. I hope he sees the wrath of God for harming a little innocent girl.

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This rips my heart out of my chest, I am so furious!!!!! Evidently, from my local news station it showed He was wearing a bullet proof vest when he was publicly taken into custody. Well, if it was my little girl....id be behind bars right now for shooting him in the head. Sorry, but it's true.


I can't even imagine .....Lord, have mercy on this poor family, comfort them....hold them!!!!

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murdered in our neighborhood last night. I'm in shock. I don't know her but I'm in shock. 9 years old was playing and the parents couldn't find her.

Oh, please pray for her family and our town.


We live in the same community. I was sick about this all day. Sick and disgusted and so, so sad for her family and friends. :sad:

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I just read the article and saw the news clip. It makes me heart break and my stomach ache. How sad that it was their only child.


But, what I can.not understand (and I in no way mean to imply that it's the parents fault!)...but I just can't understand that if your child, and the childs friend, go into this mans house to use his bathroom, and he locks them in and they only escape because they start screaming, and the mother knows about it because she had called the police....why, oh why, would you let your daughter play in the parking lot again unsupervised?? They already had a close call with this guy, yet she is playing in the parking lot by herself and the parents get concerned when she doesn't come home for dinner?! I just can't comprehend this. And....the guys fiancée "tells police on Monday she heard a girl screaming and crying "no" for several minutes, but she never investigated". :confused: :confused:

Edited by ~AprilMay~
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I just read the article and saw the news clip. It makes me heart break and my stomach ache. How sad that it was their only child.


But, what I can.not understand (and I in no way mean to imply that it's the parents fault!)...but I just can't understand that if your child, and the childs friend, go into this mans house to use his bathroom, and he locks them in and they only escape because they start screaming, and the mother knows about it because she had called the police....why, oh why, would you let your daughter play in the parking lot again unsupervised?? They already had a close call with this guy, yet she is playing in the parking lot by herself and the parents get concerned when she doesn't come home for dinner?! I just can't comprehend this. And....the guys fiancée "tells police on Monday she heard a girl screaming and crying "no" for several minutes, but she never investigated". :confused: :confused:


This is why free range parenting gives me the heebie jeebies. That poor girl.

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