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Psychology - social studies NOT science - right?

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Hi! Dd is taking this as her first cc course. Just want to make sure I'm not being a dolt: this should be listed on the transcript with her history courses, right? It's considered a "social studies" credit - correct?


We put lab science under the science heading. bio, chem, physics, etc.


Because I've bumped into the under the soft science heading, I'm starting to wonder if I've got this wrong.


Where does this baby go on the transcript?




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Hi! Dd is taking this as her first cc course. Just want to make sure I'm not being a dolt: this should be listed on the transcript with her history courses, right? It's considered a "social studies" credit - correct?


We put lab science under the science heading. bio, chem, physics, etc.


Because I've bumped into the under the soft science heading, I'm starting to wonder if I've got this wrong.


Where does this baby go on the transcript?





My dd took AP psy this yr. I am listing it under electives. Probably not the answer you are looking for. ;)

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From a college perspective, it is a social science and to some degree, a medical science. However, from a high school perspective, it is an elective as the information at that level is very basic and not technical enough to worry about listing it under a particular science. It's a great, academic enrichment class!


I'd list it as an elective.



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Social Studies and Social Science confuse me.


I have a paper from our CC listing classes for AA Gen Ed Requirements.


Under Social Science:

- American National Government

- ditto Honors


Under Social & Behavorial (yes that's how it's spelled on the paper) Science:

- African American History

- History of the US 1 & 2

- US in Vietnam

- several Anthropology courses

- Macro/Microeconomics

- Development of Western Civilization 1 & 2

- Geography...

- International Relations

- State and Local Government

- General Psychology

- Intro to Sociology

- Social Problems

- Woman and Society

- Marriage and Family

- The Twentieth Century


Does that help or muddle? Don't most universities require x number of Social Science credits?

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I would put it under the social science category on your high school transcript.


In college, some Psychology classes may be offered with a lab component. In that case, it would most likely be considered a science class.




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Colleges differentiate between social sciences and natural sciences. Most psychology classes are considered social sciences. So, your answer is that it is a social science, not a natural science.


As an aside, psychology can be taught as a natural science. If you are running rats through mazes or you are looking at psychology from a neuropsychological point of view- brain chemistry- it could be treated more as a natural science.


For your purposes, a general psychology class is normally considered a social science, not a natural science though.

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