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How I stayed sane during this I am not sure...maybe I didn't, that's up for debate. Anyway, between our crazy realtor (who didn't think we could sell the house while living in another state) and the buyers wanting things everyday (from wanting us to pay $6000 closing costs to moving in their furniture before closing), and our mortgage company (who would not give a payoff amount), I was about to blow a gasket. In the end it all worked out. It will be a while before I buy again though, I am enjoying the debt free life as well as the freedom of renting.


Anyway, I am just glad it is over.:party:

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Dh I have been thinking about this very idea. We bought our first home about 3 1/2 years ago and while it is nice to own, we are seriously thinking about selling it moving away (closer to where dh works) and renting. We've been told that we are crazy for thinking this, but man it sounds so nice to be debt free for a while and have someone else to call when something breaks!

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Thanks all!


Katiebug_1976, living near the workplace is worth every penny. The commute time DH had was over 2 hrs a day, now it is 15 minutes total. More dad and husband for us and he is less stressed. The money we are saving having just one car is another perk. Do what is right for your family. We were told moving at the time we did was ludicrous, but we knew it was a God thing so we ignored them and made the move. Best thing ever.


AuntieM, I will do the happy dance with you when you do. Let's pray it is sooner then later.

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YAY!!! Congratulations!!! We just sold ours and I agree it is sooo freeing to pay off the debt and not have the responsibility of a house! No more grass to cut! No more broken (fill in the blank) that we have to fix! We love love love renting, and won't be buying another house for a very long time!

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Congratulations to any who have sold their homes in the past two years. We sold our house in January without a realtor, I won't do that again, I hope.

Dot, Texas is a strange place to live for us too. We lived in mid-Atlantic.

Are you going to continue to homeschool your kids in New York?:001_smile:

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