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I hope so. I'm not paying $500 for Foundations of Western Civilization but would like to base our history on it next year.


Ah well. Hope springs eternal.


The general guideline is that every course goes on sale at least once a year.


Do you get emails from Teaching Company? I registered on their site, and I probably get 3-4 emails a week advertising sales.


Looking at the website right now, it looks like there IS a sale on the set of Foundations of Western Civ I & II. $219 video and $160 audio

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Sign up to get their emails. I get emails several times a week from them, with a new sale announced at least once per week. You didn't see the sale price because you didn't have the right link -- they don't put their stuff on sale across the board (for everyone). You have to go to the item through a specific link to see the sale prices, and the best place to get there "right" link is through their emails.



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:iagree: Sign up...The savings can be awesome, but you must enter through the sale link.


I have a free shipping code if anyone needs it.


Sign up to get their emails. I get emails several times a week from them, with a new sale announced at least once per week. You didn't see the sale price because you didn't have the right link -- they don't put their stuff on sale across the board (for everyone). You have to go to the item through a specific link to see the sale prices, and the best place to get there "right" link is through their emails.



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