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Relaxed/ Unschoolish Christian Forum?

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Does this exist? I love many different homeschool styles and philosophies (as I am sure that many of you do). I would love to occasionally pop in on a forum of like-minded individuals to get more ideas and share my experiences.

Not that I will ever completely stop coming here, of course. :D

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So, is the reason I didn’t get any replies because the two words Christian and unschool don’t seem to go together? Or does a forum like this just not exist? It doesn’t have to be Christian but I don’t want radical unschoolers either.

I am not actually an unschooler. I just like to relax around the edges. And in many cases we have to because of lack of time...

Well, if not I guess this WTM forum comes pretty close with all of the eclectic homeschoolers here.


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So, is the reason I didn’t get any replies because the two words Christian and unschool don’t seem to go together? Or does a forum like this just not exist? It doesn’t have to be Christian but I don’t want radical unschoolers either.

I am not actually an unschooler. I just like to relax around the edges. And in many cases we have to because of lack of time...

Well, if not I guess this WTM forum comes pretty close with all of the eclectic homeschoolers here.



I don't see them as mutually exclusive. I'm Christian and relaxed/unschoolish, but I just don't know of any forums that fit this bill:)

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The forum for Homeschool Share is pretty relaxed. Although it states it's main purpose is for the discussion of literature-based unit studies - it is very open and relaxed. Many of the members are delight/child - directed and there is a lot of CM inspired stuff too.


All the active members are Christian and we are very loving and open. It's my home away from home. I participate here, but I'm very active there. Absolutely love it.



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I think the Robinson Curriculum Yahoo group comes close to what you are looking for. Many on the group don't own or use the RC cds, just implement the method, tweaking for their family. It might be worth checking out.

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Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to respond! Many of these sound wonderful. I am going to look into each and every one. Some of them I have heard of but I didn’t think they would really apply. But now that I think about it, places like Homeschool Share, or the Robinson curriculum group, might be similar our homeschool.

I would love to start a group one day but right now, in this “season†of my life, it just not feasible. If I started one now, I would feel like I had to contribute much needed time. Days go by too fast as it is! Maybe after I get my youngest one reading on his own proficiently, I will feel like I have more time to devote to a group. Or blogging, writing books, and many other things I need time for. This won’t be long now; my youngest is starting pre-school this year. I can’t believe it. In a few years he will be an avid reader like the rest of my children; I’m sure, which will leave me with much more time.

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I don't see them as mutually exclusive. I'm Christian and relaxed/unschoolish, but I just don't know of any forums that fit this bill:)


LOL, no, I don’t view them as mutually exclusive either. I know they are out there; it’s just that they may be a bit more difficult to find. I hope one day soon these groups will gather together and provide more support for moms like us!

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