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Happy Mothers' Day to All of You Who've Lost Children

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Thank you for this post, not because I have lost a child, but because I can't help but cringe a little inside when Mother's Day is recognized at church. I have a friend who miscarried earlier this week, and another friend who noted the anniversary of her baby daughter's passing. I can't imagine such a raw, fresh, personal pain, and having Mother's Day brought up in church. It just makes me sad for so many women, most of whom others have no idea may be hurting.



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We were missionaries in Uganda, my oldest had a special buddy, Richard, Richard became our baby, he passed away while we were there. I did think about him today.


We have several people we know who have lost children. It is painful to think about.



Today at church was very different. The pastor asked for various things, like the woman who had the most AUNTS, the one who had the greatest age difference between them and a sibling, and a third thing I can't remember now, but really unrelated to the usual mom things.

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Today in church as I stood to be acknowledged as a mother, I noticed a couple two rows ahead of me whom I've never met. The was, sweet look they exchanged made my heart ache.


I had a miscarriage several years ago at 12 weeks. The first Sunday I felt strong enough to return to church happened to also be Mother's Day. That was a bit hard, but having other children I thought it would be okay. But then I learned that, in that church, Mother's Day was traditionally a day to do baby dedications. I had to step out to pull myself together.


:grouphug: to all who long to hold - or to have held longer - beloved children.

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