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My poor pet deprived dc

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I refuse to have typical pets (cats, dogs) but have tolerated a few fish, guinea pigs and a rescued baby squirrel. All of the pets have met untimely and (in most cases) rather gruesome deaths. As a result dh and I declared a "no more pets" policy.


A friend who is cleaning out her house gave us a ceramic rooster. It is life-sized and not ugly but not very practical. I was about to put it in our donation bag yet saw my younger dds put it in a stroller and take it for a walk. That rooster has been swaddled, cuddled, walked and petted all evening. It's kind of pathetic to see them loving on this dust collector.


But it sure beats having to feed it and clean up after it (until is it dropped on the tile and meets its own untimely/gruesome death, lol).

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That is pathetic. Seriously.


I know dogs and cats poop in the house, tear things up, cost money, dig up your plants, get hair on everything and on and on............./


My nieces and nephews grew up without pets and they're.................not right.

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Well, I have to say that I can see where you are coming from. My house reeks because of our stinky dog. I spent the day washing out her kennel and washing her bedding because we are having company tomorrow. Last time my fil was here he got up and moved across the room away from the kennel it was so smelly.


Between the dog and my three-legged cat with only one working eye who pulls his hair until he has bald patches, I have had it with animal hair. Also, the cat can no longer jump onto the couch and claws his way up. He is shredding the couch (he refuses to use the pet steps) and my bed.


I have had a "no more animals" policy for years. Problem is? The ones I have are hanging in there and will probably be around for awhile.

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Well, I have to say that I can see where you are coming from. My house reeks because of our stinky dog. I spent the day washing out her kennel and washing her bedding because we are having company tomorrow. Last time my fil was here he got up and moved across the room away from the kennel it was so smelly.


Between the dog and my three-legged cat with only one working eye who pulls his hair until he has bald patches, I have had it with animal hair. Also, the cat can no longer jump onto the couch and claws his way up. He is shredding the couch (he refuses to use the pet steps) and my bed.


I have had a "no more animals" policy for years. Problem is? The ones I have are hanging in there and will probably be around for awhile.



I'm with you. One of our dogs died last year and I have not "replaced" him.

I love them but they are so much trouble. I stress no end when we go out of town. Too many cats to board, no one can come watch them because I literally own dogs from hell.


My dds both say they will have no animals in the house when they're grown.

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Well, I was going to suggest that you try another easy-to-take-care-of pet. Then I noticed that you have 9dc and another on the way. If your kids want something to cuddle, just pass over one of the littles. ;)

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I have had a "no more animals" policy for years. Problem is? The ones I have are hanging in there and will probably be around for awhile.
Both my mom and my mil experienced this. The dog purchased for their sons while the boys were in elementary school hung on to life well past the time the boys left for college. Nice dogs but really, they just wouldn't "go". I don't want to be taking care of my dc's pets when they are gone from the house.


Well, I was going to suggest that you try another easy-to-take-care-of pet. Then I noticed that you have 9dc and another on the way. If your kids want something to cuddle, just pass over one of the littles.
lol, my youngest is too big now for the girls to cuddle so perhaps this rooster has replaced him. We have twins on the way so there will be plenty of "petting" to go around. ;)


I'm wondering what kind of funeral we'll need for a ceramic rooster?? :D

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I was sweeping up hair and dirt yesterday and thinking how when I grow up and have a house of my own, I am not going to have animals inside. I told my dds that when they ever get married, I have 15 wonderful ideas for wedding gifts (we have 4 dogs and 11 cats). :tongue_smilie:

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We don't have pets either. I grew up with them, and I often lament the fact that my kids are growing up without them. I have a love for animals that most of my kids don't have, and that makes me a little sad.


But then I think about all the upkeep and expense of having pets, and I realize that it just might be worth it for my kids to miss out on having pets.


When the kids were still in diapers, we reasoned that we already had enough poop to clean up! :lol:

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Six kids and no pets here. WE've had rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, fish, and frogs. All met untimely deaths as well. No more pets. I have enough messes to clean up around here and will not be adding a shedding, pooping creature to our cadre at any time in the near future. My MIL has 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 4 birds. We go visit her when the kids need a pet fix.

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That is pathetic. Seriously.


I know dogs and cats poop in the house, tear things up, cost money, dig up your plants, get hair on everything and on and on............./


My nieces and nephews grew up without pets and they're.................not right.


I whole-heartedly agree! I did similar things when I was a child because after the one cat we had that died an untimely death after just a few months, my mom wouldn't let us have any more pets. I was constantly told when I'd cry, beg for a pet, carry around stuffed animals pretending they were real, pretend I had invisible pets, and cry years and years later over the picture of my dead kitty, that I "could get a pet when you have a place of your own." That's what I did, but I went overboard with it, and I'd go even further if DH didn't put the breaks on me. I already had a kitten lined up for myself and "on hold" in a friend of a friend's litter before I moved into my first apartment. I still have that cat...and another....and another....and a dog....and a puppy....and I'd add some more "exotic" pets (a goat, an alpaca, a miniature pony, a hedgehog, a sugar-glider) to the mix if DH would let me. I am a crazy-animal person now, and it is seriously because I wasn't allowed pets growing up. Yes, they're work, but I feel a child's life is richer and fuller with the pets in them. It also teaches children responsibility. From the age of 4, our kids were responsible for feeding the dogs. Now that one of our dogs is gone and we have an older dog and a puppy, my son (normally very irresponsible) has shown a lot of responsibility in helping us take care of the puppy. The rewards animals bring into our lives outweigh the responsibilities. Some people are just animal-people and feel a true, deep void without animals in their lives.

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I totally get what you're saying. We have #6 on the way and are a military family that moves every couple of years. Right now, adding a dog or a cat or something of that sort is just too much for us.


I will say that we have a small tank of triops that we've "grown", as well as 25 chickens. I think that's enough for now! ;)


The swaddling of the ceramic rooster made me laugh! That is something my girls would do. I'd say, with a bottle of Gorilla Glue, Mr. Ceramic Rooster could live a long life! :D

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We have 11 pets. Our house if full of pet hair.


And love.




This. Especially the love part. We don't have 11, but from the amount of pet hair you might think we do. :001_smile: We have 2 cats and a dog.


I grew up with cats and dogs, and have rarely in my life not had one or both. I think every child should have an opportunity to have a cat or dog if at all possible. I love having pets as an adult, but it's not the same kind of relationship I had with my childhood pets.

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We have betta fish. We have had a couple of hamsters. My oldest ds has terrible allergies to anything with fur. We live kind of in the country on several acres but in a neighborhood. We have no fence. I don't think it is fair to a cat to live outdoors (too many critters to eat it). We can't have one indoors because of the allergies. We can't have an outdoor dog without a fence. Fences are expensive, and we don't have the budget for one. Indoor dogs are a tremendous amount of responsibility. I don't know that I can take on one at this point, even if we could find a low allergenic dog that my son could tolerate. (He is not just a bit sniffly - he gets hive-like blotches on his face, his nose runs, his eyes swell up...it's not good.) So we don't have pets except for fish. I have angst about it, but I don't think it will mean that my kids are psychos when they grow up.;)

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. The rewards animals bring into our lives outweigh the responsibilities.


Totally agree.


My kids, DH and I have tons of allergies. We're allergic to everything that has fur, and a few foods, and all pollens. My DD has severe asthma, but now that it's well controlled and has been for 4 years going on 5, we have a dog in the house! Not any dog though, we're too allergic for most dogs, but seem to tolerate the shih tzu and only that breed.


What a change it's made in our life. We don't regret it one bit!


However, the OP has or will have 10 kids. I can totally understand her stance on pets.

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That is pathetic. Seriously.


I know dogs and cats poop in the house, tear things up, cost money, dig up your plants, get hair on everything and on and on............./


My nieces and nephews grew up without pets and they're.................not right.


Yeah, both Wolf and I were determined that the kids have pets growing up. Right now there's Jack Cat, and Cassie, the mini pony whose supposed to be a dog.


Wolf's been informed that I fully expect to get a mastiff, and a house pug in the future. He kinda shrugs, "Ok dear...whatever."

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:iagree: The problem is, I don't know if those who aren't animal people can truly understand this.


And for those of us that are animal people, it's hard to understand the opposite.


I admit to being suspicious and less likely to trust someone who states that they are "just not an animal person".



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A friend who is cleaning out her house gave us a ceramic rooster. It is life-sized and not ugly but not very practical. I was about to put it in our donation bag yet saw my younger dds put it in a stroller and take it for a walk. That rooster has been swaddled, cuddled, walked and petted all evening. It's kind of pathetic to see them loving on this dust collector.


Awww, that's sweet! I would be sure to get a picture for the scrapbook! And don't feel bad, most live pets wouldn't hold still for that kind of mommy in training rehearsal. Maybe she needs more dollies!

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We have betta fish. We have had a couple of hamsters. My oldest ds has terrible allergies to anything with fur. We live kind of in the country on several acres but in a neighborhood. We have no fence. I don't think it is fair to a cat to live outdoors (too many critters to eat it). We can't have one indoors because of the allergies. We can't have an outdoor dog without a fence. Fences are expensive, and we don't have the budget for one. Indoor dogs are a tremendous amount of responsibility. I don't know that I can take on one at this point, even if we could find a low allergenic dog that my son could tolerate. (He is not just a bit sniffly - he gets hive-like blotches on his face, his nose runs, his eyes swell up...it's not good.) So we don't have pets except for fish. I have angst about it, but I don't think it will mean that my kids are psychos when they grow up.;)


This is us. The younger 3 want something with fur, but ds15 has allergies to anything with fur. We have had a dog and a cat in the past. We had to bathe the cat weekly and the dog met an untimely death that actually bothered dh and I more than the kids. We do have a Beta and have discussed snakes or turtles.

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3 1/2 years ago, our oldest cat Rocky had kidney failure and had to be given sub-q fluids every day. The only one that he would let hold him while the needle was in him was dd, who was 12 at the time. The cat was 2 years older than her and had been her constant companion all her life. SHe would hold him while I put the needle in him she would caress him and talk sweet things to him and keep him calm. When he finally had to be put down,dd insisted on being with him during the procedure. It was pretty much about the only time I have ever seen her cry (she never cried as a baby or toddler or actually ever).


We now have 8 cats (trying to replace Rocky, I guess) and dd is so loving with all of them.

Sure, the pet hair, throwing up etc is a pain but ther love from our cats is worth it. I love watching how caring my dd is with all our cats).

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I'm not a dog or cat person, so to speak, but we had pets growing up, and I feel like its really a part of raising kids, unless mom or dad have a total phobia or allergies are present in any family members.


Honestly, if you are a hardnose about how you acquire your pet, you'll be so glad in the long run. Adopt an adult dog or cat, who has already got the personality that will fit with your family (housetrained, quiet, boistrous, whatever). There are so many wonderful pets, who need a home, and the joys of pet-owning can be so amazing. All 9 or 10 of your kids could enjoy a little dog love, and the safety of a dog in a house, well, its just a big bonus. One dog, good quality food, and say no to getting any more. Get the size, temperament and training you wish for. A local prison actually trains dogs, to be good pets. Just DO NOT take your neighbor's puppy, you do not have the time to train another thing, and the one dog we did adopt that way, was so stupid, so hard to train, it was not worth the puppy-cuteness. Don't go visit dogs untill you know they're possibilities, so kids won't be sad to not get him/her. If uncertain, then you can safehouse or foster one or two, till one member "fits" and all vote to keep him.


We had outdoor dogs when my kids were on the floor, I just couldn't clean fast enough, and didn't want dog fur on the kids, in the mouths. We have loved when we did start having in-door dogs though. ONE dog, though. One dog is another people.


Good luck, hard decision.

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I am not going to be saddled with the care of fuzzy beings
Yep! For us it is also a matter of $. I refuse to take an animal to the vet. I've watched friends shell out thousands of dollars on an animal's medical care and we just can't do that. If I want another mouth to feed it will be of the human kind. ;) I don't want the hassle of finding someone to watch an animal while we are gone. I refuse to be the bad mom who gets a dog with the full understanding that it is an outside dog, dc agree, then dc turn on me with accusing eyes when said dog is made to stay outside (happened to my mom...all 4 of us thinking she was the bad guy).


I don't hate animals, I just don't want them in or at my house. We tried it yet don't feel the need to continue our pet adventures.

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I refuse to have typical pets (cats, dogs) but have tolerated a few fish, guinea pigs and a rescued baby squirrel. All of the pets have met untimely and (in most cases) rather gruesome deaths. As a result dh and I declared a "no more pets" policy.


A friend who is cleaning out her house gave us a ceramic rooster. It is life-sized and not ugly but not very practical. I was about to put it in our donation bag yet saw my younger dds put it in a stroller and take it for a walk. That rooster has been swaddled, cuddled, walked and petted all evening. It's kind of pathetic to see them loving on this dust collector.


But it sure beats having to feed it and clean up after it (until is it dropped on the tile and meets its own untimely/gruesome death, lol).


bahahahha.. thanks for the laugh..


robin in nj

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Get real chickens. They are not pets, do not go to the vet (at least mine never will) and are, apparently, endlessly entertaining (as well as being a food source):




Oh, and they keep on laying eggs and have never pecked anyone regardless of the "adventures" my 7 yo puts them through. :tongue_smilie: (He's actually very gentle with them.)

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The problem is, I don't know if those who aren't animal people can truly understand this.

We can't. :lol: Seriously. We can't.


It totally escapes me.

To make it even worse, animals - cats in particular - seem to have a feel for who doesn't like them, so once you get in a place they own them, they're all over you and move in circles around your legs preventing you from walking. :glare:

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And for those of us that are animal people, it's hard to understand the opposite.


I admit to being suspicious and less likely to trust someone who states that they are "just not an animal person".




I am glad, however, that they are not getting an animal out of a sense of obligation that the kids need pets or to "teach them responsibility". Those may be good reasons, but they should never be the only reasons or the biggest reasons. It would not be fair to the animal.


We just recently added a second dog to our home. It is taking more vigilance than expected, and fortunately, the whole family is on board with watching interactions between the two and taking the puppy out to potty (again and again and again...:tongue_smilie:).

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^^Unfortunately, zoning laws don't allow that or I would have chickens no problem.




It too dh years to convince me (My memories of my mom's chickens were not good ones--one of them had it in for me.). I'm glad we have them now though. Never thought the kids would enjoy them so much.

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:iagree: The problem is, I don't know if those who aren't animal people can truly understand this.


We don't. My grandpa once told me he thought it was a sin to not let children have pets. I told him we had some fish.:glare: They are mostly DH's fish and I've agreed to let him get some dart frogs, but that's it. NO MORE! Even those take up too much of his time and energy.


DH asks me what kind of fish I want (the most inexpensive he can get) or what color frogs I want. I keep telling him I don't really care, they're his fish and his frogs, do whatever he wants. He thinks that if I pick them out that I'll bond with them. I am sorry, but I am just not fascinated with them like he is.

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I am glad, however, that they are not getting an animal out of a sense of obligation that the kids need pets or to "teach them responsibility". Those may be good reasons, but they should never be the only reasons or the biggest reasons. It would not be fair to the animal.


We just recently added a second dog to our home. It is taking more vigilance than expected, and fortunately, the whole family is on board with watching interactions between the two and taking the puppy out to potty (again and again and again...:tongue_smilie:).


I completely agree with you! Including the part about adding a second dog :tongue_smilie:.


Goodness, this puppy is driving the whole family nuts today, but we love the dork :D.

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My kids know well that we can't have pets in our apartment, but they beg to do things like take an ant home and keep it as a pet. I sometimes feel a little badly about that -- it's so pathetic -- but your story about the ceramic rooster makes me feel a bit better :001_smile:

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:iagree: The problem is, I don't know if those who aren't animal people can truly understand this.


True. After my slobbering mastiff passed away I had to get another one. I felt like my leg was cut off or something drastic like that. This one is slobbering and shedding too...but he is here!

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Yes, they're work, but I feel a child's life is richer and fuller with the pets in them. It also teaches children responsibility. From the age of 4, our kids were responsible for feeding the dogs. Now that one of our dogs is gone and we have an older dog and a puppy, my son (normally very irresponsible) has shown a lot of responsibility in helping us take care of the puppy. The rewards animals bring into our lives outweigh the responsibilities. Some people are just animal-people and feel a true, deep void without animals in their lives.




There has not been a day in my boys' lives when they did not have at least 3-dogs, and several barn cats. They also each have their own horse now. While I do not think animals are for everyone, I could not see either of my boys not having at least a dog when they are older. I have even told them, admittedly, that if they meet a girl when they get older, and want to ask her out, they should first ask her if she likes dogs. If she replies in the negative, they should run the other way :tongue_smilie:

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They are mostly DH's fish and I've agreed to let him get some dart frogs, but that's it. NO MORE! Even those take up too much of his time and energy.



Does your DH think they take up too much of his time? Or do you? A lot of the people I know who have aquariums view them as a hobby and really enjoy working with them. My dh's hockey takes up a lot of his time and energy, too, but ... he enjoys it. :)



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We have 11 pets. Our house if full of pet hair.


And love.




We have only three pets at the moment, one dog and two cats. Yes, they are a pain sometimes. Yes, they limit our ability to go on vacation or, in the case of the dog, even do day trips. But I don't want to imagine our lives and home without them. To tell the absolute truth, sometimes knowing the dog is waiting for me is what gets me out of bed in the morning.


I grew up in a home with way too many pets. At the height, we had four dogs and two cats. And even that probably would have been fine if my parents had any interest in house-training or walking the dogs. They didn't. So, everything was a mess all the time. The animals smelled and were badly behaved. I swore up and down that, as an adult, I would NEVER have a dog, or possibly any pets at all.


Within my first year out of the house, I was lonely and missed having a furry being sharing space. I acquired a cat.


Then, she was lonely while I was out at work all day. So, I acquired another one.


That was perfect for a long time. And, once I acquired my husband and we had the two kids, I once again thought I would be content to go pet free once the cats passed on to kitty heaven.


Within two months of the second cat's death, I was walking up and down the pet food aisles at the grocery store crying because I didn't need to buy anything. I started researching dog breeds, thinking that my son would love a canine friend.


My husband wasn't crazy about the idea of a dog and decided to head me off at the pass with a pair of guinea pigs as a Mother's Day gift.


Well, we loved the piggies, but they quickly became my daughter's pets. And, over the years, we learned that those little critters who cost us $30 each were pricey and delicate to keep in vet care. And, although they were sweet, they couldn't go on a leash and walk around at craft fairs with me.


Once again, my husband tried an end run around the dog issue, brininging home a cute black kitten as an anniversary gift. The problem is that the cat immediately hated me. He adores my husband and son, occasionally tolerates our daughter, and bites and scratches me whenever possible (unless I'm feeding him). A year later, we adopted a second cute, black kitten, this time theoretically for our daughter. At the adoption event, the kitten promised us her undying affection. Within two days in the house, she abadoned us and made known her preference for the males.


Two years later, after the first piggie left us, I finally got my dog. The second piggie went within a year after that.


Surprisingly, the son I thought "needed" a dog has turned out to be a cat person through and through. One or both cats sleep on him pretty much every night, and he's almost magically good with them.


The daughter I assumed would have either no pets or maybe a cat has fallen head over heels in love with my dog and is already looking forward to adopting a puppy as soon as she's out on her own.


For me, being a happy pet person has depended on finding the right pets. But I know for sure I don't ever want to be without a pet (or three) again.

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I think this is honest and so much better than another pet ending up in an animal shelter.


:grouphug: Your kids will be fine.:grouphug:


Yep! For us it is also a matter of $. I refuse to take an animal to the vet. I've watched friends shell out thousands of dollars on an animal's medical care and we just can't do that. If I want another mouth to feed it will be of the human kind. ;) I don't want the hassle of finding someone to watch an animal while we are gone. I refuse to be the bad mom who gets a dog with the full understanding that it is an outside dog, dc agree, then dc turn on me with accusing eyes when said dog is made to stay outside (happened to my mom...all 4 of us thinking she was the bad guy).


I don't hate animals, I just don't want them in or at my house. We tried it yet don't feel the need to continue our pet adventures.

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All 3 of my men have severe allergies to furry things. We went to a party in a house with a dog yesterday. Even with benedryl for all before the party, they were miserable within 20 minutes. We stuck it out but little man had to a breathing treatment and take a shower when we got home. Everyone had to change clothes (in the garage). We just really can't have furry things.

We do have cool fire-bellied toads. They sing and watch tv with us. :) And ds is probably getting a snake for Christmas this year.

But your typical animals? I love my men way too much!

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My kids know well that we can't have pets in our apartment, but they beg to do things like take an ant home and keep it as a pet.


Before we got a dog, when the boys were 5, I went upstairs one day and was mystified about why there were so many ants in the upstairs play area. I discovered they were climbing up 2 stories and coming in through DS2's bedroom window. But why? I didn't allow food or drinks upstairs.


Come to find out that the boys wanted a pet. Their solution was to leave crumbs in a corner, and they were right -- ants came.


So I bought them a couple of garter snakes, and later on, a tarantula. We finally got a dog out of necessity -- to protect us from bears in the mountains where we went camping. (That did not work -- Teddy thought bears were our friends because he was "socialized" to them as a puppy. He was a big dog -- 100 lbs. -- so his size was some protection, or at least I told myself that.)


When Teddy died in February, I felt as though I was missing my right arm. I could not continue to live like that, so we got Aidan. Terriers and Collies are nothing alike, so I don't know if Aidan will ever feel like a trusted friend/companion, but I love the little guy. Teddy was a serious-minded dog. Aidan is active and funny, and doesn't have a serious bone in his body. Right now he is sitting in his water bowl. Nope, he's digging the water out. Nope, he's dunking his entire head in the water. Three or four seconds of activity, and water is all over my kitchen floor. Someone must have put more than 2" of it in the bowl!

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Even with benedryl for all before the party, they were miserable within 20 minutes. We stuck it out but little man had to a breathing treatment and take a shower when we got home.


My DD is like that with cats. It frustrates her b/c she loves cats, and nearly all of her friends have at least one. Benedryl and other medications do not stave off her allergy attacks, which turn into asthma attacks.

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