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After PR1, what level AAS would we go to?

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He knows all the phonograms that there are to be learned, but has not done any syllable rules-do they review that in the first part of AAS3? If so, that level might work-looks like he's covered most of what's in AAS2?


(This is for ds8, rising 3rd grader.)

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Bumping this for you :). I remember reading somewhere that PR1 covers what is in AAS 1-3 but I would do a search if I were you, if you don't get any replies.

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I might be able to help you more in a few days because I have levels 2 and 3 on the way to me, however we did not use PR1. My ds is the same age as yours. We just got AAS1 because while my ds is a great reader, he is not a great speller. We did lessons 1-19 today. :tongue_smilie: I am glad I started there though, because just this week ds pronounced Macedonia wrong...he needs rules. However I'm guessing we could have started with 2 or 3 and been fine. If you don't get an answer soon, pm me.

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Thanks, everyone-since I wrote this post, I've decided against AAS. I think we covered what I wanted out of AAS in PR1, plus there are some things I wouldn't like about AAS.


I appreciate your help!!


I noticed the other thread after bumping this one for you ;).

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