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I'm pretty new to doing our own schedule--we did K12 when we first started homeschooling so they did all of it for me. This year I had my son do every subject every day--except on our coop day on Fridays. How do most people set this us--I've noticed some people saying they only do history 3 days a week, etc., I know there's no "norm" per se--but what is a good schedule--especially with starting middle school next year?

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I think it depends on your curriculum and your lifestyle. So, for example, MFW tells me what days to do what. Rod and Staff says a minimum of 3 times a week, and Writing Tales gave me several options and explained each option. Look at what your curriculum recommends and go from there.




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Well, your schedule will depend upon the curricula you've chosen, the number of days you will school...and how much you and your ds can accomplish in a time period. FWIW, it gets much more difficult to do middle/high school in a 4-day week. There is just more to do.


For Science, I take the total pages in the text we're using (not including index) and divide by 200 (our total number of school days), but you could use weeks instead. This gives me an "average" for the number of pages my son needs to complete each session. I also need to make sure I include time for labs, quizzes, and tests, so I try to cover the text pages in 4 days vs. 5, and leave one day a week open for tests & labs... and "other."


I used to use a lesson plan book and go through each subject writing down the basic schedule (I have the book open, so that I could see where questions in the text fell, and look for good places to break at a section. Now I just "dig in," book in hand, and start typing everyting into homeschool tracker +)


This is the basic method to schedule I use for all subjects. I do base everything upon a 5-day week, but depending upon the actual pages I need to cover, it doesn't always work out that way (or some assignments will take a LOT less time).


I've been spoiled by K12's schedule for the last 4 years... going on my own again this year :D

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I'm pretty new to scheduling but this year I tried the every subject every day thing and it did NOT work! This is what I am giong to try with my second grader next year.


Daily Bible, LA, Math and Latin


M,W,F History

T,TH Science


Then the little stuff


M - Music

T - Health

W - World Cultures/Geography

TH - Critical Thinking?

F - Art


Good luck and keep us posted!

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Well, it totally depends on your lifestyle and curriculum. In the end, you'll have to find what works for you. :)

FWIW, here's my 7th graders schedule:


8:00-9:00 Religion and prayer

9:00-12:00 (with short breaks as needed) Latin, Greek, Math, Writing

12:00-1:30 Prayers, lunch, free time

1:30-2:30 Either history (M,W,F) or science (Tue, Thu)

2:30-2:45 Either more histoy (M,W,F) or logic (Tue, Thu)

2:45-3:00 Either spellign/grammar (M,W,F) or more logic (Tue, Thu)

3:00-3:30 Prayers and Break

3:30-4:00 French

4:00-5:15 Violin

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It really is dependant on your materials. I simply look at the book. How many pages or lessons divided by the number of days planned for the year.


Many are preplanned for you...Be sure to look through the teacher manuals or accompanying student materials.

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