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Which grammar programs use living book excerpts?

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I am looking for a grammar program (can cover other parts of language arts, but doesn't have to) that uses excerpts from "living" books in their examples. I know of LLATL and KISS. Any others I haven't stumbled upon yet?


This would be for my 6th grader who has not had *formal* grammar yet. I've been trying to point out grammar in his copywork and dictation paragraphs, but I would really like a program that is all laid out for me!



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Afaik, MCT does too. I have only seen samples. MCT users, please confirm.


I think you can use the selections from the KISS Grammar 6th grade book for copywork, then analyze the passage the next day, then dictate it the third day; milk it for all it's worth. :-)

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There are a couple if vintage books that do:


Maxwell's Introductory Lessons in English Grammar



and his Advanced Lessons in English Grammar http://books.google.com/books?id=syRKAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false


I am going through the first one with my dd10, though I'm reformatting it into a workbook :D.

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By living books do you mean selections that are authentic texts rather than writing developed by the textbook author?


If so, MCT does have some quotes. But Killgallon's "Sentence Composing" is all taken from children's literature.

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By living books do you mean selections that are authentic texts rather than writing developed by the textbook author?



This is exactly what I mean :) In my ideal world, my children would do their grammar (well, actually all of their language arts!) lessons from books they were reading, or we were reading as a family.


Thank you all so much for the wonderful suggestions!

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So You Really Want to Learn English has great literature selections. You might find the grammar a bit light - it depends what you want. I would start with book 1 - samples here. The books are available from horriblebooks.com or (with free shipping to most countries) from bookdepository.co.uk



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