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HELP! I desperately need a more kid-friendly online encyclopedia!

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This morning on Wikipedia while doing some research, dd11 had to look up Walt Whitman, and learned:


"Whitman's sexuality is often discussed alongside his poetry. Though biographers continue to debate his sexuality, he is usually described as either homosexual or bisexual in his feelings and attractions.[4] However, there is disagreement among biographers as to whether Whitman had actual sexual experiences with men"


and also that his poetry had overt sexuality, etc. (And this was all laid out in the first overview section-first few paragraphs-not buried in the rest of the article.)


So I had to explain what homosexuality is (which I prbly would have had to do soon anyway), but also the way it was written, she wanted to know "how" men can have sexual experiences.


The other day on Wikipedia while learning about Eleanor Roosevelt's dd, it went into a bunch of detail about how cruel Eleanor was and how the dd was abused by nannies, etc.


So now two of dd's heroes are HIGHLY diminished in her mind. I mean, I know they're human and had faults and so on, but this age is not the time I want to get into all that with such detail. And it's not that I mind that they mention these things, but I feel like Wikipedia in some cases is making this sensational stuff the focus, rather than the person's accomplishments.


What else can I use that is free online and has good information but is more careful with content?

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