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Looking for a Bible Curriculum

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My kids will be 11 and 12. The 11 yo is very advanced in his thinking. The only Bible Study he has enjoyed was Kay Arthur's Names of God precepts class at church that he did when he was 9. I think he was only child who really got anything out of it.


OTher than that Kay Arthur Study in childrens church (and it was over the heads of most of the kids), I don't think our church does a good job of Bible Study. It's a seeker friendly church and preteens just do Grapple in the overly large class. The kids have no interest in anything but socializing. We have a new pastor in middle school who is hoping to change things by time the new fall classes start. I have a son who loves to read the Bible but is bored with same old thing. He wants to dig deeper and really read the Bible. My daughter could care less. She sees church as a social event so I feel she needs something more than the devotions and topical studies that we've been doing.


I have looked at Kay Arthur's books and they look like what I need but the $$$ is not that realistic for me. $10 for a book and it looks like it is consumable so that means $20 per book and each book only covers 4-6 days. Is that right? It's hard to tell from samples. If it is the case then I could be spending almost a $100 a month. Plus she doesn't have exodus, etc and I want to go through the Bible in Bible order.


I looked at Kay Arthur's Teach Me Your Ways for adults and it looks good too. Has anyone used it for preteens?


I have looked at the Genesis Study on Simply Charlotte Mason. It seems like a lot. Read the Bible, read some extra book (often 2 chapters), and then do the doctrine study. I can't seem to get a good feel from the samples. The samples just say read this and this but no commentary or digging. I think the digging is in the doctrine book but the samples don't help me.


I looked at homeschoolingbible. I like the drill, memory verse, and learning but I'm dont' find a lot of digging and it skips some chapters unless you do the extra reading which seems a lot. Has anyone used it?


I have looked at explorer bible study. It looks good too. I like that they cover every verse and cross references other Bible verses. It's currently on my short list. I wish they had a table of contents so I can gauge how many lessons are in a book and thus how many books I can do in a year (and the financial outlay for the year for my budget). If you know, please tell me.


Has anyone experience with these? Have other suggestions?

Edited by AuntPol
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Are you looking at Precept workbooks for kids? http://store.precept.org/c-30-for-childrenkids.aspx


For youths? http://store.precept.org/c-35-for-youthstudents.aspx


A general guide on How to Study the Bible for kids: http://store.precept.org/p-359-how-to-study-your-bible-for-kids-d4y.aspx


For adults: http://store.precept.org/p-1256-the-new-how-to-study-your-bible.aspx


Have you used Precept Upon Precept? You could learn the inductive method and then teach it to your children (or learn together!) using the How to Study Your Bible books (also Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 days: http://store.precept.org/p-572-lord-teach-me-to-study-the-bible-in-28-days.aspx )


I’ve done many Precept upon Precept studies (but not the ones for children) and they can easily be done on regular notebook paper or spiral note book, so you might be able to get by with only 1 copy (maybe). If you start out with the ones for children, you can work your way up to the regular PUP which are very meaty.


Also, if you can go for training in your area, it may help you see the big picture: http://www.precept.org/site/PageServer?pagename=caw_workshops_offsite


each book only covers 4-6 days

I don’t know which book you are referring to, are you sure it isn’t 4-6 weeks with 5 lessons per week?


These are some quick thoughts, I have to hurry out for the day. If you have more questions that I can help with, it may be a day or so before I respond.


Best wishes.

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I don’t know which book you are referring to, are you sure it isn’t 4-6 weeks with 5 lessons per week?



You're right. When I looked at sample, I didn't see day 2 listed under the first chapter. That makes it a bit more affordable.

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I have looked at explorer bible study. It looks good too. I like that they cover every verse and cross references other Bible verses. It's currently on my short list. I wish they had a table of contents so I can gauge how many lessons are in a book and thus how many books I can do in a year (and the financial outlay for the year for my budget). If you know, please tell me.


I've looked at this as well but haven't used it.


It's also offered over at the Christian Books site and you can see a table of contents there. Not sure which one you're interested in but when I pulled up the Genesis study it showed 30 lessons. Here's a link.


Hope this helps.

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If you call the Explorer Bible Study main office they are GREAT! They will answer any questions you have. They are right down the road from us and even encourage people to come in whenever and check out the materials in the office. It's up on the top of my list for my deep thinking 6th grader. Now to get money.

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Do you have Bible Study Fellowship in your area? Children attend with an adult and go to separate classes that are divided by level. The expectations from each level are very high, but age appropriate. The children will have daily "homework" of answering questions after reading a Bible passage. During the classtime they discuss their answers, learn how study a Bible passage by breaking it down (a little bit like outlining), they may learn more about a topic studied that week, and hear a short lecture. There is also a weekly memory verse.

The classes usually run September - May. Next year we are studying the book of Acts including many of Paul's letters.

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Do you have Bible Study Fellowship in your area? Children attend with an adult and go to separate classes that are divided by level. The expectations from each level are very high, but age appropriate. The children will have daily "homework" of answering questions after reading a Bible passage. During the classtime they discuss their answers, learn how study a Bible passage by breaking it down (a little bit like outlining), they may learn more about a topic studied that week, and hear a short lecture. There is also a weekly memory verse.

The classes usually run September - May. Next year we are studying the book of Acts including many of Paul's letters.

I was just going to suggest this.


We started attending BSF this year, ds and I both enjoy it. Another good thing is that the whole family studies the same passage, you can even compare notes with your child.

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