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Question about Potter's School Latin


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I'm thinking about having my oldest son take the Junior High Latin next year. How involved, if at all, do the parents have to be? How many hours a week did your student spend on this class? (Website says about 1 hr. a day outside of class time. Did you find this to be about right?) Also, did your student take this class without any prior Latin exposure?

Thanks so much!

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I can't answer for Latin, but we have done several Potters school classes and have been very pleased. I think the time for the mom varies with the teacher as our Spanish has been different each year for the level of involvement on my part. You will need to grade homework, quizzes and exams and proctor tests, I'm sure. Spanish for my kids takes about 45 minutes per day to prepare. Upload days are heavier on mom who needs to be around to proctor or help with upload. I hope you have more infor about the Latin side of things! :)



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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this is an old post but I was searching for something and ran across it so thought I'd answer.:)


My son just finished the high school Latin 1 class through TPS. It was a great experience! He had no previous Latin exposure except some root work we have done over the years. He did very well and ended up with a 95% for the year. (I share his grade to show that a kid with no previous experience can do well.;))


I wasn't involved much except to ask him every day if he was studying and I graded his written exercises.


I'd say he spent a good 4-5 hrs. a week outside of class so I'd assume that would be accurate for the jr. high level as well. Mr Spotts is a great teacher and my son is taking Latin 2 with him next year.

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My kids are taking Mr. Spotts' Jr. High Latin 1 next year. He is thorough and rigorous from what I've heard. My kids did LC 1 & 2 this year, but that is not the method Mr. Spotts uses in his classes. So its as if they are coming in green.


I like the fact that it is "live" audio/video so the kids can see and hear him and interact w/ other students.


Crissy, a member here, would have more info for you.

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