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Osama Bin Laden

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I had not heard this until now. And I didn't read anything but the first post, so sorry if I'm restating something someone else has said.


My first thought was to be happy, and then to be disgusted with myself for being happy at anyone's death. I want a world in which people do not need to be killed, no person, and that world can not contain people celebrating the death of others.


I'm having very serious mixed feelings about it. As a military goal it's the best news in the last decade, but I can't accept the idea that we should celebrate deaths. No matter how awful the person, I don't feel murder should be praised. It was a necessary evil. And it's very unfortunate that these things are still necessary.


Ugh, I don't even know what I'm getting at.

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I had not heard this until now. And I didn't read anything but the first post, so sorry if I'm restating something someone else has said.


My first thought was to be happy, and then to be disgusted with myself for being happy at anyone's death. I want a world in which people do not need to be killed, no person, and that world can not contain people celebrating the death of others.


I'm having very serious mixed feelings about it. As a military goal it's the best news in the last decade, but I can't accept the idea that we should celebrate deaths. No matter how awful the person, I don't feel murder should be praised. It was a necessary evil. And it's very unfortunate that these things are still necessary.


Ugh, I don't even know what I'm getting at.



I understand, it is difficult to imagine being happy at the death of another human being.


However we also know that the world is likely a better place without that person in it. :(

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Can't imagine Obama would announce it was today when it wasn't.


As I said above, pre-speech "facts" were characterized by the on-air talkers at MSNBC as being leaks from congressional staffers (members of Congress were called prior to the speech).


Doubters might be interested in this:


Local man apparently live-tweeted Osama mansion raid


It contains a link to the gentleman's twitter feed.

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I've been watching the news only for the last few hours since after President Obama's speech and I haven't heard anyone say it was last week. They did say the raid was planned last week, maybe that is the confusion? That would jive with the President saying he gave final go-ahead today. The reporters are also mentioning photo-analysis identification, but not saying anything about DNA confirmation.

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As I said above, pre-speech "facts" were characterized by the on-air talkers at MSNBC as being leaks from congressional staffers (members of Congress were called prior to the speech).


Doubters might be interested in this:


Local man apparently live-tweeted Osama mansion raid


It contains a link to the gentleman's twitter feed.



That is kinda of cute; he's witnessing history and he's annoyed that his sleep is being interrupted, likening the helicopter to a mosquito buzzing around!

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I should have read Moria's post before posting *sheepish*
Not at all, mine is just the one guy. :D
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I've only read a few of the posts. I don't know how to feel or what to think. I cannot celebrate the killing of anyone, even someone as warped as Osama bin Laden. I am grateful for the military and believe that brutal actions are necessary at times to prevent even more brutality, and I respect them for doing a difficult and dangerous job. I am hopeful that this will be a turning point and the beginning of reuniting soldiers with their families and a beginning of healing for their wounded hearts and for our country as a whole. I am glad this one chapter of our national nightmare is over, and pray that the world will regain some peace.

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Somewhere there are some US intelligence men and women who are going to finally have a break from 9/11. I'm so happy for them.


I know there will always be work, but can you imagine chasing after one guy in particular for this long, and then finally catching him :D.

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Hate to put a damper on all the debate as to exactly who should get the credit for this great success....but CHUCK NORRIS was just seen at an airport coming back into the USA:lol::lol:


:lol: I may have to use this for my FB status today. Very funny!



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Of course! I just didn't realize Obama did.


I'm really impressed with his speech tonight! :)


Really? You didn't? All the times he's said that he was a Christian previously? All the times he's attended church services? He's been a member of a UCC church for years. He very often mentions God in his speeches, and has discussed his spirituality on a number of occasions.


Do you still believe, as Fox news wants the world to, that he's a Muslim? :001_huh:



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Can't honestly say that I care what obama had to say. Here's President Bush's comments:


"I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude," the former president said in a statement. "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."


Do you not respect his humanity or the Office enough to even capitalize his name? :confused:



Edited by astrid
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I can't believe this thread is still open! That makes me happy.

I am a strong Bush supporter, but I completly respect the office of President.

That said, President Obama deserves some credit as Commander in Chief.

I don't know why we think being President is easy. It got on my nerves when people disrespected President Bush and called him an idiot.

I refuse to disrespect President Obama just because I did not vote for him. That seems childish to me.

Many people, former President Bush, President Obama, special forces, intelligence, our military and I'm sure a host of others got us to where we are today.

I'm telling you I'm going to celebrate.

I'm going to be ok with us killing someone who came to my house and made me feel vulnerable and insecure.

I will never forget the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach on 9/11. I will never forget watching Osama followers rejoicing in the streets. Never.

I will also never forget the soaring feeling at finding that the mastermind was finally brought to justice. I will never forget the victims of 9/11 rejoicing in Times Square. Never.

Today is not a day for politics. It's a day to come together as a country and be glad that justice was served. For a minute let's just forget labels such as democrat, liberal, conservative, republican. Let's just all be fellow countrymen!

Thank you to all who made this possible.

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Ten years ago during a surreal afternoon in Germany my neighbors and I stood in my living room and watched the towers fall. I have photos of the flowers placed in front of our gates by locals, including a helmet from our local firefighters. We knew that day that our lives were forever changed.


I remember people reaching out to one another on the boards.


I have now watched my husband, friends and nearly all members of our army family go away to war. I have been to the funerals of some of them.


I would love to see a thread in praise of our country, our military and our intelligence community go by without nasty commentary from sore losers. This is bigger than you.


(((Mrs. Mungo)))) So sorry about the loss of your loved ones.....

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Hate to put a damper on all the debate as to exactly who should get the credit for this great success....but CHUCK NORRIS was just seen at an airport coming back into the USA:lol::lol:


I heard Dog the Bounty Hunter was with him. :D


The spontaneous celebrations in New York City, West Point, The Naval Academy.... I've got chills.


I'm glad he's dead. I'm glad he died at the hands of our special ops and he knew it was at the hands of people he'd brought so much pain and suffering to.


No, it's not the end. But I'm not sure there ever will be an end to extremists wanting others dead.

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This all started with Solamichella giving the military 100% credit. How is that baiting Bill?



It started with JoJosMom saying she didn't give a flip about what the president said, then proceeded to quote the previous president.

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I posted in the Obama thread that maybe we will turn a corner. Maybe this will be remembered as what Churchill called the end of the beginning. They won't be coming home any time soon. But maybe this puts us one step closer.


:iagree: I think this turns a page. I'm not sure about the celebrations, perhaps a grateful acknowledgment to those who made it happen and a sigh of relief.

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I just watched Fox streaming live' date=' and they did play some of President Obama's speech, but it was only the very beginning when he made the announcement that he was killed. None of the rest mentioned here was aired.


I know people are happy to hear this news, but the people pumping their fists (on the FOX broadcast) looks canned. :001_huh:[/quote']


I watched FOX live streaming and they aired the speech in it's entirety.

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we were on the Boardwalk here in Ocean City on Sat. and read a memorial plaque on a bench about a young man (from the words it sounded like he had been a firefighter) that died on Sept. 11. We were talking about all the firefighters and police that lost their lives being heroes on 9/11 to our dc who were too young 10 years ago to remember that day. And then last night to be able to tell them about how justice was uptained.

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Ten years ago during a surreal afternoon in Germany my neighbors and I stood in my living room and watched the towers fall. I have photos of the flowers placed in front of our gates by locals, including a helmet from our local firefighters. We knew that day that our lives were forever changed.


I remember people reaching out to one another on the boards.


I have now watched my husband, friends and nearly all members of our army family go away to war. I have been to the funerals of some of them.


I would love to see a thread in praise of our country, our military and our intelligence community go by without nasty commentary from sore losers. This is bigger than you.


:grouphug: Thank you for this.


I too sent my dh off to war shortly after 9/11, along with many friends. I was active-duty Navy when 9/11 happened. To hear people bicker over the number of times President Obama used "God" in his speech, belittle this achievement, and make this about anything other than the AWESOME MILITARY MEMBERS who carried this out sickens me and cheapens the contributions of our military members.


And just because I cannot resist, GO NAVY!!!!

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:iagree: I think this turns a page. I'm not sure about the celebrations, perhaps a grateful acknowledgment to those who made it happen and a sigh of relief.


You describe how I feel.


True, he was not as effective recently as he was on 9/11. However, if we had just given up and let him go it would send the message that you can attack the U.S. and get away with it.


Also true, our country will need to be on alert both at home and overseas because of this. But do we allow a mass murderer get away with it because we're afraid of retaliation?


I don't feel like celebrating, but I'm relieved this particular chapter has ended.

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The day after 9/11 my 13yo son told me he would join the military when he turned 18. He is now a Sgt. in the Marine Corp. 9/11 changed all our lives - I am celebrating today. Thank you to our awesome military men and women who serve!!!

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I personally think that those tweets and the nearly hour long delay before the President's speech last night support what President Obama stated...that the mission occurred within the last 24 or so hours.


We all know that *all* media is guilty of filling empty space by running their mouths and have been known, repeatedly, to state things that are later found to be in error.


This has been a long running mission. It began with President Clinton and has escalated over the years as more events added fuel to the fire (literally). There are many, many, many people who should be feeling immense satisfaction today.

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I can't believe this thread is still open! That makes me happy.

I am a strong Bush supporter, but I completly respect the office of President.

That said, President Obama deserves some credit as Commander in Chief.

I don't know why we think being President is easy. It got on my nerves when people disrespected President Bush and called him an idiot.

I refuse to disrespect President Obama just because I did not vote for him. That seems childish to me.

Many people, former President Bush, President Obama, special forces, intelligence, our military and I'm sure a host of others got us to where we are today.

I'm telling you I'm going to celebrate.

I'm going to be ok with us killing someone who came to my house and made me feel vulnerable and insecure.

I will never forget the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach on 9/11. I will never forget watching Osama followers rejoicing in the streets. Never.

I will also never forget the soaring feeling at finding that the mastermind was finally brought to justice. I will never forget the victims of 9/11 rejoicing in Times Square. Never.

Today is not a day for politics. It's a day to come together as a country and be glad that justice was served. For a minute let's just forget labels such as democrat, liberal, conservative, republican. Let's just all be fellow countrymen!

Thank you to all who made this possible.

Love this.


United we stand, divided we fall. Let's all stand together today and in the days to come.

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It started with JoJosMom saying she didn't give a flip about what the president said, then proceeded to quote the previous president.


There are over 29,000 members on here, but that comment was baiting Bill?

Or anyone, for that matter?

*shrug* still not seeing it but it doesn't really matter.

I just responded because you quoted me.

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Can't honestly say that I care what obama had to say. Here's President Bush's comments:


"I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude," the former president said in a statement. "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."


I just responded because you quoted me.


I only quoted you to point out where it started. For 9 pages we were discussing the death of bin Laden, what we heard and read from various news sources, and a little about President Obama's religious beliefs. Then the above was posted and it turned south.

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Who did YOU lose in the attacks?





A couple hundred people I worked with, but none who were close friends. The City of New York was my account, and I worked for a large company at the time. We spent 'till after New Year's putting the agencies back together as best we could. The lingering effects, well...


I can't tell you how all of those events during and after have been seared in my mind, but put to the back of my memory for some time. I had no idea that hearing this news would actually make me feel like I've exhaled fully for the first time in almost 10 years.


I am incredibly grateful to all involved for seeing this through, no matter how long it took. It matters all the way down to someone like me, who was just another working stiff at the time, who came away "unscathed."

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I can't tell you how all of those events during and after have been seared in my mind, but put to the back of my memory for some time. I had no idea that hearing this news would actually make me feel like I've exhaled fully for the first time in almost 10 years.


I am incredibly grateful to all involved for seeing this through, no matter how long it took. It matters all the way down to someone like me, who was just another working stiff at the time, who came away "unscathed."


:grouphug: Honestly, that's why they do it.

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Hate to put a damper on all the debate as to exactly who should get the credit for this great success....but CHUCK NORRIS was just seen at an airport coming back into the USA:lol::lol:


:lol: Love this. Classic. lolol!!!

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Hate to put a damper on all the debate as to exactly who should get the credit for this great success....but CHUCK NORRIS was just seen at an airport coming back into the USA:lol::lol:


:lol:I am stealing this and putting it as my FB status, only because I am reading so much crud this morning.

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As a native New Yorker, with one cousin who escaped the towers and another who was at the Pentagon that day, I am thrilled beyond words that the evil SOB is dead. I'm only sorry they didn't vaporize his *ss as he didn't deserve a proper funeral "in accordance with Muslim law." I know they did it to avoid making a martyr out of him, but I can't help but think of the families here who would've loved to bury their loved ones after 9/11 except they no longer existed. If there's a hell, I hope bin Laden is roasting his chestnuts in it right now.

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"I've never wished a man dead but I've read obituaries with great pleasure." Mark Twain




And I LOVE our military men and women...grew up Army, brother is in the Air

Force. Our whole family stands with them and we are beyond proud and thankful today for their success this week!

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I think Bush made some great speeches and had a lot of tough decisions to make when he was president. I think he had the best of intentions even when I disagreed with him. I find it just awful that some cannot give our current president the same respect. I find it awful that people would rather believe lies than something good.



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