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Osama Bin Laden

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His role in this was more like an aircraft controller--


You're clear to land.




You mean he was watching a movie and then fell asleep while this was going on??? :lol:


Seriously, I'm going to drop out of this thread as I don't want to cause problems here. I think all involved did an awesome job. Our Navy Seals are amazing!!!! :)

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This thread didn't start about who likes/dislikes Obama. We seriously can't all agree that it's a good thing Bin Laden is dead? We can't just all be happy he is out of the picture and can't hurt anyone else? The OP didn't start a political thread but others decided to bring it in. There was no need. I am not an Obama supporter but this is a good thing and I felt no need to make it political. It was unnecessary.


I am thrilled that Osama is dead! Believe me. 9/11 happened in my backyard, it was very personal.


It is not political. It is about Bill playing the "stop saying mean things" card to end dissenting opinions about anything that he does not agree with.

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Ten years ago during a surreal afternoon in Germany my neighbors and I stood in my living room and watched the towers fall. I have photos of the flowers placed in front of our gates by locals, including a helmet from our local firefighters. We knew that day that our lives were forever changed.


I remember people reaching out to one another on the boards.


I have now watched my husband, friends and nearly all members of our army family go away to war. I have been to the funerals of some of them.


I would love to see a thread in praise of our country, our military and our intelligence community go by without nasty commentary from sore losers. This is bigger than you.

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gee-if I still drank i'd be dipping into the vintage wine.;):party::patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot:




:iagree: It's beautiful, isn't it?

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Ten years ago during a surreal afternoon in Germany my neighbors and I stood in my living room and watched the towers fall. I have photos of the flowers placed in front of our gates by locals, including a helmet from our local firefighters. We knew that day that our lives were forever changed.


I remember people reaching out to one another on the boards.


I have now watched my husband, friends and nearly all members of our army family go away to war. I have been to the funerals of some of them.


I would love to see a thread in praise of our country, our military and our intelligence community go by without nasty commentary from sore losers. This is bigger than you.



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Ten years ago during a surreal afternoon in Germany my neighbors and I stood in my living room and watched the towers fall. I have photos of the flowers placed in front of our gates by locals, including a helmet from our local firefighters. We knew that day that our lives were forever changed.


I remember people reaching out to one another on the boards.


I have now watched my husband, friends and nearly all members of our army family go away to war. I have been to the funerals of some of them.


I would love to see a thread in praise of our country, our military and our intelligence community go by without nasty commentary from sore losers. This is bigger than you.


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This is why I want Elaine to be the voice of reason ON MY SIDE. :sneaky2:



Bruce is on my side, come on Elaine... go Liberal! :D:D:D:D


Are you insane? Oh, you're a lib, you are! :lol:


I miss these crazy interactions with you.:D We have to go out for ice cream again.

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Ten years ago during a surreal afternoon in Germany my neighbors and I stood in my living room and watched the towers fall. I have photos of the flowers placed in front of our gates by locals, including a helmet from our local firefighters. We knew that day that our lives were forever changed.


I remember people reaching out to one another on the boards.


I have now watched my husband, friends and nearly all members of our army family go away to war. I have been to the funerals of some of them.


I would love to see a thread in praise of our country, our military and our intelligence community go by without nasty commentary from sore losers. This is bigger than you.



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Ten years ago during a surreal afternoon in Germany my neighbors and I stood in my living room and watched the towers fall. I have photos of the flowers placed in front of our gates by locals, including a helmet from our local firefighters. We knew that day that our lives were forever changed.


I remember people reaching out to one another on the boards.


I have now watched my husband, friends and nearly all members of our army family go away to war. I have been to the funerals of some of them.


I would love to see a thread in praise of our country, our military and our intelligence community go by without nasty commentary from sore losers. This is bigger than you.



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Ten years ago during a surreal afternoon in Germany my neighbors and I stood in my living room and watched the towers fall. I have photos of the flowers placed in front of our gates by locals, including a helmet from our local firefighters. We knew that day that our lives were forever changed.


I remember people reaching out to one another on the boards.


I have now watched my husband, friends and nearly all members of our army family go away to war. I have been to the funerals of some of them.


I would love to see a thread in praise of our country, our military and our intelligence community go by without nasty commentary from sore losers. This is bigger than you.




The behavior desecrates the memory of those who lost their lives in the 911 attacks and those who have gone to war and made great sacrifices (including the ultimate one) to battle this foe. It is beneath contempt.



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Link to the full text of President Obama's speech. http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/05/02/osama-bin-laden-dead


The cause of securing our country is not complete. But tonight, we are once again reminded that America can do whatever we set our mind to. That is the story of our history, whether it’s the pursuit of prosperity for our people, or the struggle for equality for all our citizens; our commitment to stand up for our values abroad, and our sacrifices to make the world a safer place.


Let us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Thank you. May God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America.


This part gave me chills. It also made me feel like busting out that Lee Greenwood oldie...

Edited by MrsBasil
Including the link!
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The behavior desecrates the memory of those who lost their lives in the 911 attacks and those who have gone to war and made great sacrifices (including the ultimate one) to battle this foe. It is beneath contempt.




BS. Their memories are intact, as is our respect and regard for them.


Your panties are simply all in a bunch. Get over it.

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BS. Their memories are intact, as is our respect and regard for them.


Your panties are simply all in a bunch. Get over it.


He lost friends in the 9/11 attacks. Yes, he's taking the BS posts some people have made personally. Who did YOU lose in the attacks?



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This all started with Solamichella giving the military 100% credit. How is that baiting Bill?

Yes. Quite serious.


:confused: It started before that, but in any case some of what followed that I might consider baiting. Like telling him he is having a "pansy party" or a his "panties are in a bunch". :001_huh:

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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Ten years ago during a surreal afternoon in Germany my neighbors and I stood in my living room and watched the towers fall. I have photos of the flowers placed in front of our gates by locals, including a helmet from our local firefighters. We knew that day that our lives were forever changed.


I remember people reaching out to one another on the boards.


I have now watched my husband, friends and nearly all members of our army family go away to war. I have been to the funerals of some of them.


I would love to see a thread in praise of our country, our military and our intelligence community go by without nasty commentary from sore losers. This is bigger than you.





Thanks to our military - their unrelenting courage, sacrifice and the fortitude to get the job done - and their families. Your sacrifices allow us to sleep in peace on our own beds tonight.


This is beyond partisan politics IMO. It should be at any rate.

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I'm just glad this is over.


10 years ago we all watched in horror.


This is good news, and I personally am celebrating.


And I don't care who did it. My personal position is that WE did it. And I'm not spending one second defining WE. That is all. (Again.)

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Clearly, you have something to say. So say it. I don't appreciate your remarks. I've said nothing wrong.


Apparently one must check with Bill to get pre-approval on all statements, otherwise he gets to call you names and make snarky remarks. But he's not "small". He's "real".

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Of course, they could only do it with his ok. (Only Oliver North with a little help from Rambo could have accomplished this on their own ;)). And I think he did more than give his ok. I'm grateful that he kept pursuing this despite calls from many to completely withdraw and abandon the war on terror. I just think the lion's share of the work came from the intelligence community, who were finally able to locate him through three presidencies (possibly w/help from our Pakistani allies) AND the military members who risked everything to make this happen. I know many service members who joined with this mission in mind.


Oliver North??


Isn't he a criminal?

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This is beyond partisan politics IMO. It should be at any rate.




No one group of people accomplished this. It was joint effort by many different ones, from intelligence to military, who together made it happen. They all deserve our thanks and respect.



I do have to make this one comment. An air traffic controller does a lot more than just say "You are cleared for landing." Have a bit more respect please.

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Yes. Quite serious.


:confused: It started before that, but in any case some of what followed that I might consider baiting. Like telling him he is having a "pansy party" or a his "panties are in a bunch". :001_huh:


But telling someone to "get real" or "we can always count on you" is not baiting?

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So...is this good news...but now we can expect a concerted effort to retaliate? I felt some relief when I heard it. What will this mean for our troops in Afghanistan? Can they finally begin to come home?

Edited by Liz CA
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Can anyone who follows this more closely than I do comment on the Pakistani government's role in this? Surely they must have known about this compound?


ETA: I'm referring to their role in hiding Bin Laden while pretending to work with the US, not their role in raiding the compound since clearly they were not part of the operation (although apparently they are claiming they helped kill him?!?).

Edited by RanchGirl
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I'm just going to say this plainly.


.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of anything I have to say on this board has anything to do with Bill, baiting Bill, annoying Bill, or even garnering Bill's attention. My posts are just not about Bill.


I have friends whose sons are in the military; I was giving our military support. Why and how that gets turned into something else is a mystery to me. Seems like some are just waiting for a fight. They're going to have to keep waiting. I'm not going to pick apart my post in support of the military to placate those who choose to read something into it.

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So...is this good news...but now we can expect a concerted effort for retaliation? I felt some relief when I heard it. What will this mean for our

troops in Afghanistan? Can they finally begin to come home?


I posted in the Obama thread that maybe we will turn a corner. Maybe this will be remembered as what Churchill called the end of the beginning. They won't be coming home any time soon. But maybe this puts us one step closer.

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I'm saddened that at such a momentous moment that some members of this forum are being so small. Not surprised entirely, but saddened none-the-less.




THIS is the post that started it all. I only find this to be borderline snarky. Then emotions probably got the better of Bill as well as others.


As I stated previously, some people on this thread actually lost friends and loved ones in the 9/11 attacks. IMO, they should be given a little latitude.


I don't see Bill's post above as slamming people for not agreeing with him, as he's accused of doing. I think he's referring to some of the arguments about "Obama's belief in God" and the "giving of credit" dispute. Of course, i don't know for sure.


I'm just stepping in because I think he's getting a bad wrap. He is usually a voice of reason in discussions so for him to appear emotional in this thread shows us that it might be personal for him and maybe we should extend some grace. He quit posting for quite awhile after things in this thread went south.

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I posted in the Obama thread that maybe we will turn a corner. Maybe this will be remembered as what Churchill called the end of the beginning. They won't be coming home any time soon. But maybe this puts us one step closer.


And "Amen" to that as well. It's been such a long haul...God bless and protect all men and women in the military!

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THIS is the post that started it all. I only find this to be borderline snarky. Then emotions probably got the better of Bill as well as others.


As I stated previously, some people on this thread actually lost friends and loved ones in the 9/11 attacks. IMO, they should be given a little latitude.


I don't see Bill's post above as slamming people for not agreeing with him, as he's accused of doing. I think he's referring to some of the arguments about "Obama's belief in God" and the "giving of credit" dispute. Of course, i don't know for sure.


I'm just stepping in because I think he's getting a bad wrap. He is usually a voice of reason in discussions so for him to appear emotional in this thread shows us that it might be personal for him and maybe we should extend some grace. He quit posting for quite awhile after things in this thread went south.


:iagree: I also thought he was referring to what I bolded.

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May 1, 2011 Earlier this evening, President Obama called to inform me that American forces killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al Qaeda network that attacked America on September 11, 2001. I congratulated him and the men and women of our military... and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude. This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.




Even Bush congratulated him. I don't know why people have to be all sour grapes all over everything.


This is a major event in history we should be banding together as Americans to pray for our troops and pray that this event brings some solace and justice to those who have lost loved ones.

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Yeah, I think you're right. I'm just glad *this* chapter is closed. :grouphug:


Yes. Too bad this other one is now officially opened (from the NYT obituary):


His greatest hope, he told supporters, was that if he died at the hands of the Americans, the Muslim world would rise up and defeat the nation that had killed him.






ps: P. BOs speech said that Pakistan authorities were told after the fact; therefore they did not play a role in the operation.

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Ten years ago during a surreal afternoon in Germany my neighbors and I stood in my living room and watched the towers fall. I have photos of the flowers placed in front of our gates by locals, including a helmet from our local firefighters. We knew that day that our lives were forever changed.


I remember people reaching out to one another on the boards.


I have now watched my husband, friends and nearly all members of our army family go away to war. I have been to the funerals of some of them.


I would love to see a thread in praise of our country, our military and our intelligence community go by without nasty commentary from sore losers. This is bigger than you.


FTR, Germans STILL put flowers on our gates every Sept 11 and several of the stores fly American flags. It's a nice gesture.

THIS morning, there are flowers at the gate and little American flags everywhere outside the gates. The Germans are celebrating this too.

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FTR, Germans STILL put flowers on our gates every Sept 11 and several of the stores fly American flags. It's a nice gesture.

THIS morning, there are flowers at the gate and little American flags everywhere outside the gates. The Germans are celebrating this too.


Thank you, it is a nice thing to hear.

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FTR, Germans STILL put flowers on our gates every Sept 11 and several of the stores fly American flags. It's a nice gesture.

THIS morning, there are flowers at the gate and little American flags everywhere outside the gates. The Germans are celebrating this too.


Awesome! :001_smile:

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