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Rant about dogs

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We own a Black Lab and a German Shepard. They are really great dogs - except THEY DIG. My husband just planted 2 beautiful bushes on the side of the house (early Mother's Day gift), well this morning both bushes were dug up and dead. DH is not happy - he went to the firing range before Mass this morning. I am so annoyed. Thanks for letting me rant.

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So Sorry! I always tell my oldest step-daughter that the dog she doesn't care for (mine) will probably save her life someday. That's my general "get happy" thought when the pup does something that is "naughty" and makes me wanna go "urgh"...


With the cats, it's that they are scaring away the mice; I HATE mice!!!


With living creatures, comes misery to join the "joy" that they bring us ;) (Course, that's kids, too!! My kids have broken/lost/cost more $$$ than the pup ever could... and I can't make them wear a pinch collar!!)


Sorry about the present :( Could you see if there's a way to save it?? Perhaps they aren't quite dead?? Ask at the shop?

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Are you sure the bushes are dead? I've saved some that DH was sure were doomed by really wetting down the roots and replanting.....


Fences are your only friend when dealing with labs. Our lab-mix could not resist fresh-dirt. EVER. Or fresh manure, either. I had to put nets and fences around all my flower beds and garden when I first planted to keep her out....

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We own a Black Lab and a German Shepard. They are really great dogs - except THEY DIG. My husband just planted 2 beautiful bushes on the side of the house (early Mother's Day gift), well this morning both bushes were dug up and dead. DH is not happy - he went to the firing range before Mass this morning. I am so annoyed. Thanks for letting me rant.


Umm --- I hope he went without the dogs?;)

We have two 4 month old GSD, and they have started digging. The breeder says puppies and dogs will do that outside if they are out for longer periods without human companionship -- in other words, if they are bored. I've had enough pets in my lifetime to know that sometimes they just plot how best to pull your chain. :rolleyes: I have no words of wisdom, but I do empathize with you.

Edited by K in MI
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My lab mix does this all the time, too! She's dug up so many of my older roses (funny how we named her Rose before we even knew her, uh, tendancies :tongue_smilie:), but I was able to save them. And just this morning I placed a bag of dirt near each of the 5 new holes she's dug just this spring, and plan to go out this aft to fill them in.


But you know what? I love the little beast and if the worst she does is dig a hole, I'll just fill it in and sprinkle some grass seed over it. While I'd rather not, I'll take it if that's her only major fault. Plus, she looks so ridiculously happy digging those holes, I almost feel bad yelling at her to stop. (But I do make her stop!)

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Ugh. I feel your pain. :grouphug: My beagle mix loves how soft the dirt is in the flower beds. Sigh. I really can't let her out on her own right now. I read somewhere that you can teach a dog to only dig in a certain area, but the lesson isn't sinking in yet. :tongue_smilie:

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We own a Black Lab and a German Shepard. They are really great dogs - except THEY DIG. My husband just planted 2 beautiful bushes on the side of the house (early Mother's Day gift), well this morning both bushes were dug up and dead. DH is not happy - he went to the firing range before Mass this morning. I am so annoyed. Thanks for letting me rant.


The dog was shut in the kitchen. I was outside working in a bit of the garden which is not securely dog fenced. The dog got onto the kitchen table and chewed up the retainer. I have no idea how much a replacement is going to cost....



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