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What kind of a dog is this?

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She wandered up to our house yesterday, dragging her leash with her. She has a collar, but no ID tag. We're thinking maybe she ran away from her owner while on a walk or something? No one has come to claim her yet and no one has put up signs for her yet. We're going to post her information @ the pound Monday and put up a few signs, but I'm not sure how to describe her?


(we must find her owners soon - the kids have already named her Suzy -and dh, who is adamantly opposed to any critter with fur that sheds, is even getting attached. Yikes!!)

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Maybe you can go to your local Humane Society with the pics and ask them. Our HS had a Lost & Found book for owners to look through to see if their dog/cat/animal had been found. You could "foster" the dog until the owner is found. If that doesn't happen, then you'd have to decide what you want to do!


She's a cutie!!! :D

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Looks like a mutt-dog to me, poor thing. Her color would be black and tan.


As long as you don't know for sure what breed, I wouldn't try to assign one to her. If her owners actually know, and you say it's a different one, they might not recognize the description, KWIM?

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Maybe GH, dobie, lab mix. Don't know what a heeler is! lol


She does look sweet. :001_smile:


Sweet dog. We just found a dog recently and posted head shots of the dog because we wanted whoever claimed him to be able to tell us that 1) it was a boy and 2) it had a curled tail. I'm glad we did this because dh overheard some men talking at the gas station about how long they should wait before claiming it (they wanted a free dog). The owner found it by going to the shelter and seeing our poster there.


Btw, we adopted a red heeler from the shelter recently. I'm going to try to include a pic of him here. (Never done this before, so we'll see.) The one the OP found looks like it may be a heeler mix.


Shoot. Can't get the pic on here. I'll try again after church.

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Thanks for the suggestions.


When you post @ the local animal shelter, they don't have a space for pictures - just a description (at least they didn't the last time we did this). I definitely think she's a mix of some sort - but being able to say she looks to be "part heeler" or "part GS" would be helpful in that description.


We are making posters to put up on street corners and gas stations in the area ourselves. I do like the idea of just putting a headshot. I want the owners to be able to identify her (approximate size, tail length, etc) so that just no one can come in and claim her as their own.


She is a cutie. I'll load her up on Monday to get scanned for a microchip @ the animal shelter when we go. I think they have two types of scanners there, iirc. I'll ask.


If we have no luck midweek, she's destined for the animal shelter. :( There's a no-kill shelter near here, though, and I cannot imagine she will not get scooped up super fast, being as cute and as sweet as she is. But, she is well-fed, shiny coat, playful nature ---- I just can't imagine there isn't someone out there missing her terribly. I sure hope they come and find her.

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She wandered up to our house yesterday, dragging her leash with her. She has a collar, but no ID tag.


Check local hospitals to see if anyone in your area has been brought in who might have been out taking a walk (and had a heart attack etc.).


I can see this happening to someone who manages to call 911, or get help from a passerby, but not manage to hang onto their dog.


I know it sounds like a strange possibility, but it just popped into my head.


ETA: My dog does not wear an id tag (Since she lost one, I keep it in the house in an envelope by the front door.) If she got away from us, it would be similar situation.

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Heelers are so cute! Just discovered that breed! Almost like a corgi/other breed mix.


She looks a bit big to be a true heeler. If I were posting for her family to find her, I think I would post small or miniature german shepherd cuz that's really what she looks like.


I had a golden mix; dad was a heinz 57. Mama had 8 or 9 BLACK puppies, go figure! She looked like a miniature black lab, and people would ask me if that's what she was. She was just about 45-50 lbs. If somone would have posted small or miniature black lab, I would have called immediately.


She's stinkin' adorable!!!!

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Have her checked for a microchip. My dog's tag pulled off a couple of weeks ago, and I haven't replaced it yet. But she's chipped. She is sweet looking. Love the ears.


I agree with this. Our two dogs got out of our yard, and we hadn't put their collars back on from their bath. We couldn't find them. A few days later animal control called us because of their microchips.

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Maybe GH, dobie, lab mix. Don't know what a heeler is! lol


She does look sweet. :001_smile:


I think before you get posters up, you should go to a pet store and get a leash and some yummy food, so you can take her on walks and feed her well! :lol:

Just kidding - well sort of.

If you take her to a Animal Shelter and she had a imbedded microchip, they could locate the owner very fast.

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I figured it out! Here's our red heeler: Drogo.



She DOES look a lot like him. She even "smiles" like he's doing in this picture. Just her coloring doesn't match up with the heeler colors. So the colors must come from the "other" parent, lol.



I think before you get posters up, you should go to a pet store and get a leash and some yummy food, so you can take her on walks and feed her well! :lol:

Just kidding - well sort of.

We have three other dogs, so she has plenty of food and water. And she came up TO us with her leash still attached, so she's all good there too, lol.
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