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Classical Conversations for an almost 5yo?


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That age is frankly tough for CC, particularly if they have not been in group situations before. If you have a tutor who understands the activity level and distraction of that age, it can be wonderful though. Your expectations should be very flexible of course.

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Thanks for your reply:001_smile: He has been in a PDO/preschool program since he was 12months. He does very well there, but I know that CC is very different than the preschool. I may just put him in his last year of prek and focus on my older kiddo's. I bet it would be better for the whole family!

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My son and I just finished our first year of CC. He turns 5 in August. Although he enjoyed it, I would have waited a couple of years. He has a long attention span for his age and did quite well in a classroom setting. However, he is quite sensitive, and some of the material this year was a bit difficult for him to digest.


I still believe that it is a great program, but if I knew then what I know now, I probably would have waited until he was 6 years old.

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I am planning on enrolling my 15, 12, and 7yo in CC next fall. However, I am on the fence on if I should enroll my son, who will be 5yo in October, in CC or not. I would love to hear from others who have put their young 5yo in CC or not. Opinions??


My 5yo absolutely loved CC. But she was a girl. Having older siblings (especially 2 older siblings) in the program helps. A lot. I would not put a 5yo oldest sibling in CC. Youngers, however, work out much better.

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My 5yo absolutely loved CC. But she was a girl. Having older siblings (especially 2 older siblings) in the program helps. A lot. I would not put a 5yo oldest sibling in CC. Youngers, however, work out much better.

:iagree: I have had a boy and girl start at five (not the oldest though) they have both done well.

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I am planning on enrolling my 15, 12, and 7yo in CC next fall. However, I am on the fence on if I should enroll my son, who will be 5yo in October, in CC or not. I would love to hear from others who have put their young 5yo in CC or not. Opinions??


My dd turned 6 just before we started with CC. She is advanced for her age, but I have always been glad that I didn't enroll her any earlier. I think 6 or 7 is a great age to start CC.

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I agree with pps. My dd [turned 5 in Feb] finished her first year at CC and loved it. However, if she had been my oldest, I would not have enrolled her so young. I would imagine your son would be fine. However, he would probably be fine in the other program as well.


It is amazing what a 5 yr old can memorize though. :D

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Just so you know, the official rule of CC is that if a 4 year old or older is on campus, they will need to be enrolled. You would have to find another alternative for your youngest if the rest of your kids were enrolled. So, you may not even have a choice. It may depend on your director, but that's the official CC position.



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