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Raw chicken in the fridge for 6 days... Would you eat this?

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I bought chicken this past Saturday, put it in the spare refrigerator, and forgot it was in there. The sticker on it says "sell by

April 29", which is today. I've always heard that you should use or freeze fresh chicken within 2-3 days after purchase. It looks okay and smells okay (as raw chicken goes, lol), so is it safe, or should I toss it?

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I always go by the smell test -- if it smells okay, then I cook it. It only says "SELL" by today - not use by today. I'd just throw it in the crockpot overnight and chop it up to freeze for other dishes (and make a soup from the carcas).


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Food poisoning happens when meat is undercooked, not spoiled. At least, that's what I've always heard. Old meat just tastes bad, but shouldn't kill you if it's cooked right.
That has not been my experience.


The chicken I was poisoned by (and it was ugly) smelled fine and was cooked quite thoroughly. But it was too old.


My husband's parents were butchers, and each came from families of butchers. Out of necessity they raised their family that included seven children on the meat that was no longer legal to sell to the public, called "green meat". ("I soaked it overnight in a brine, crossed my fingers, and hoped for the best", said my dmil.)


But even they will say the same things I've said about chicken.

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Its not worth risking food poisoning for a $4 package of chicken (in my world).


I have had serious food poisoning and I take zero chances.


It would cost me more in doctors visit than than the cost of the chicken I just threw out.

I was starting to think I was crazy with all of these other posters saying they'd eat it.


Once you've had serious food poisoning you never, ever take chances again. It's not something you can forget. More garden variety food poisoning that leads to cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea doesn't leave you as sick as the serious poisoning does.

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Yes. It says sell by today, not use by today- it's not past its expiration date AND you said it smells and looks fine. So why not?


Yeah I'm a little confused… the chicken is NOT expired, NOT past its date, NOT been stored in bad conditions (left overnight on the counter/etc) … what's the problem with it? It might as well have come from the store today…

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If it didn't stink, it must have been bought the same day it arrived at the store.


I raise my own chickens; we bag and freeze them the same day they are...processed. I cannot imagine them sitting in the fridge for 7 days. I have a stomach of steel, but this is pushing it for me.

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I bought chicken this past Saturday, put it in the spare refrigerator, and forgot it was in there. The sticker on it says "sell by

April 29", which is today. I've always heard that you should use or freeze fresh chicken within 2-3 days after purchase. It looks okay and smells okay (as raw chicken goes, lol), so is it safe, or should I toss it?



NO NO NO NO NO I would toss it. Like some other posters, I've had a wicked bad case of food poisoning before. It's just not worth it.

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I always go by the smell test -- if it smells okay, then I cook it. It only says "SELL" by today - not use by today. I'd just throw it in the crockpot overnight and chop it up to freeze for other dishes (and make a soup from the carcas).


:iagree: Done that plenty of times and still alive and kicking!

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How is it different, though, than the store being unable to sell it and letting it sit in their meat case until today, April 29th?


Yep, that's what I'm saying. When you buy it at the store, you have no idea how long it's been sitting in their refrigerated cases, you just know what the date is on it. This one's not past its date. It hasn't been left sitting unrefrigerated. It doesn't smell or look funny in any way to the OP. So I'm pretty confused by how many people would throw it out.


And usually I'm the first to say "NO" to most of the "would you eat this" threads on this board lol.

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I don't understand why folks are saying that they would toss it. It's within it's sell-by date. The store could have sold it today and a person would STILL have a few days to cook or freeze it.


I wouldn't hesitate to use it and feed it to my family. I consider myself very cautious with food and throw things out routinely that my DH would consider fine.



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Yep, that's what I'm saying. When you buy it at the store, you have no idea how long it's been sitting in their refrigerated cases, you just know what the date is on it. This one's not past its date. It hasn't been left sitting unrefrigerated. It doesn't smell or look funny in any way to the OP. So I'm pretty confused by how many people would throw it out.


And usually I'm the first to say "NO" to most of the "would you eat this" threads on this board lol.


Exactly! :iagree:


I'm puzzled. and I'm pretty careful with meat - especially as I don't eat it myself and therefore wouldn't know if something tasted 'off' about a meat-meal that I've made for dh & the kids.


[although NOW we're past the date and my paranoia would kick in and toss it LOL]

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It's within it's sell-by date. The store could have sold it today and a person would STILL have a few days to cook or freeze it.



Here, the store would mark it down by 30-50% and people would buy it, freeze it, and use it sometime later. I buy reduced meat all the time (that isn't PAST the date) and freeze it.. lasts pretty much forever that way.

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When I buy chicken at the store, I only do it when the case is full, and then I paw through it to get the chicken with the sell date that is the furthest out, and then I use it within two days. I won't buy chicken from the store that is within a few days of its sell by date. I realize most people probably do without a problem. But I have had C-Dif. I cannot bring myself to eat week-old meat.

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I always go by the smell test too. We've eaten chicken that's been in the fridge for a few days after purchase. As long as there is NO smell, we eat it.


On the other hand, I'm not "crazy" with meat safety and I usually thaw my meat on the counter overnight. But none of us has ever had food poisoning... that might change my attitude. LOL

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