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I'm less bothered about supplements during summer.. which could be illogical, but I don't find my dc get sick when it's warm.. say May through September.


During the winter, they take a multivitamin, a child's echinacea, and a child's omega-3-6-9.


I take Vitamin D3 all year round, 2/day in the winter and 1/day in the summer; Vitamin C when I have a cold coming; and a bunch of bits and bats to do with my sarcoid and weight loss.

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I base it on our diet. We eat seasonally, and mostly locally, so our diet varies greatly during the year ( as I beleive it should).


Right now, we are getting ton of fresh fruits and veg, so I'm letting it go a bit. In the winter, when we are existing mainly off of root veg, dried a and canned fruits, dried beans and grains, I push the vitamins a bit harder. Just multivites and C, unless there's something specific to address.


I use vitamins and supplements medicinally. If someone has a runny nose, I load them up with C, garlic, ginger, echinacea, etc. I take Bs for morning sickness. My DH takes Bs to boost his energy levels. I'm using Evening primrose (actually tea, from wild growing flowers that we collected), red rooibos, and Red raspberry leaf to prepare for my baby's birth. But if everyone is feeling well and and we are eating well, I don't see a need for a lot of stuff.

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