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Hod & pr: Wwyd?

Sue G in PA

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I am in a quandry and hoping somebody here might help me figure it out. I am using HOD and really love it...all of it. Before HOD, I started using PR with ds8 and ds9. I also love PR, but it is time consuming. I've been trying to do both this year and failing miserably although I keep plugging away. :D I find it so much easier to just do what is in the HOD for LA instead of doing PR. Next year I will have 3 guides going (Beyond, Bigger and RtR) plus my 3yo and highschooler. As we advance in PR, it DOES consume more and more time. Again, I find it easier to just do what is in each HOD. The next piece of this puzzle is this: I am out of funds in my homeschool budget and still need curriculum for my highschooler. I could, *gulp*, sell PR 1 & 2 and make close to what I need for her curriculum and still be okay in the LA category using the HOD guides. But, I get this sick feeling in my tummy about selling PR! Help me, please? :D

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I am in a quandry and hoping somebody here might help me figure it out. I am using HOD and really love it...all of it. Before HOD, I started using PR with ds8 and ds9. I also love PR, but it is time consuming. I've been trying to do both this year and failing miserably although I keep plugging away. :D I find it so much easier to just do what is in the HOD for LA instead of doing PR. Next year I will have 3 guides going (Beyond, Bigger and RtR) plus my 3yo and highschooler. As we advance in PR, it DOES consume more and more time. Again, I find it easier to just do what is in each HOD. The next piece of this puzzle is this: I am out of funds in my homeschool budget and still need curriculum for my highschooler. I could, *gulp*, sell PR 1 & 2 and make close to what I need for her curriculum and still be okay in the LA category using the HOD guides. But, I get this sick feeling in my tummy about selling PR! Help me, please? :D




For what it's worth, I was a huge PR fan. I owned Levels 1-3. Then, I fell hook, line and sinker for HOD. I decided that PR and HOD really don't combine. HOD's strengths lie in the skill progression. Adding PR on top of it is overkill in a huge way unless you are modifying HOD (or only using Level One of PR which is mainly spelling - we are actually doing this). The only way to use HOD and PR is to eliminate stuff from the HOD guide. If you are happy with HOD and plan to stay put then sell PR. It really does make sense. What do you think you'd be missing from PR? Can you pin point your worries exactly?

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Well, I don't know exactly what I think I would be missing. I do LOVE HOD and want to stick with it long term, esp. now that Carrie is working on hs guides. :D It is a good fit for my boys (although they still hate school...at least this is tolerable for them). I think I might hold on to level 1 for the spelling for right now and see if I can sell Level 2. Thanks!

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I totally know where you are coming from. I am going to be attempting to use PR 3 and HOD preparing next year with my dd 9. I think what draws me to HOD is the detailed guide more than anything. I plan to just pick and choose the LA section and continue with PR because we have come so far with it and I know how it works, despite my dislike of watching all those DVD's. I would say go with what gives you peace and you can see yourself doing. If you like HOD LA go with that, if you like PR continue with that. I know PR is time consuming...but that usually means it works!! I have tried so many things for LA and am sold on PR for spelling and grammar. I am almost contemplating getting The Bridge to Latin Grammar for my 12yo dd who is a weak speller and poor in grammar. I didn't start using PR until last year, but see that it works. Sure, I like the looks of HOD and using it as written, but I have never been able to do that with any curriculum so why think I will change now! :001_smile:

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