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If someone views internet porn, then uses CCleaner or AVGcleaner, will it erase it?

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If you want to monitor computer usage, you can easily buy a spyware program that will capture keystrokes and screen shots. I used to have one to keep track of what my nannies were doing on my computer. It cost about $100 and was worth ever penny. I found information that caused me to fire two nannies over the course of the 6 or 7 years that I used it. One nanny had lied to us about nearly every part of her background. Another was answering ads on Craigslist from men looking to pay for kinky "services."


The spyware that I used was not visible on the computer at all. Only I had the four-stroke key to get into it. The four keys all had to be pressed at once for the portal to open.


I hope you are wrong, too, but (1) Google can make it look as if all sorts of crazy things are being done on your computer that aren't, and (2) if you really want to know, spyware will tell you.



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What spyware did you use?


I used one called Spectorsoft, though this was 5 or 6 years ago, and I have no idea whether theirs is any good any more. I think there are some free versions, but I was too afraid to put a free version of anything with "spy" in the name on my computer. That just seemed to be asking for trouble.



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:grouphug: I can't answer your initial question, as I lack computer skills.


However, I thought it was worth mentioning some future options. We have K9 on our computer which is password protected, it has specific limitations, and you can view the history - regardless if it is erased. We use it to protect our kids, but it could be used to track porn too. It is free & would need to be put on each computer you're concerned about. You can also sign up at xxxchurch.com and have any questionable websites emailed directly to you. Again, you would need to register each computer you're concerned about. It is also free.


I'm so sorry you are even having to fret over this:grouphug:




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The average 10 year old could erace traces enough that you wouldn't be able to find it but exceedly few people could erace erase traces well enough that the FBI couldn't find it. There is little to be done after the fact so you are best to invest in a keystroke logger or something that captures the info as it is happening and stores it externally for you to check later. I hope that you are wrong or if not that it was a single incident of curiosity gone awry.

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I attended a continuing legal education class on computer forensics. If someone from law enforcement ran one of these easily obtainable computer forensic computer programs, they could easily pull up any sites that were visited or any pictures that were ever on your computer. You would have to literally grind up the hard drive to get rid of them. Anything "deleted" or in "trash" is actually still stored in your computer.


And if they think that any of the images are of someone under 18, you would be in possession of child pornography, a felony. They don't have to prove that the picture was of someone under 18, only that they think the person appears to be under 18.


If it's a computer in your house, you are in possession of it. The crime is possession- if the computer is in your house, you possess it. They also don't have to prove you actually viewed it. They would have to prove that you knew it was there, but it sounds like you do know it's there.


Anyway, if it was ever on your computer, it's still in there if anyone gets one of these software programs and tries to pull up old info. on your computer.

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Thanks, everyone. It may be and I pray it is nothing; it is just a combination of past (years ago) history, plus a suspicious amount of use of CCleaner, etc., lately.


I just wanted to comment on the CCleaner. My 11 year old currently has a very malicious virus on her computer (see seperate thread). I think that it was there longer than I was aware and she has been running daily virus scans because she kept getting pop-ups which she knew wasn't supposed to happen. I got suspicious because of the frequent pop-ups and scans which is why I ran Microsoft Essentials yesterday and found the virus. Her history was intact though and there was nothing suspicious there. I think that she got the virus from either facebook or from a site she is using to help set up a website of her own. My hubby will be checking it more deeply when he gets home but I am pretty sure she wasn't accessing inappropriate material. Perhaps, you are dealing with something similar?

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