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Um...help (tmi, women's issues)

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I wanted to wait to say anything until dh had a better job.


We're expecting #5 on Halloween. So I'm in my 2nd trimester. I haven't been to a dr yet, but really--I have completely normal, healthy pregnancies, so I feel like there's really no rush.


Anyway...I started bleeding this morning. It seemed like just skin irritation, although it was a bit more than you'd expect from that. It cleared up w/in an hour, & I figured it was no big deal.


But my back has been killing me today. I mean, I literally stayed on the sofa all day. Again...I figured normal pregnancy inconvenience, & I walked around running too many errands yesterday, so I figured I'm still tired from that.


But at some point, I started bleeding again. It's more than *I* have ever seen in pregnancy, but...I don't know if it's enough to worry. From what I've read, miscarriage is a possibility, but other than rest, there's nothing a dr can do.


Do I need to go to a dr? Would it make a difference? If so...how do I know where to go? I mean...I could probably just call my mw (she has delivered all of my babies so far), but I was kind-of...waiting for ins.


I think I'm pretty rational & detached when it comes to babies before they're born, so I don't think I'm panicky or anything, just...w/out experience.

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Yes, you need to be seen. Not all m/c are complete, and need medical intervention. And many women experience spotting/bleeding, but still have a healthy baby. I understand that if its twins or more, the chances of losing one and still having a healthy baby goes higher.


Also, there's a chance of an incompetant cervix, and they can do something about that.

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I wanted to wait to say anything until dh had a better job.


We're expecting #5 on Halloween. So I'm in my 2nd trimester. I haven't been to a dr yet, but really--I have completely normal, healthy pregnancies, so I feel like there's really no rush.


Anyway...I started bleeding this morning. It seemed like just skin irritation, although it was a bit more than you'd expect from that. It cleared up w/in an hour, & I figured it was no big deal.


But my back has been killing me today. I mean, I literally stayed on the sofa all day. Again...I figured normal pregnancy inconvenience, & I walked around running too many errands yesterday, so I figured I'm still tired from that.


But at some point, I started bleeding again. It's more than *I* have ever seen in pregnancy, but...I don't know if it's enough to worry. From what I've read, miscarriage is a possibility, but other than rest, there's nothing a dr can do.


Do I need to go to a dr? Would it make a difference? If so...how do I know where to go? I mean...I could probably just call my mw (she has delivered all of my babies so far), but I was kind-of...waiting for ins.


I think I'm pretty rational & detached when it comes to babies before they're born, so I don't think I'm panicky or anything, just...w/out experience.


Congrats! I would go. Seriously. It could be something like incompetent cervix, placenta issues...something that you actually CAN do something about.

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Yes, you need to be seen. Not all m/c are complete, and need medical intervention. And many women experience spotting/bleeding, but still have a healthy baby. I understand that if its twins or more, the chances of losing one and still having a healthy baby goes higher.


Also, there's a chance of an incompetant cervix, and they can do something about that.


:iagree:I guess we posted at the same time :)

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At this point, I'd go in now. Do you have an Urgent Care clinic that would have an U/S machine?


My sis had a massive bleed at 13 weeks and all was fine. I bled throughout my pregnancy with number 4 and she was perfectly healthy. But, I'd still go in. Tonight.

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'll pray for you!!!

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Get seen but be aware that you may need to push for proper treatment if you got to an ER. Hospitals treat pregnant women differently depending on how far along they are. If you are over 20 weeks, you get sent up to the maternity ward and seen by an OB. If you are under 20 weeks, you are seen by the ER doctors, who may have very little OB training.

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Go to the ER--do not pass Go, do not collect $200. :)


An ER visit may be out of your comfort zone, but this is not about your comfort... this was what my husband told me two weekends ago when I had some symptoms. Everything was fine, but take care of that little one and take care of you.

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Get seen but be aware that you may need to push for proper treatment if you got to an ER. Hospitals treat pregnant women differently depending on how far along they are. If you are over 20 weeks, you get sent up to the maternity ward and seen by an OB. If you are under 20 weeks, you are seen by the ER doctors, who may have very little OB training.


I was going to mention this as well. They often just tell you to see your ob the next day.

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I've never been to the ER. Is it ok to say that freaks me out?



Of course it is okay. I would still go. My concern is that a little bleeding can suddenly turn into a lot very quickly putting you at risk. There is also the risk of infection. Everything may be fine too. I would go tonight. Hugs.

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Get seen but be aware that you may need to push for proper treatment if you got to an ER. Hospitals treat pregnant women differently depending on how far along they are. If you are over 20 weeks, you get sent up to the maternity ward and seen by an OB. If you are under 20 weeks, you are seen by the ER doctors, who may have very little OB training.

Like everything else, it does depend on where one is. When I was 7 weeks and bleeding I went to the ER. This particular ER had on-call OBs. The OB that saw me that evening became my doctor.

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I went to the ER at 7 weeks with this pregnancy and there was an OB on call. It was after midnight when I was taken upstairs for a quick ultrasound to check on baby. Your ER may be different.


Get checked out tonight at the ER. Call your midwife tomorrow. You might have an incompetent cervix which can be remedied, or a partial abruption which needs to be monitored.


Congrats on your pregnancy! I will say a prayer for both you and baby tonight.

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See a doctor. I had a miscarriage which started with with bleeding, and I was, as you say, "rational and detached" about that, and once I checked with the doctor I allowed the process to proceed naturally. BUT with ds I had complete placenta previa and made it to 36.5 weeks with normal activity, so it's not necessarily something you would know about. With placenta previa, on the one hand, bedrest could maintain a pregnancy despite early bleeding, and on the other, if the pregnancy could not be maintained you would need help controlling your bleeding (because of the placenta being attached so low, the uterus is not very effective in contracting to stop bleeding).


I really hope all is well - more info is always good, so head to the ER...

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Like everything else, it does depend on where one is. When I was 7 weeks and bleeding I went to the ER. This particular ER had on-call OBs. The OB that saw me that evening became my doctor.


I went to the ER at 7 weeks with this pregnancy and there was an OB on call. It was after midnight when I was taken upstairs for a quick ultrasound to check on baby. Your ER may be different.


I'm glad not all ERs are as bad as the one I went to. I was seen by a doctor who discounted my symptoms as being inconsequential and did an ultrasound for no other reason than to confirm that I was really pregnant. When I pointed out concerns, she made it obvious she didn't know anything about pregnancy ("you can't see baby's movement on ultrasound at 14 weeks). She sent me home to deliver my baby into the toilet the next day.

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I'm glad not all ERs are as bad as the one I went to. I was seen by a doctor who discounted my symptoms as being inconsequential and did an ultrasound for no other reason than to confirm that I was really pregnant. When I pointed out concerns, she made it obvious she didn't know anything about pregnancy ("you can't see baby's movement on ultrasound at 14 weeks). She sent me home to deliver my baby into the toilet the next day.


I am so sorry that this happened to you. :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I'm glad not all ERs are as bad as the one I went to. I was seen by a doctor who discounted my symptoms as being inconsequential and did an ultrasound for no other reason than to confirm that I was really pregnant. When I pointed out concerns, she made it obvious she didn't know anything about pregnancy ("you can't see baby's movement on ultrasound at 14 weeks). She sent me home to deliver my baby into the toilet the next day.


:grouphug: I had a similar experience, except no ultrasound. :grouphug:

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I'm glad not all ERs are as bad as the one I went to. I was seen by a doctor who discounted my symptoms as being inconsequential and did an ultrasound for no other reason than to confirm that I was really pregnant. When I pointed out concerns, she made it obvious she didn't know anything about pregnancy ("you can't see baby's movement on ultrasound at 14 weeks). She sent me home to deliver my baby into the toilet the next day.

That is pretty much how I ended up in the ER. The only doctor I could get in to see sent me home to miscarry. He actually told me if I had any problems with it I should go to the ER since that was the only place I'd likely get any help.


Luckily it all turned out well. Seems like dd like to party on Fridays. Every Friday like clockwork for the first 15 weeks she made me leave work to go home and put up my feet.

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I don't know, I went to the ER with bleeding with this pregnancy. I waited 4 hours for blood results, was told yes your pregnant and you may or may not miscarry. A couple weeks later I got the bill $2500+!


I would call your midwife first.


Congratulations!!! We are expecting #5 in September and DH will loose booth his jobs at the beginning of June, so hard.

Edited by indigomama
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