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Please help me plan our curriculum for next fall


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Next fall we'll begin homeschooling our children ages 4, 7, and 9. Here's what I've planned so far:


4yr old: HOD Little Hands to Heaven


7 year old (1st grade): HOD Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory, Horizons Math, Phonics Pathways


9 year old (4th grade)....NO CLUE!! Currently she's in public school. She's an A students in her core classes and excels in music class. What would you recommend for her curriculum?




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If you can find a science and history that would work for both the 7 and 9 year old that would help you and them :O):D


:iagree: If you want to use HOD, they could probably share a guide, couldn't they? I don't know that I'd want to use 3 guides my first year of homeschooling (or 2nd or 3rd, for that matter... I'm definitely in the combine for history/science camp until they're old enough to be independent, but I may change my mind in the future ;)).


SOTW is great for history, and both your olders could do that (it'd probably be above the 4 year old's head, but that's ok - I wouldn't even worry about curriculum for the 4 year old, unless she's begging to do school... I do a 10 minute reading lesson out of Webster's Speller with my 4 year old, and that is his "school" that he asks for each day... if I even get to it).


Is there a reason why you have HOD picked out for the 7 year old and not the 9 year old?

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I liked what I saw for the HOD BLHFHG for my 7 year old. As I looked at the HOD Creation to Christ for the 9 year old, I wasn't sure if it was challenging enough or not. I haven't decided against using it, I'm just trying to see what all ideas I can get from others who have been there, done that!



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I've never used HOD, but for the first year, I would try to combine as much as possible. If I were you, I might be tempted to do this:


The HOD for the 4 year old looks simple to do, so keep it, but don't stress if you can't get to it all.



Science: Apologia elementary series, choose 1

History: SOTW or Biblioplan (4 year cycle that schedules SOTW and includes mapping, coloring pages, timelines, readers based on age, and writing based on age)

Bible: If you were doing Ancient history, I'd say do a study through the whole Bible. You could do some kind of devotional together.



Math on grade level

Language arts on grade level (grammar, spelling, phonics for the 1st grader)

Copywork, narration, or dictation from the science and history


You might want to look at CLE for your 9 year old's math and LA. The company has diagnostic tests that you could have her take and know right where to place her. They are thorough on math and grammar, and can be done fairly independently, which might help since you have little ones. The language arts includes grammar, spelling, and penmanship. Their reading program is good, too, if you are interested in something like that.


Mine are 6 years apart, but I would have loved to be able to do more together. With only 2 years, I would definitely try!

Edited by mom31257
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LHTH is a very simple program...simple as in not a lot of time or prep. An hour tops. I am starting Beyond with my dd5 and ds8 next week (after ditching LHFHG b/c it was a bit below their level). Aaaaanyway, I love HOD and it makes teaching soooo much easier for me. I LOVE to plan but it's the implementation that gets me so....HOD works very well. EASY to implement. Have you looked at the placement chart over at the HOD website for your 9yo? I am using Preparing this year with my ds12, ds11 and ds9 and it is challenging. In fact, I had to drop back to Bigger with ds9 using the extentions when necessary. I think if you focused on your 7yo and 9yo (using the appropriate HOD guides) and let the 4yo sit in on the readings and do LHTH when time allows, you would be okay. You would be surprised how much the 4yo will learn/pick up just by listening in.

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