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Looking for insight

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I need to make a decision. I realize that no one here can make it for me, but this decision is proving rather difficult, so I'm looking for some insight.


The reason this decision is causing me so much consternation is simple due to the pros and cons list. The cons list is almost completely tangible; whereas the pros list is more "intangible".


So, here's the thing: I need to determine if my family will rejoin our co-op next year.


That seems like it should be such an EASY decision to make!


Here's the cons.


Our co-op name is "MAD". Which isn't nearly as bad as it sounds as it's an acronym for Music, Art, and Drama. Obviously, the name is not a con, but given that the leadership is more of an artistic mindset. . .Well, "leadership" is a very generous word. (To be fair to others, I have never encountered such a loosy-goosy artistic mindset in my life! I truly did not realize that such people could "function". I do know many artists. . .but these, these are what Hollywood strives for in characters.)


So, leadership is an issue.


We don't really gain anything "educationally" from this co-op. I teach art and piano at home. . .I don't cover choir or drama, so there is that.


It takes an immense amount of time. It kills an entire weekday, in addition to time I need to put in for the classes I teach. I could request just to be a assistant next year, but that's not guaranteed.


They added science this past year, which my children did, but they hated it, and it wasn't a curricula I would have chosen. Additionally, because I'm an "old-fogey" (AKA I have a grad), I also already have most of my curricula on hand, so taking on an extra un-needed class. . .


I am an extreme introvert / shy person. Co-op days completely wipe me out.


Here's the pros.


We love the families! Even the "leaders" are lovely people. Even though I'm completely wiped out at the end of the day, I do look forward to spending time with everyone.


As I mentioned previously, I'm an introvert, so us getting out around other people. . .doesn't really happen. My kids could use the outlet.


There is additionally the issue that should my family join and not do science it means I can not be available for that time slot to either teach or assist, as I'll need to manage my own kids. (If I were a leader I would take issue with that.)


You know, I was hoping by writing some of it out it would help me decide. . .

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Honestly, I do not see any reason why you should join this co-op from what you wrote. I'm glad that you enjoy the people in the co-op but I would try to get together with a few of them on your own.


I agree. I tensed up just reading your cons. Maybe you could try to organize a playgroup (or similar unstructured time) with them for a weekday afternoon.

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We have made the decision not to rejoin our coop because my children did not get educational value out of it and it was a drain on our time. Looks like your situation is similar. I would see no reason to do a coop if it does not fill an educational need for my children that I can't fill otherwise..

In order to socialize, there will be other outlets. You could get together with the families you like for playdates and informal gatherings which would not be as time consuming.

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I would quit.

You can invite friends over another time.

The extra day will be an amazing help.


Really, I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but it sounds like a no-brainer.


Hardly harsh. . .sounds like a no-brainer to me too.


Except, I have the kids in the background saying they "love it there"; and suddenly it doesn't seem like such a no-brainer.

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