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If you ask you children....


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No, I haven't. I am committed to homeschool, it is what I believe with all my heart is the best for them. I am the parent.


I have to admit it bothers me when I see families go back and forth, back and forth with public school.


Be sure what it is that you want for your children and what you believe is best for them. Then be the parent and go with it.


I do realize that some times life changes and sometimes the schooling choices need to change also. It does seem to me that at times the parent are just playing with it though.


Sorry if this seem harsh. I have had a bit of a day.:D


You are right. Some situations require change. In my case was health problems combined with other things. Best is not to be bothered by what the others are doing :)

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Well, I haven't made my way through this whole thread, but I can't take any more of your homeschool-loving kids! Whenever my daughter is asked if she likes school, she will give an emphatic and passionate NO! Of course, my daughter doesn't want to go to public school either. Her choice would be play and read all day, every day. She has also never been to public school so she can't really compare.


I wish I too could say she loved it, but I doubt that would ever happen! Every public school mother thinks I'm mean for homeschooling her even though she hates it. I know enough of PS to know that she would like that even less!


Oh, this is my boys too!...I think this is a lot of kids...They would much rather play all day, but they would rather homeschool than go to school...They know an education is not an option, kind of like going to work for DH...They just feel home is a better place to go through it than school is...

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Dd14 was at the local ps last year for 8th (after 4 yrs. at home). Not her cup of tea. She asked to come home. Ds12 LOVED ps and desperately wants to go back. Ds11 doesn't like ANY school and so chooses the location that gives him the most flexibility (homeschool). My other children have never been to school. They are very content at home. I wish ds12 would want to be here, too. :glare:

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No, I haven't. I am committed to homeschool, it is what I believe with all my heart is the best for them. I am the parent.


I have to admit it bothers me when I see families go back and forth, back and forth with public school.


Be sure what it is that you want for your children and what you believe is best for them. Then be the parent and go with it.


I do realize that some times life changes and sometimes the schooling choices need to change also. It does seem to me that at times the parent are just playing with it though.


Sorry if this seem harsh. I have had a bit of a day.:D



Well said! I wholeheartedly agree.

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My daughers dream about turning 18 so they can finally *go* to school.

I try not to take too much offense because they truly have no idea what I'm saving them from. They'll get to college and assume that high school would have been the same way and regret wasting those 4 years at home.


Oh, honey...if you only knew.

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This has been our first year of homeschool. It's been a rough year too. My oldest 2 have had 4 and 5 years of private school, and my 3rd child has had public and private. The 3rd child has repeatedly begged to never go back to public or private school. He refers to all schools as prison. He is also my ADHD child, so that makes total sense! My oldest 2 have had mixed feelings about homeschool. On one hand they miss friends from school, and I think they miss the structure it provided at times (sometimes they appreciate the flexibility of homeschool). My dd is a real social butterfly. She is not really happy unless in a group of other kids, especially girls (she has 3 bros). We attend a co-op once a week, and I think that is the one day a week she lives for. However, she also sees some downside of going to "school". I still think she'd be pretty happy going to school instead of homeschool. Both of the olders have told me they have found it much easier to make friends as homeschoolers. I found this surprising, as I thought being home would make that harder. Our co-op has made it possible for them to meet lots of kids of all ages and make new friends. We also began attending a new church that has a great mix of homeschoolers, private and public school kids. One pleasant change I have seen in attitudes is in my oldest son. He was a "private school snob" since that is all he knew. When we started homeschooling he kept an attitude that public school was very inferior. Now he sees there are many options for a great education, and there is no "right" or better one. We stress that public school is also an option to be respected, just like private and homeschool. I didn't want my kids to go from private school snob to homeschool snob! :blush: I'm fine w/ my kids not being crazy in love w/ homeschooling. I have found it hard myself to adjust, so I have to give them the time to do the same. We'll see how it "grows" on us after another year under our belt. I expect the growing pains will make our relationships better in the end.

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My kid has never been to school, so she has nothing to compare home schooling to, but she has no desire at all to go to school. However, that doesn't necessarily mean she will say she loves home schooling. She'd prefer to play all day, every day and do no form of school anywhere, ever. lol

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DH tells them that if they give me problems they are going to school...Everyone straightens up after that :tongue_smilie:


This works for my DS too. He went until 4th and has homeschooled since and DOES not want to go back to PS anytime soon. Younger DS was in school until the earthquake, and we're homeschooling him now too. He also does not want to go back. He wants to "sleep in and ENJOY a nice lunch." He's always telling me that he doesn't get enough time to eat.:tongue_smilie:


DS1 actually really likes homeschooling. He maynot like all the work he has to do, but he appreciates that he is doing so much more than he would in school. He was bored silly and never happy that he couldn't do ALL subjects all the time.

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Our oldest dd20 soon to be college graduate said she loved homeschool. Now our youngest ds8 has said in the past he does not like school, but he loves his teacher. This eve on the ride to hockey he told dh and I he would like me to home educate his children b/c he does not want them going to public school :D Go figure! :lol:

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Indy LOVES homeschooling. He went to a private K and was so bored he couldn't stand it. He had fun playing with the other kids, but said they did too much baby stuff.

We've been hsing for 3 years now (almost done with 3rd grade!!!) and he says he's so lucky to be home and would hate to go to "regular" school.

He dislikes getting up early and practically had to drag him out of bed for K, so that's a big plus. He also gets more playtime at home, we study "interesting stuff," he gets to spend time with me (and now the baby) and we go cool places and have fun. He says he feels "sorry" for his friends who have to go to "regular" school and don't know how much fun hsing is. :lol:

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My son will often say no, but if I ask him why, he'll tell me things like he doesn't like having to do handwriting or he doesn't like doing math review. It's stuff he'd have to do in school, for more time than he spends on it at home. He doesn't like the idea of having to sit in a desk quietly for many hours each day.


So, I think for him it's more that he just doesn't particularly enjoy certain aspects of school, period, which is fine. It doesn't seem like there's anything specific about homeschooling that he doesn't like.

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My two went to PS until grades 2 & 4.


They vastly prefer homeschooling, and will tell that to anyone they meet.


Of course, given the school to which they are comparing their HS experience, this is not really a surprise. I could probably completely ignore my kids and they'd still find the situation an improvement (but that will never happen).




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He also does not want to go back. He wants to "sleep in and ENJOY a nice lunch." He's always telling me that he doesn't get enough time to eat.:tongue_smilie:



That's funny because that was one of my son's complaints as well, that he didn't get enough time to eat and enough opportunity to eat...

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My boys love home schooling. They both went to school for a few years, and beg me never to send them back.


Today, I had my 8yo write a paragraph about why he would like to be home schooled next year. He listed wearing his PJ's all day, not waiting for others to finish their work, and spending time with his mom as his top reasons.

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