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Has anybody done AO Year 5?

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I am going to be doing it with DS next year and am trying to set our daily schedule. I'm curious how long the readings took you each day.


Any words of wisdom for this year will be appreciated. :) I think he can handle the readings, but Age of Fable does look intimidating to me.

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I can share a little. Dd is entering 6th this fall and we will be doing a mixture of the AO years. We are doing year 3 this year and historically we will be doing year 4 in the fall. I mixed up the literature selections and we will read these:


Year 4 Irving's Rip Van Winkle and Sleepy Hollow

"Paul Revere's Ride"



and for a history supplement Amos Fortune, Free Man


Year 5 Puck of Pook's Hill


Anne of Green Gables


Year 6 The Hobbit


I am also adding Norse Gods and Heroes to go along with The Hobbit.


I can relate to your view of Age of Fable. We should start this year but I am putting if off until next year. Next year we will do year 5 and the first term of year 6. I hope to do the ancients alone by 8th grade.

Probably not a lot of help but I thought I would share with you. I love AO and I am sure you will have a great year. You could always give Age of Fable a try and let it go if it proves too much. We will do Robinson Crusoe, Knights of the Round Table and Tom Sawyer and maybe Oliver Twist in 7th when we do year 5.


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In the morning we read together A. Lincoln's World (2 copies;3/4 finished) and This Country of Ours. Then we read aloud Age of Fable all together (3 copies) in a round, alt. paragraphs. It takes about 30 min. or less.


I'm listening to Kim from Audible.com and it's very challenging to listen to; I can't imagine my dc reading it by themselves and understanding it.

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