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Went on a short trail ride with my girls on my new horse

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After I had to put down my horse last October, I searched for 6 months for a new one. I ended up buying a horse that was just a few miles down the road and had been in my daughter's 4H group for 10 years.


Cody is a 19 year old (but acts 5) Arab/Morgan cross gelding. He started out as a trail horse and then the past 10 years has also done 4H showing--mostly English but some Western as well.


Today I went out on him wtih my girls for a short (only about 2 miles total) ride. This is a big deal for me as I had an accident on a horse before so it takes time for me to trust a new horse and how they will react.


14dd rode her 22 year old POA mare who is the ultimate pony for a child. My 15dd (she is mentally impaired but does well on a horse) has a 28 year old QH gelding that is a great babysitter horse with a bit of spunk for such an old guy.


We did well. I made dh walk with us for the first part. The pony mare tripped or something and almost went down which made my horse spook but he didn't bolt so all was good. We even went past those scary tree stumps, piles of dirt, etc. that my horse is sure will eat him.


We are praying for lots of good rides this summer. The weathe in Michigan has been rain, rain, sleet, snow, rain, some freezing rain, wind, and more rain lately. Out of the 10 day forecast I think we have rain coming 8 of those days.


Just thankful to be in the saddle again.

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I don't have any of me riding but I can send some of him. Then, if you know how, you could post one here. He is a nice bay. The girl I bought him from shaved his mane way down to show he isn't a QH for showing but I would prefer a fuller mane so I plan on letting it grow out.


He is a bit more spooky than I would like but he had not been ridden from the last 4H show in August until I bought him in March so not much saddle time. I think he will get better the more rides I get on him. At least he isn't bolting, bucking or rearing. He just does these mini spooks.

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I don't know how to make them small enough to post here. If someone else does, I can email the pictures to them.


He is hard to get pictures of by myself as he wants to come and see the camera all the time. I do have a few of him showing last year that shows how nice he can look but I don't know how to blot out the previous owner's face and I wouldn't want to post her face on her with out permission.

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He's a Morab? He transports. One second you're in spot A and the next spot B. And you have no idea how you got there.


Do you have a Morab? I know you had Arabians. Maybe desert horses aren't use to seeing trees, stumps, cats on tree stumps, lawn chairs, joggers, etc. Funny thing is, he had NO issues with cars, trucks, the Fed EX truck, etc.


Hoping that the spookiness will get better the more I ride him and I gain confidence.


He also likes to really move out heading out from home----he was ridden almost exclusively with gaited so they walked a lot faster. On the way home, the pony and old QH easily keep up.

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