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Since we can't do searches right now, anyone care to weigh in on how they liked FLL3?


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Tell me anything, positive or negative, that you want about it! Considering it for ds8 for next yr for 3rd grade-he hasn't had any formal grammar yet.


Do you feel they come away from it knowing their parts of speech well?


And my biggest question: how is the retention?


Also, have you noticed your dc being able to apply what they learned in FLL3 to other areas? (ie- could they identify the parts of speech in a sentence they wrote outside of FLL?)


I usually would tend to go with something like Shurley at this age since it does a good job teaching them the function of all words in a sentence through parsing, but I don't think I can bear the cumbersome teacher's manual again!


Note: I did FLL 1/2 when it first came out with older dd so I'm familiar with that.



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FWIW, the teacher's manual for FLL3 is hefty, I think around 300 pages. I'd check for sure but ds is sleeping in that room right now :).


We've had good retention with FLL3 (we are about halfway through), she remembers the definitions of the parts of speech and she's gotten very good at diagramming. In fact, I'm surprised at how much I've learned :D.


I don't really ask her to identify specific parts of speech outside of FLL. I have noticed that when I ask her to give me a complete sentence for a narration, she'll realize that she's either forgotten the subject or the verb and correct the problem. So that's progress enough for me!


My only complaint is that it's kinda boring, but then again it is grammar. Dd gets bored sometimes with the scripted lessons, but I just tell her that this is something she needs to know. I also tell her that if she can tell me the definition perfectly, I won't make her repeat it 3 times :).


I'm very pleased with the results from FLL3 and we will be continuing with FLL 4 when we are done, plus I plan on using the FLL series with ds when he's old enough. Hope that helps you make your decision!

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Our experience has been very similar to Paige's. We're using FLL3 this year and DS is learning quite a bit from it. Sentence diagramming has been a wonderful visual tool for him and I'm so pleased we're using a grammar curriculum that exposes him to this early on.


We plan to continue with FLL4 next year and then ALL after that.

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I agree, but my ds is 9. We are about halfway through 3 also, and although sometimes I feel it is a bit too scripted, and I wish there were more exercises for him to do independently, I really do like it. It helps ME recall that stuff and so teaching it is a breeze. I can't say it's my son's favorite subject, but that's just him and grammar--if it isn't history or blowing something up, it's not his favorite, but he doesn't hate it, and that's saying a lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We LOVED it. I am finishing it with Dd9. I used for both my kids. In fact, I am selling my teacher's book since I am almost wrapped up with it with my youngest. And, including the index in the back, the book is 468 pp. if that is important. I love that I don't have to prepare anything. My kids retain the information very well, they love memorizing poems, and they do apply it to their use of language in other subject matters.





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We are enjoying FLL3 very much -- the poetry selections are excellent, and the grammar/diagramming instruction is also very solid.


I do find that sometimes the student workbook seems to "hold the hand" of the student a little too much for my taste. YMMV. Sometimes, instead of having my dds fill in the blank diagrams provided, I will have them do a diagram from scratch on a separate sheet of paper, so that I can reassure myself that they are really absorbing the material.


That said, I do love the program, and will move on to FLL4 next year. I'm looking forward to seeing the next in the series, too!

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We are enjoying FLL3 very much -- the poetry selections are excellent, and the grammar/diagramming instruction is also very solid.


I do find that sometimes the student workbook seems to "hold the hand" of the student a little too much for my taste. YMMV. Sometimes, instead of having my dds fill in the blank diagrams provided, I will have them do a diagram from scratch on a separate sheet of paper, so that I can reassure myself that they are really absorbing the material.



Me, too. By the end of the lesson, for example, the instructions about which way the line is slanting in the diagram is going in one ear and out the other.

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