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I Scored at Goodwill Today

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I usually go by Goodwill every Friday morning just to make a quick swing through the books. Today, I found the complete set (all 10 books) of Joy Hakim's A History of Us. I actually squealed when I realized all 10 books were there :001_smile:. When I checked out, the cashier said I look really happy. I told her that the books were used by home schoolers and she charged me the price of a child's paperback instead of the price of an adult paperback. On top of that, it had the sticker color of the week on the spine! So my total investment in that curriculum - drum roll please - $3.75! :party:


I just love Goodwill!!1

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Awesome Possum! And hooray to the cashier who recognized that they're kids' books.


Our Goodwill has a pretty good selection of textbooks and other vaguely academic volumes. I was thrilled to find Duiker/Spielvogel's World History for $2 (especially after I read it and decided not to use it as our history book; a much easier decision for $2 than for $50).

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I've gotten many nice books at Goodwill. I think it's because there are a lot of homeschoolers in my area, and not a lot of places that take/resell homeschool books (most of the used bookstores don't deal with anything but fairly popular fiction), so they end up there. I filled up most of my Sonlight 3 and 4 book lists via Goodwill and two library used book sales.

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