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What, if any, are the benefits of whey protein powder?

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Health benefits?


Shaky....unless you count using whey to consume enough high quality protein each day.


Why use it?


Satiety is a big one for many, since protein can blunt appetite, especially when consumed with fat, not carbohydrate, due to the release of PPY and CCK in the gut.


Protein also has a thermic effect in metabolism - you expend more heat (energy, calories) metabolizing protein than you do carbohydrate or fat.


The thing is you can over-do protein when using powders - and have a negative effect, namely GI distress (gas, diarrhea, cramping), so how much to use and how often is important if you're going to make shakes or add whey powder to recipes to increase protein content.


Do I use it?


Sometimes - not much, but if I'm pressed for time, or not really in the mood to cook myself something, I'll make a shake with protein powder, plain whole milk yogurt and half & half (to keep fat content up and carb content lower) with some flavoring if the whey isn't already flavored.

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I have used whey in protein drinks. I think it depends on whether or not you're dairy sensitive. Right now I am using rice protein powder. But it's way more expensive than whey and I am really not convinced that it is that much better for you. I use the protein because it helps me feel full until lunch and (so I've read) it is supposed to help keep your blood sugar more stable.

I do 1 scoop protein powder, 1/2 frozen banana, 1/2 C other frozen fruit (usually cherries or blueberries), 2 t ground flax seeds, 1 t almond butter and 8 oz. water 3x week or every day for a week if the scale starts going the wrong way.

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Do you use whey protein powder? In, say, protein shakes? I don't mean pre-made shakes, I mean making your own shakes/smoothies and adding a scoop of whey protein powder? Why do you do this? How often? And, what are the health benefits?





My Dd has protein shakes nearly every day. But she is vegetarian and she trains hard in martial arts. She feels the difference if she forgets her protein drink for more than a day.


Dd sees a chiropracter every week and he explained that we get micro tears in the muscle fibers when exercising, the muscles feel sore and protein helps speed up the repairing of them. It is normal and usually for most people it isn't a problem.


Dd's martial arts training in combination with a muscle condition (extremely tight/contracted muscles, especially in her legs and hips, and her bones were growing faster than her tendons/muscles could) she has to have the protein to help repair her muscles. The martial arts actually helps a lot with her muscle condition because it is very movement controlled and stretching. But since Dd also does a lot of cardio and weight bearing exercises... she puts a lot of stress on her muscles.


Once Dd is about age 18 the muscle condition she has should resolve on its own, but in the mean time Dd has to have higher intake of protein, and do physical/massage therapy weekly, and she has special exercises/stretches that she has to do 3-4 times a day).

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