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If you owned the books from the first version of TWTM...

Erika in TX

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would you use them or "upgrade" to the new suggestions?


By way of introduction, my name is Erika and I homeschool my 6 dc. My second homeschool student will graduate at the end of May and I have 4 more to go. :001_smile: I've learned from my first 2 that I need more structure and more emphasis on the core learning, especially grammar and writing. So, we are returning to TWTM. Yea!


If you were me, would you just use the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, FLL 1&2 combined, and How Nature Works as suggested in the first book? I will have an 8th grader, a 4th grader, a 1st grader, and a 2 year old next year.


I have a few more questions as well, but will post them separately.


Thank you!

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I think investing in SOTW might be worth it. It is great, and you can still use your Kingfisher to supplement and later for the logic years.


I can't comment on FLL. But if you have things that worked, I don't think I would necessarily upgrade except in the case of SOTW. I could do history w/out it, but I wouldn't want to.

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Thanks for the fast reply. I agree! I'm so excited to add SOTW next year! As for "what worked"...:001_huh: :lol: I went with the "let them read and read and write and write" way and guess what? They don't write well. My oldest dd has done well in college despite my poor preparation for her, but would like to do better for my youngers.


I'm hoping that adding FLL and WWE will be the ticket!



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Having graduates using the 1st edition, I think I would change some things.OPGTR, WWE, FLL, SOTW, make life easier at this stage with little ones, we are enjoying them all so much. I would do AAS which isn't in the 3rd edition, but is fantastic.


I loved much about the 1999 edition, I sure wouldn't get rid of some of it. But in the early stages I would jump at the chance. LOL

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