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Suggestions for Korean Language Course


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My children have expressed a desire to learn Korean and I have no idea where to start. Do any of you have children learning Korean? Any suggestions on programs would be greatly appreciated.





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My son is in Tang Soo Do (a Korean martial arts) and has been begging me to teach him Korean. I am completely overwhelmed at the thought of teaching an Asian language. We are starting with German this year and, if he still wants to learn Korean, I think I will try and find him a tutor. I am interested to hear what other people say though!

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I know in the areas where I have lived, that there are many Korean churches/congregations. I would check with them. Before we moved to Korea, I learned that many of the Korean kids at my DS's school took Korean classes at their local church afterschool. Perhaps they will welcome you. It may be difficult, but could be exciting too. Korean is VERY easy to read, it's the understanding, speaking and grammar that get you. Good luck! I wish I had learned more when I was there.

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Thanks! We have a large Korean community close to us, but I have no idea where to begin finding someone to tutor them. I'll try asking around and see where I get.


I asked the kids what their goal is with learning Korean, and they all said they want to be able to read, write, and speak it. Conversational Korean, which is what I thought they wanted, wouldn't cut it then, huh? Sigh.



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Hi! my daughter currently takes Korean via a Korean School that meets in our city. We found out about the school by visiting the local Korean market and asking questions. They were really helpful. However, I will say that before she went she completed a book she picked up at Barnes and Nobles that came with a CD to help her pick-up the basics of the language.


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Thanks! Actually, it's funny because their interest stems from a show they watch (High Kick Through the Roof), as well as the music they listen to. They love Korean music and culture, and my daughters at least, listen to K-pop almost exclusively. They are 14, 12, and 10. They have a few Korean friends, but their interest in all things Korean is something that seems to have sprung out of nowhere. lol



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Apparently, we have Korean classes at a local church but our schedule can't fit in one more thing. I've opted to let DS take himself through Rosetta Stone, which has three levels of Korean. He likes it, though it is a tough language.


In our case, he wanted to learn it because he's in taekwondo. He's been invited to test for his black belt on June 3rd. That's taking up nearly all of our free time right now because our school requires 25 hours serving as an assistant instructor, 4 semi-private lessons, 2 essays, learning 30 Korean words/phrases not specifically taught in class, plus the testing...not to mention the fee.

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