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what do I need for Conceptual Physics

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I have the student text and the TE. What else do I need to make this a "complete program"?




A lab portion? I found a number of the experiments in the CP lab manual to be doable at home. That said, someone may have a better idea for a source of at-home physics experiments.

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The lab manual that I have for the old high school book has ISBN 0-201-33304-X.


Take a look online and see if you think it might work. I will loan mine to you if you want to use it.


We found the teacher's edition to be very helpful simply so that we could check answers quickly. There are also additional tidbits in the margin which helped connect the dots or explain things.


Teacher's manual? Is that different than the TE?

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There are a lot of free downloads of Paul Hewitt's conceptual physics labs on the Arbor Scientific website.



Some of them require special equipment, but others are easily doable at home. I really like how these labs are set up.

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