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best shampoo for dry hair and dandruff?

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My daughter uses Selsun Blue Naturals shampoo and Nature's Gate conditioner with Tea Tree Oil (found at Whole Foods, Publix, and Walmart). It seems to be a perfect ph combination for her, and the Tea Tree conditioner smells so good. The Selsun Blue takes care of her dandruff while the Tea Tree oil conditioner moisturizes and adds shine to her hair.

Good luck


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Didn't they find out dandruff is a scalp infection/virus?


When I have bouts I rinse my scalp with vinegar once or twice and that clears it up.


Tea tree oil also has anti-bacterial properties, so those shampoos should be helpful (if they contain enough).


If you use either of those watch out for your eyes. Both vinegar and tea tree oil can sting like crazy.


No ideas for the dry hair, sorry.

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I have had dandruff for many years and each year it seems to get worst. This year, I finally decided to actively do something about it. Head and Shoulders was no help at all. I have tried tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar and olive oil and failed. I finally decided to try Selsun Blue (with my regular conditioner) after I saw it on clearance in my local grocery store. That finally did it. No more flakes! I am still surprise but I am not complaining :0)





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One thing that I have often read and that seems to help me is that whatever dandruff shampoo you use, to leave it on for at least 15, but preferably 30 minutes, to really let it soak in.


Other tips for dandruff in case anyone's interested. Good reminder for me also, since I suffer from this from time to time.


Get your Omega-3s – oysters, beef, pork, chicken legs. 3000 mg Omega 3s.

Flaxseed Oil/Fish Oil – helps to relieve itching and inflammation. But make sure to get a good, high-quality fish oil, such as Carlson's.


Dandruff is connected to an unhealthy digestive system – eat more plain yogurt, garlic, and oregano. Take some good probiotics.


Get more zinc. Zinc is essential for healthy hair and for preventing and treating dandruff. Get zinc from foods such as lean beef, chicken, and chickpeas.

B12: Liver, beef, pork, eggs, yogurt

Vitamin F: Vegetable Oils, Sunflower Seeds, Walnuts

B6: Liver, Legumes, Whole Grain Cereals, Fish

Selenium: Bran, Wheat Germ, Broccoli, Onions, Tomatoes, Tuna


Avoid/Watch Out For:

Dairy Products (other than yogurt)

Irritating Shampoos or Soaps


Fried Foods



Do not pick or scratch your scalp.

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