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I'm weak, I'm weak.....

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While we were out today we passed by a farm store that had chicks. I ended up coming home with seven. Three banties, a couple that have topknots and two Barred Rocks. I don't even know if they are roosters or hens yet and I don't care. They are so cute!


I did leave the ducklings, although they had so much more personality than the chicks. When you leaned over their pen they'd all run to you and peep "Pick me, pick me!!"

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BTDT! That is why we have great fresh eggs everyday though.


I don't really love the chick stage. Their bedding has to be changed, temperature right, check to see they aren't getting sick. Does the cuteness really make up for that. Apparently so...every time my kids go to the feed store with me, we end up coming home with them. Apparently they don't have to strong arm me so hard!


Well the end results are worth it...and if you end up with a rooster...well, chicken noodle soup is always good!

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I can't stand it. They are so incredibly cute!! I'm sorry, but ducklings are even more adorable than chicks at that age (and yes, I've had both).



Maybe you'll find this funny like I did: Today, I did a cooking class for our hs co-op. I asked various students to bring in a few ingredients. My dd and one other youngster were responsible for the eggs. There were six eggs altogether...and they were all green shelled. I loved it! :)



Congrats on your new little charges. They'll be so much fun.

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The ducks were resisted because I've had them before. They eventually start staying at the pond at bedtime, and don't go into their safehouse. Then they get killed.


But geese, I can't resist geese. Thank goodness they didn't have any there today. I had some that imprinted on me once, and it was just lovely being followed around by six geese all the time!

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We got some chicks, too, in February. They grow so quickly!!! Enjoy them while they are so fluffy and fuzzy and cute! Our kids and my DH handled them a lot, and they still don't run from us when we go out to the chicken coop now, and even let the kids pet them!!




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