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Can you help me like couscous?

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We just discovered couscous. My kids LOVE it. DH and I aren't so fond of it, but I think it's at least partially because of how I make it - it's very bland. The only thing I put in is couscous and chicken broth. I have no idea what would be good to add to it to make it taste more interesting.


If you have a recipe you love that makes it have more flavor, can you share? My kids would really appreciate it!

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I make it like tabbouleh, with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper, lemon juice, cucumbers, scallions, mint or parsley (depending upon what I'm serving it with) and tomatoes.


Yes! Like this!


In a pinch, I just put Red Hot cayenne pepper sauce on it.

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I've never much liked couscous, but I *really* like this old Betty Crocker couscous sausage soup recipe.



1 tablespoon chopped jalapeño chilies



1 tablespoon chopped jalapeño chilies


1/2 teaspoon ground cumin


2 cloves garlic, crushed


1 pound fully cooked smoked sausage, cut crosswise into 1/4-inch slices


2 1/2 cups water


1 can (10 1/2 ounces) condensed chicken broth


(I use 4 cups chicken stock for the above two ingredients)


1/2 cup uncooked quick-cooking couscous
(I use regular couscous, is there another kind?)


2 tablespoons chopped fresh or 2 teaspoons dried mint leaves


1/4 teaspoon pepper


1 medium tomato, seeded and chopped (about 3/4 cup) (about 1 medium)


Cook chilies, cumin, garlic and sausage in 3-quart nonstick saucepan over medium heat about 8 minutes, stirring occasionally, until sausage is brown; drain.


Stir in water and broth. Heat to boiling. Stir in couscous, mint and pepper; reduce heat. Cover and simmer 5 minutes. Stir in tomato. Serve with chopped fresh parsley, finely chopped garlic and lemon juice if desired.


[For nice, ripe summer tomatoes, I pour the soup over half a chopped tomato in each bowl.]

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I cook it in chicken broth, then make dressing to go on it:


olive oil

lemon juice



basic measurements, I use a Good Seasonings cruet for this step. Then add:


2 cloves crushed garlic

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp dill weed


Toss w/ couscous, a pint of cherry tomatoes (halved), and one seeded, diced cucumber.


Play with the recipe -- add chicken, olives, different herbs, etc.

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The key to excellent couscous is getting a light texture. The key to getting a light texture is good prep combined with multiple steamings (never boiling!).


Dry couscous should be worked between the palms with a little oil. Then further worked between the palms as a little water is slowly worked in. More rubbing (to break up any lumps) more water. More rubbing. When the couscous is just right it is steamed uncovered.


Then it is rubbed all over again and water and oil is adjusted, it is rubbed more, and steamed a second time.


Repeat and steamed a third time. Now the couscous should be light and fluffy.


Serve with a nice stew.



Edited by Spy Car
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Um, no. I am not a big fan of couscous but I only make it because it's ready fast. I am not going to steam it or massage it, nor spend all day making it. Sorry. I am sure it is much better that way, but no.


I have a recipe in a book (Miracle Foods for Kids, or something like that) that has roasted vegetables mixed with couscous and maybe grapes (?), anyway it looks yummy. I though tabouleh had bulgur in it, not couscous. But why not.


I ate some really fantastic vegetable tagine (=stew) in Paris at a Moroccan restaurant. A culinary highlight of my life.

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I saute flounder fillets with olive oil, garlic, dill and lemon, and cook couscous in a separate pot. Then I cook couscous with garlic, salt, olive oil and chicken broth. I add the chicken and pan scrapings and lemon juice to the couscous with chopped steamed broccoli and mix it all together. It is my (picky) son's favorite meal.

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:lol: I am so laughing at this thread because I made couscous once in my life and it is the one thing I ever made that no one in the family liked at all. I made it with garlic, onion, and some other spices...the recipes sounded like it should taste good but it was horrible.


Now whenever I make something that tastes bad, everyone always says, "Yeah, at least it isn't as bad as couscous!"

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I roast veggies - sweet pepper, butternut pumpkin, aubergine - add feta, olives, baby spinach leaves and sometimes sundried tomatoes, and mix with the couscous. I add balsamic vinegar for flavour. I have this either cold or as-it-comes.

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