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Beachbody WTMer's-can I brag about my Chalean Extreme results?

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I'm so happy today! I knew I had done well but was really pleased with results when I measured today.


These are my results-my first measurements were 12/30/10 and I had just gained about 10 lbs eating nonstop from Oct-Dec (holidays). I am 5/7". I did CE as recommended but the last month did more abs than she does and the last month I subbed running 3.5 miles for the second cardio day. Also on Saturdays I added in a 3.5 mile run on top of my scheduled strength dvd.


I ate clean and nutrient dense-no processed foods, mainly protein and vegetables with clean carbs like oatmeal, plus good fats, plenty of water. (For great recipes for how I ate, check out the Tosca Reno books-"The Eat Clean Diet" and others.) Most of the time I ate 3 meals plus snack per day, but the last 3 wks I went to eating every 2 1/2 to 3 hours, and I do think that helped me lose weight. I was never hungry either. I didn't even really have many cravings, which is UNUSUAL for me!! The first two months I would have one day a wk to eat what I wanted-go out for pizza or something. That worked out great. I didn't have any desserts or sugar though. (I do use honey and maple syrup as sweeteners). I was previously sugar-addicted, so this was fantastic. Had a green smoothie every day, but we've always done that. The lots of vegetables really made me feel good. We've always eaten organic and non-processed (except for my sugar foods I had in the back of the cupboard-lol) but I was not good about veggies except my smoothie.


I went from 150 lbs to 136 (I was not fat at all but like I said I had gained from holiday eating-I had also been fairly sedentary for a long time.) I didn't think I had lost that much! I didn't lose more than a few lbs for the whole first two months-it mostly all came off in the last Lean phase. (Although I could tell I was losing inches all along.)


Lost 4 inches on waist, 2 inches on hips, 2 inches on chest (wah!!!) 2 inches on thighs, 1/4 inch on calf, and 1/2 inch on bicep.


I am MUCH stronger and leaner and feel great! My skin looks wonderful too. Just wanted to share to encourage others to try CE! It was hard work but she made it fun and I looked forward to it every day, which was unusual for a dvd program! I only missed two scheduled workout days-one when dc were sick and one when I felt a cold coming on (which I never did get, thankfully-the day of rest helped!)


I thought I'd mostly just run and do some strength training on my own in the summer but now I'm afraid I'd lose muscle so I'm not sure what I'll do yet. I'd like to try P90X in the fall but I don't want to spend that much time every day so I'm not sure. I wish Chalean would do another one like CE!


Note: We have an important wedding to go to tonight so I had that as a goal and that really helped keep me on track-I was a lot stricter the last few wks to prep for the wedding.

Edited by HappyGrace
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Oh, Faithe-good for you-how wonderful that you were able to lose the weight w/out being active-that was so much harder, I know!!! I have prayed for your pain before when I've seen you post about it, and I'm praying for you right now.



I had a herniated disk in low back, so I know how it is. It took time (for me it was 10 yrs) but I finally got to the point where I could exercise, but still, every day that I exercise I pray for the Lord's annointing on my knees and back!

Edited by HappyGrace
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Very impressed! I am a Power90 person right now, trying to figure out what to do next. LG suggested Chalean since I have a problem knee. I would love to do P90 or Insanity but I think that those might not be so good for my knee.


I've added two spinning classes a week (with Army guys on the base, so you know that's gotta be tough!) and swimming 2-3 times a week while my kids do swim team. So, not even sure when to fit something else in.


But all you Beachbody people got me inspired to do this and for that I'm most grateful! Love to hear exciting news like what you've shared. Congrats!



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WAY TO GO!!!!!! You really did get amazing results! Congratulations!


I know what you mean about not wanting to stop that program to just running. I'm struggling with that decision. I need to start running again, but I'm afraid to stop my current Beachbody program because I'm seeing such great results.

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Although I have to admit that I am not 100% committed to it. We live on an army base in Germany and they have an incredible gym! Not just the actual machines, but the "energy" of working out next to soldiers keeps me very inspired. So, I do go there at least twice a week for a spinning class. Also, my kids swim with a swim team so if I'm hanging out at the pool for 1.5 hours I go ahead and swim for 50 min. So, I have to tell you up front that I'm not doing Tony as prescribed!


That said, he has lots of short bursts of things like jumping jacks, hopping on two feet back and forth across a line, and lunges. My knees do creak for the lunges, but don't really hurt. As for the jacks and hopping, I do it at a little less intensity. All of this is working out ok.


I don't know what's wrong with my knee. I had an MRI last year and it's not the cartilege (sp?), but in the words of my MD , "It's somehting with the femur that I've never seen before." I do know that I *can't* run on a regular basis and that I've been able to do Power 90.


Anyway, Power 90 has been working out great. I think it's fairly kind to knees. I looked at some TurboFire videos and I think they are about the same as for the hopping/jumping, so you could do it.


Probably way more than you want to know! Again, congrats and very cool to hear the results! You inspire me!



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Congrats to you!


I started P90 last spring and moved on to Chalean Extreme. I did GREAT until the holidays as well. Not only did I stop exercising, I ate horrible. I started back at Chalean about a month ago and have been great about getting the weight lifting days done, not so great about cardio. I hate cardio. So, while I have gotten my muscles back, I need to lose a few pounds so that they can shine. I am not overweight by other peoples' standards, but I want to burn off that flab on my belly.


Thanks, everyone! :)


Jeri-is Power 90 working ok for your knee? Are you seeing results? How long are the workouts each day? Maybe I should consider that one! I am worried too about the plyometrics in P90X on the knees.


As for this plan, P90 will be a step backwards for you after doing Chalean. P90 is a beginner program and Chalean Extreme is well, an extreme program. From experience, P90 will be too easy for you.


I am on my second round with Chalean. If you want to continue through the summer before starting P90X, I would do another round of Chalean. You will be challenged because you can probably move up on your weights. Or, you could move into the Lean for Life schedule that is in the manual.

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How long per day does it take? I have TurboFire, which I like, but I just don't have 1 hr a day to do it. Before I got pg with Leah, I was running an hour+ per day and loved that too. But I just don't have the time to get everyone up and ready for the Y and still have enough time to do school/chores/etc).


I need something in the 30 minute per day range.

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I ROCKED at the wedding last night!!! :party:


I felt so good-all the hard work was so worth it.


Thanks, Jeri and mothergoose, for the P90 info. I was talking to a girl last night who is doing P90X and she said except for the yoga, the workouts are only about 50 minutes (plus 14 min for the abs every other day). I think I am going to go with the P90X but not sure when. Dh is buying me a bike today so I think I can be pretty active over the summer. I don't want to do CE again right away but I would maybe start it again in about a month.


Thanks, everyone!

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